Elizabeth Warren donates $250,000 to the DSCC.
Our campaign just donated $250,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee – to help our 2016 Senate candidates take back the majority. Will you chip in right now and be a part of our work to stop Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump?
That was the last straw for me. No way do I want any money I donate to Warren to go to the DSCC, who then turn around and give that money to blue dogs and conservative democratic candidates.
So I clicked to unsubscribe from receiving any further emails from Warren.
Interestingly enough, here are choices I had:
To modify your email subscription, click here:
Receive less email: Sign up here and we'll make sure to cut back the number of emails you receive to approximately one a week
No fundraising emails: Sign up here and we'll continue to send you petition, event, and other advocacy emails, but no fundraising emails.
Don't want to receive emails about Hillary Clinton's campaign? Sign up here and we'll exclude you just from all Clinton emails.
Are you kidding me? She wouldn't bother to endorse Bernie early on, yet she "now" realizes that some/many people won't be supporting Hillary, so she includes as an unsubscribe option not to receive any emails about Hillary.
I'm guessing Hillary would NOT be happy if she knew that option was one of Warren's choices. Warren is not as (fill in the blank) as I thought she was becoming.
EDITED to add: And the last choice was to totally unsubscribe to everything, which I chose.

Hillary almost certainly knows about the option already
and likely doesn't care.
Warren knows about it
and you should care, or at least feel some smug satisfaction. Know why? Because that option means they already understand the part that all the "endorsements" in the world aren't helping Hagatha one bit.
I just unsubscribed.
Hadn't checked my "promotions" folder in awhile, which is where this one landed.
As much as I was tempted to select the Hillary Clinton only option, I'm not at all interested in hearing from Warren again. So I unsubscribed from all, answering the "tell us why you're leaving" question thusly:
"Two words: Hillary Clinton. Nice knowing you, Liz."
Agree, it doesn't matter
Hill will probably make lapdog Tim Kaine VP. Wall Street approves. E.Warren is toast, and a toady, as far as I'm concerned. She just ruined her career by falling on Clinton's corrupt sword. Coulda endorsed Bernie but went after the money and connections.
I want my money back.
I didn't contribute to Warren's campaign back in 2012 just so that she could turn around and support the neoliberal Democrats that have undercut our priorities at every turn. Nothing is worse than getting stabbed in the back by someone that you thought was on your side.
I have a serious case of buyer's remorse with her, just like I did with Obama in 2009.
It is amazing to me
that the unsubscribe for Warren's emails has an opt-out for Clinton emails only. That's got to be unprecedented in this milieu.
Was there a separate option somewhere to opt out of ALL emails? If not, as you get other emails from her, click unsubscribe there--would be interesting to see what options come up from there.
No wonder Bernie doesn't want to give her his list.
Must've been a pretty high percentage of unsubscribes coming from Hillspam to get its own entry.
Talk about poisoning the well.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I've never seen anything like it.
I'll know if he does
I tag my contribution emails with +org so I know who shares with who.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
The price of being a Senate Democrat
She's one of their best fundraisers, I would think: probably the only good one who doesn't pull almost all their money from Wall Street and big corporations. She'd better be careful lying down with those dogs. A lot of her fans don't care for getting fleas.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Yes, she is a good fundraiser.
I think it hurts her when some people donate money to her campaign and she gives it to the DSCC. I think she'd be better off headlining fundraisers just for the DSCC. I think she's only hurting herself doing it like this.
I remember reading a few years back when dem pols got angry with other dem pols for not contributing to the DCCC or DSCC when they had a few million sitting in their war chest and they were in a safe district or state.
Pretty sure the D senators have a quota
They have a certain amount they're required to donate to DSCC. Now that he's a declared Dem, Bernie probably has to donate as well.
Not excusing it, but just pointing it out.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
Warren WAS a good fundraiser
IF HRC moves into the Oval, Warren won't be able to do anything with her proposed banking regulations, or whatever it is/was she was trying to do. $Hillary is firmly in the pay of Wall Street, TBTF banks, and the like, and won't permit Warren to get anything done.
When Warren stooped to Drumpf's low level with her Tweets, I was appalled. Warren made it onto my DNR [Do Not Respect] list with her endorsement of HRC.
I do not, at this time, foresee any way Warren can redeem herself and enjoy the respect she once had (at least not with me; YMMV).
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Mrs. Greenspan really needs to retire and buy an
island or something.
She's on MSNBC saying Michelle Obama will speak on Monday night, Bill on Tuesday night, Obama and Biden on Wednesday night, Hillary introduced by Chelsea on Thursday night.
Oops, wonder if she left anyone out.
Mrs. Greenspan is a disgusting shill
Someday, we're all going to stop letting that garbage propaganda into our homes voluntarily. It was tough at first--we were both news junkies--but after about a couple weeks, it was worth it. It still feels good to have done it.
I encountered a similar set of choices
when I unsubscribed to Al Franken's email. The itty bitty "unsubscribe" was not easy to find. Feature, no bug. I also sent an email to his campaign explaining why I had unsubscribed and my intention to not donate to or vote for any Dem not recommended by Bernie. I've yet to decide what to do with Warren. I view her endorsement similar to Bernies with the difference being she seems to be getting in line. The donation to DSCC troubles me so I think an email to Warren with the same message is warranted.
On another topic my email spam decreased somewhat after I unsubscribed to Franken and a "progressive" organization who just wasn't right. There are a couple more I'm watching closely. I should have dumped DFA long ago but I keep it for comedic value. So far no HRC crap in the mail which suits me fine.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Not like Bernie's
I didn't read it, but there was an article published in Politico I think in the last week, about how Hillary and Liz have been working together since last year, and how she said back then she'd NEVER endorse Bernie.
She's been #withher the entire time. I presume they held off on the endorsement specifically to herd Bernie voters back to Clinton. You know, because Warren is such an authentic progressive and had been so supportive of Bernie. Except, of course, not at all, in any way that mattered. She's been actively fundraising for some of the worst corporate conservadems in the Senate. She's not a progressive. Just a Republican who used to be in favor of some consumer regulations.
Lets do another lap
on the Sellout!!! express. Politico publishes an article (a link might be helpful to allow us to consider the content for ourselves) saying Liz Warren is BFFs with Hillary Clinton. Always has been no less. We know that Warren endorsed HRC after the CA primary. We know that she is a fantastic fundraiser. I'll add that she is another Dem who publicly, loudly, says that beating Trump and taking the US Senate are her highest priorities. I know this because these are the focus of every single email I've received from her. Her, not Politico. I have to accept that you are correct that she is fundraising for incumbent Dems which almost by definition has to include conservadems. We know that she wrote the legislation establishing the CFPB and shepherded it through congress. I'll grant that she had positive things to say about Bernie and his campaign without ever endorsing him. I really don't have a feel for the temperature of her comments on Bernie. I seem to remember them having at least one joint event. I do remember thinking she had her reasons for withholding an endorsement. Probably a smart political calculation for a first term senator in an overheated presidential primary. That is the hard evidence. Right?
From that and a blender(?) we get to:
That sucker grew stout wings to get so far.
What's missing or going unsaid? We don't like the endorsement of HRC. Check. We don't like conservadems. Check. We don't like that she didn't endorse Bernie, fawn over him, or campaign harder for him. Check. We don't like fundraising but especially for Dems we don't support. Check. Fundraising for conservadems is suspicious by definition. Check. Any association with or aid to those who we see as corrupt, compromised, or not progressive enough is bad, m'kay? Check. We don't like Warren campaigning for HRC. Check and double, no, triple check! We've been deceived by others we once trusted. No more. They're all suspect. Check.
I may be missing others but that's enough to get us all the way to:
Anything wrong with the thinking behind this or am I the only one who sees it? I'll tell you what. I'm not going to unpack it. Chew on it a while. I'll fill in the spaces if you really can't see it and want to understand. Or you can tell me to fuck off back to where I came from in which case I'll fully understand. And I won't be the slightest bit offended.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
The Establishment neo-libs
The Establishment neo-libs somehow co-opted her, Warren is now their tool to pacify us on occasions.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
That headline should read "Elizabeth Warren donates $250,000
of other people's money to the DSCC"?
Money a lot of people would think twice before sending her again.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa