The End Of Neoliberalism

Nobody said it was gonna be easy.

Over at Naked Capitalism Yves Smith presents a brief history of economic neoliberalism, the fatal flaws and rising economic consensus against global neoliberalism.

The Movement to Replace Neoliberalism Is on the Ascendency – Where Should It Go Next?

Global grassroots groups are scoring victories:

This is because neoliberalism – the broad set of political-economic ideas and policies which have dominated public life over the last 40 years – has failed, in both theory and in practice. It is in the wake of the global financial crisis that these failures have plumbed new depths. Financial instability looms over economies shackled by insufficient investment. Living standards stagnate and work becomes ever more insecure, shattering the implicit bargain of the entire endeavour.

The human costs of this experiment have been enormous, with psychological and non-communicable ill-health becoming the hallmark of a system that cares for little but profit. Inequality, itself linked to ill-health, has grown to levels unseen since the nineteenth century, leading to large power imbalances throughout society. Socio-economic mobility has been further stalled by the erosion of the public realm, from universities to the legal system.

Most pressingly, neoliberalism continues to rely on a growth model that is destroying the biophysical preconditions upon which it relies, increasing the chance of collapse in the climate and other natural systems.

Yves mentions two economic paradigm shift in the past 100 years and throws in a link:

Time for a New Paradigm? Past and Present Transitions in Economic Policy

Yves lays out preliminary underpinnings of a paradigm shift:

Across each period, the process of a shift to a new sets of ideas can be split into three components:

its intellectual and academic underpinning, particularly within economics;

the policies and narratives through which it was expressed in the wider public domain; and

the political processes – notably elections of governments – which enabled it to be implemented and entrenched.

How do we get there from here?

Change Is Driven by an Ecosystem of Influential Organisations and Individuals

How does a paradigmatic shift come about? Change of this scale is conditional on events that erode confidence in the status quo and heighten the legitimacy of alternative ideas. But it is also a function of the preparedness of those movements espousing an alternative. The conditions for change may come by chance, but the change is won by those most prepared to capitalise on crisis. Those seeking a shift away from the post-war consensus knew this and developed an ecosystem of influence to increase the chance that their ideas would win the day if and when crisis came.

(emphasis added)

An ecosystem of influence. Okay. Next, we get a brief history of the Neoliberal paradigm shift:

By the early 1970s, the neoliberal counter-orthodoxy had organised into a transatlantic network of economists, think tanks and journalists. This network and its ideas increasingly populated political parties and government institutions, creating the intellectual conditions for change and ensuring that the neoliberal movement was prepared to capitalise on crisis. When this crisis came, neoliberal ideas entered government, first under the chaotic Labour and Democrat administrations of the late seventies, and later with the election of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

After triumphing in key battles against the commanding institutions of the post-war consensus and New Deal, these administrations scored the ultimate victory when centre-left parties [editBill Clinton and the DLC] adopted major elements of neoliberalism so that even changes of government could no longer halt the march of its ideas.

Yep. We've been royally screwed since the DLC Third Way Centrists joined the Reagan Revolution.

Now Is the Time for the New Economics Movement to Shift to the Next Gear

The problem:

However, outside of one or two notable efforts, we have not seen common narratives or policy solutions emerge. Our conclusion is that this results from material barriers to progress, rather than profound differences between groups. These barriers cover three areas:

the lack of a fully developed intellectual foundation;

the fact that most organisations are non-mainstream actors, or ‘outsiders’, with ‘insider’ or establishment activity still relatively thin; and

the absence of coordination and strategic direction covering a critical mass of the ecosystem, including for communications and media outreach, and funding and resource allocation.

(emphasis added)

Yep. We need a genuine progressive media megaphone, socialist left wing think tanks and substantial funding.
Anyone know where we can find a billionaire who loves his grandchildren and the planet more than he loves his money?

Last, but not least:

Younger Generations Must Be Given the Chance to Lead

Because it's their future and survival that are at stake.

In conclusion:

In an oft quoted remark, Milton Friedman, a key part of the neoliberal ecosystem of influence, once described its basic function as being to “develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable”. We do not yet have a critical mass of those alternatives and a common narrative around which to bind them. More shared spaces and coordination are needed to accelerate the process by which we reach this point. And while those spaces should be populated by all ages, the torch must be passed to a younger generation. It is they who will one day make the impossible inevitable.

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Wink's picture

is simple. And cheap. Simple does Not = easy, but it still means simple. And no need for billionaire funding, we can easily self-fund for $4 or $5 /month each. Any funds left over widens our reach.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Meteor Man's picture

Rewind from gjohnsit's News Dump Saturday:

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Wink's picture

@Meteor Man
be as pretty as Sinclair or any of the others. As aesthetics go we would rank dead last, except for maybe those willing to invest some of their hard earned. But, any of us could look as good as Sinclair for less than $1,800. But, for the most part our "operation" will look more like Debbie's on YouTube (if she's still there).
Think of 200 Debbie's from sea to shining sea, all creating 20-30 mins. of content each day, and sharing another 4-8 hours (or more) of content each day created by some of the other 199 operators. That could easily happen in two months or less, practically overnight. The cost? $10 /mo. (or less) for each operator - or $2 /mo. each if 1,000 of us share the cost. The tough part, as always, is herding cats, finding 1,000 progressives willing to kick in $2 a month. But, we do that and we have our megaphone.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Wink The last person I'd give money to is you or the Democrats you deal with. NOT POSSIBLE

Hillary on healthcare: "Never ever gonna happen!"
Wink on changing horrid behavior: "Not possible"

Same same. You guys are still stuck in the not possible realm, already full of boring voices, repeating the same ten articles from social media every day.

Keep doing the same things over and over and over, expecting different results. "Only $4 or $5 a month". No kidding? Despair IS what Bernie and the Ds are offering, new and improved bullshit liars. Small thinkers with big power trips.

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Wink's picture

Already got one.
And, yes, like a few more people, I believe the latest flury of "men are horrible misogynist sex abusing asshats" to be so much bull$h!t, manufactured, as always, by the MSM (and what's left of the "feminist movement"). This guy kinda sorta gets it, but dances around the point...
What he doesn't come right out and say is some of us are guided by our genitals and really don't much give a damn about a woman's fee fees. We want sex, dammit, and we want it right now! Sorry if her fee fees are hurt. Not.
That is the nature of man that most of us men won't admit to. Hell, deny.
And that ain't never going away. No amount of legislation or Women's Lib horse$h!t gonna cure that. Ever. It would be easier to take away Sunday football.
The good news for women is most of us men - well over 90% - suppress our sexuality. Every minute of every day. We learn very early on that "it's Not okay to touch." By 8th or 9th grade it's "keep it zipped." We get it. By 8th grade we know how to act, what our limits are, that we just can't walk over to Suzy's desk and cop a feel (as much as we all want to). We get it, we abide by it. Most of us anyway. Becuz without which you have no society. You have Mad Max. We know where the lines are drawn. Well, for those of us that live among the 95%. The upper 5% mostly abide by the rules too. But, when a few 5%ers say "fuck the rules, I'm going to get me some!" Then, women are shocked - Shocked! - that men behave badly - when it's in our very nature to behave badly. What's surprising is there isn't More bad behavior. Fact is, men are sexual beings that Want Sex All The Time. All The Time. All day long. 24/7. Women not so much. That some asshat grabbed your ass at the water cooler... he just doing what most men in the office thinking, and he prolly thought about it for months, certainly weeks, before working up the nerve. Doesn't make it right. The "no touching" rule still applies. And the asshat needs to be heard from from HR. But, no, it's not possible to cure our bad behavior. We're hard wired for bad behavior. Our "Must Have Sex" button is ALWAYS on. That doesn't make our bad behavior permissible. But, my lord, some of us are going to ignore the "no touching" rule. We just can't help it. sometimes our hard wiring trumps everything else, including centuries of women telling us "hands off!" Fortunately for women and society at large the large majority of us men play by the rules we all learned early on - even as that same society, via advertising, tv shows, movies, pop culture tells us to "go forth and fuck. Everything in sight."
I don't buy the current uproar. As far as I can remember it's ALWAYS been this way. The upper 5% get away with it, the rest of us get arrested. The way the world has Always worked. So, good luck trying to change that. Seriously! But, as far as we've come since the cave days I believe it's going to take that long, or longer, to cure sexual abuse.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

its death spiral Election Night 2016 when Trump got tired of waiting for Hillary's concession phone call and declared himself president. The Hillary defeat was (and still is) Yuuuge. The Beltway crowd and MSM knew Exactly what it meant - no more cozy movie nights at the WH - and That's why it took them so long to "call" the election. Like HRC herself they were looking for Any path to victory, any excuse not to call it for Trump.
And is also the reason for "Russia!!" With a villain responsible for Her defeat TPTB could still claim both Her and Her DNC were viable entities in 2017, '18. "We didn't lose, the Russians stole it!" "Hillary won by 3 million votes!" "Russia!!" took attention away from Her loss and, they hoped, Neoliberalism. It mostly worked. A year later the neolib DNC purged everyone but neolib loyalists. But it's too late to save. HRC needed to win for the Neolibs to maintain their status quo. She failed. Neoliberalism eventually fails, and sooner rather than later.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

snoopydawg's picture

A republic . . . if you can keep it.

We didn't keep it. We let them take it away from us little by little and now people are too tired from working 2-3 jobs just to keep up with their bills.
We are living in a full blown oligarchy, if not a fascist oligarchy. Starting with Reagan's tax cuts on down, we've watched as our jobs have been offered and income inequality has gone up. It skyrocketed during Obama's tenure as this chart shows.


Excellent article about how income inequality has spread since Reagan's tenure.

Our broken and rigged economy

Look at how much further the 90%'s income deteriorated during the Obama administration. This is the person that people want back in office.

Now republicans are getting ready to destroy any remaining semblance that our government is working to better our lives.

They have taken our liberties while telling us it's for our protection. They have militarized their protectors just in case we decide to rise up against them and fight back against what they have and are doing to us economically and they are willing to risk not only our lives, but the lives of every person on the planet in order for our country to be the remaining superpower. This is if climate change doesn't wipe us out first.

I have seen rumblings of people saying that they have had enough and are trying to come up with ideas for fighting back. This is only going to happen when millions of us are in the streets across the globe. This austerity and neoliberalism is going from country to country. There are people in other countries that are out in their streets protesting, but people here are focused on the new kabuki theater that the PTB are trying to distract us with, while they continue their madness!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

I don't think the government cares about people (unless those people are corporations).

Better gather with friends and help one another. I think that's a better bet than reforming this capitalism system run amok.

In case you are a reformer (and bless those folks) here's a straw of hope...
We must hold fast to the principles that awoke the political revolution, chief among them: a party funded by the oligarchs can never represent the people.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Meteor Man's picture

@Lookout @Lookout
That was the recommendation back in the day and it still applies. Thanks for link to The People's Party.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn