#10 CB, will you repost this again tomorrow? It deserves an entire thread on its own. Took me almost an hour to work thru this paper. There is a tremendous amount of information packed in here. Everything well explained and well sourced. Thanks for sharing.
Seems to me as someone who has a hustory of anxiety that incldes panic attacks a lot of symtoms people get are caused by prolonged anxiety. The last place I would go is to a hospital. Been there done that years before the plague raised its ugly scary head.
Last najor panic artack I had that took me to the emergency room the guy testing my heart rate wispered to me Try accunpunture. I did and it worked for me. Do did walking 2 miles a day. I have never faired well on perscription drugs. Any time I took them from birth control pills to cortizone for my rashs the so called remedy was worse then my various ailments.
So now Im back to square one. Not vacinatted so no accunpure. So called supply chain issues have made it hard to eat healthy. On every level we're bombarded with fear and loathing. Have no cable, no TV just the creepy net.
Ask me most of whats going down is ditectly the result of globalization. Chickens finally roosting. I totally do not leave the house.Not good for mental health. My husband who's not covid phobic shops for us.He had one jab but hasn't had another since they started with more shots and boosters. Neither of us are super spreaders.
He's a musicain as well as a statistician. Lots of our friends are vaccinated up the wazoo and now have this new Omigod variant. Were lucky we work from home have for decades and live in a neighborhood where we used to walk daily for groceries. My accunpturist is right up the street. However as an evil non vaccinated person forget about it.
I don't trust the gobbledygook stats either from faulty testing or the devious counts they pull out of their butts. We disagree as he's big on numbers. Me I think where in the hell did they get these numbers. Numbers don't lie but gimme the source. There is a huge difference imo between technology and science. Math is science but easily manipulated when it comes to statistics and damn lies.
Thanks to all of you here. You help me cope immensely. Feels safe. No one yelling at me cause I am dubious about most media including covid reporting. Who to believe? ? Hopefully my medical neighbors and friends are right saying this is on the wane. God knows what else tey will use to scare everyone into compliance eith their sick global agenda.
Given your expanded awareness coupled with your careful noise filtering, you are something of an ultra sensitive oracle. I am always eager to hear your impressions. I believe they are very valuable. I realize that it's no picnic being as sensitive and empathic as you are with only thin natural barriers against the information onslaught. You manage it well, I think.
I devour mountains of information, but all of it is conditional and much of it gets cancelled out. What is left you likely already know. In other words, you're probably not missing much and what's real is probably getting through to you. My own anxiety comes from my propensity to predict the future based, in part, on the data, and in part, on more esoteric truths. I am less inclined to comment, as a result of what I see.
Staying Safe is a specific methodology and it has a specific goal. People staying safe are waiting for a type of medication or treatment that kills the coronavirus if it touches us or enters our environment. Vaccines that merely enhance our immune systems are not good enough to stop the infection cycle or to end this pandemic. Many immune systems in a given population do not function well enough to be super-charged by these vaccines. So, the prudent avoid infection and wait for the right drugs to be produced that will eradicate the coronavirus altogether.
If we look at national strategies, we see that is what China is doing. Infection from SARS=CoV-2 brings life-long complications to people's health, even asymptomatic infections. In many cases, the virus never leaves the body. It hibernates. China doesn't want a sickly population, so they have a zero tolerance for Covid-19. They will never stop stamping out every single infection. This is a perfectly reasonable strategy, because the correct type of drug (or insecticide) will be found. Soon, I would think.
In the meantime, Staying-Safe is an elegant, thoughtful approach, with many interesting benefits.
Seems to me as someone who has a hustory of anxiety that incldes panic attacks a lot of symtoms people get are caused by prolonged anxiety. The last place I would go is to a hospital. Been there done that years before the plague raised its ugly scary head.
Last najor panic artack I had that took me to the emergency room the guy testing my heart rate wispered to me Try accunpunture. I did and it worked for me. Do did walking 2 miles a day. I have never faired well on perscription drugs. Any time I took them from birth control pills to cortizone for my rashs the so called remedy was worse then my various ailments.
So now Im back to square one. Not vacinatted so no accunpure. So called supply chain issues have made it hard to eat healthy. On every level we're bombarded with fear and loathing. Have no cable, no TV just the creepy net.
Ask me most of whats going down is ditectly the result of globalization. Chickens finally roosting. I totally do not leave the house.Not good for mental health. My husband who's not covid phobic shops for us.He had one jab but hasn't had another since they started with more shots and boosters. Neither of us are super spreaders.
He's a musicain as well as a statistician. Lots of our friends are vaccinated up the wazoo and now have this new Omigod variant. Were lucky we work from home have for decades and live in a neighborhood where we used to walk daily for groceries. My accunpturist is right up the street. However as an evil non vaccinated person forget about it.
I don't trust the gobbledygook stats either from faulty testing or the devious counts they pull out of their butts. We disagree as he's big on numbers. Me I think where in the hell did they get these numbers. Numbers don't lie but gimme the source. There is a huge difference imo between technology and science. Math is science but easily manipulated when it comes to statistics and damn lies.
Thanks to all of you here. You help me cope immensely. Feels safe. No one yelling at me cause I am dubious about most media including covid reporting. Who to believe? ? Hopefully my medical neighbors and friends are right saying this is on the wane. God knows what else tey will use to scare everyone into compliance eith their sick global agenda.
Why all of a sudden has the cdc relaxed it’s number of quarantine days? Weren’t they just recently freaking out about we gotta to take the strain off of hospitals? Walensky is sending mixed messages by first saying that infections start a few days before symptoms and last 2-3 days after they appear. But in the next breath she said that people can test positive for up to 12 days. But wait there’s more. They ain’t going to focus on case numbers anymore either although that’s all they have been focusing on for 2 years.
But it’s not just us. Israel recently was going for their 4th jab, but now they are going for herd immunity. Boris told the Brits to just have a great time on New Year’s Eve. But just last week NYC was down scaling their Times Square event and Fauci told us not to visit granny because it’s so infectious. Of course we won’t be focusing on cases after they get rid of the PCR tests that can’t tell the difference between the flu and Rona. But Biden’s still sending out 500 million tests for us to use at home.
So just relax folks it looks like this is soon to be over. Welp except that hospitals are still going to be overwhelmed because those naughty people who won’t get jabbed are responsible for that and lots of non emergency surgeries are still being canceled. Of course hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed if hedge funds hadn’t closed so many resulting in thousands of less beds available or for them firing the naughty nurses who are too selfish to get jabbed. Tell me how any of that makes sense. I guess the good news is that since they are not going to focus on cases there is no reason to mandate them? Or is Biden still going to insist on that? Stay tuned cuz the ride is gonna get bumpy and keep your hands inside the car at all times. Help!
whelp, this is sorta like a crock a shit pot
just plug it in, throw your brains and sauces in and let it
simmer while you go off and make money to pay for it
when you get home, it a whole new dish!
devour results and pretend it's good enough
leftovers may be harmful to ones ability to recreate
accurately, so cook at your own risk
Why all of a sudden has the cdc relaxed it’s number of quarantine days? Weren’t they just recently freaking out about we gotta to take the strain off of hospitals? Walensky is sending mixed messages by first saying that infections start a few days before symptoms and last 2-3 days after they appear. But in the next breath she said that people can test positive for up to 12 days. But wait there’s more. They ain’t going to focus on case numbers anymore either although that’s all they have been focusing on for 2 years.
But it’s not just us. Israel recently was going for their 4th jab, but now they are going for herd immunity. Boris told the Brits to just have a great time on New Year’s Eve. But just last week NYC was down scaling their Times Square event and Fauci told us not to visit granny because it’s so infectious. Of course we won’t be focusing on cases after they get rid of the PCR tests that can’t tell the difference between the flu and Rona. But Biden’s still sending out 500 million tests for us to use at home.
So just relax folks it looks like this is soon to be over. Welp except that hospitals are still going to be overwhelmed because those naughty people who won’t get jabbed are responsible for that and lots of non emergency surgeries are still being canceled. Of course hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed if hedge funds hadn’t closed so many resulting in thousands of less beds available or for them firing the naughty nurses who are too selfish to get jabbed. Tell me how any of that makes sense. I guess the good news is that since they are not going to focus on cases there is no reason to mandate them? Or is Biden still going to insist on that? Stay tuned cuz the ride is gonna get bumpy and keep your hands inside the car at all times. Help!
Sounds about right and a perfect way to sum up the last 2 years. Jen Ruben one of the more famous mouthpieces for government propaganda makes an appearance in the article. Even the shitlibs are not buying this new direction from Fauci and Walensky and Biden. It’s mild though compared to how they’d react if Trump did it. This whole new scenario just doesn’t make sense. WHAT ABOUT THE HOSPITALS? Did that problem just go away?
whelp, this is sorta like a crock a shit pot
just plug it in, throw your brains and sauces in and let it
simmer while you go off and make money to pay for it
when you get home, it a whole new dish!
devour results and pretend it's good enough
leftovers may be harmful to ones ability to recreate
accurately, so cook at your own risk
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sounds about right and a perfect way to sum up the last 2 years. Jen Ruben one of the more famous mouthpieces for government propaganda makes an appearance in the article. Even the shitlibs are not buying this new direction from Fauci and Walensky and Biden. It’s mild though compared to how they’d react if Trump did it. This whole new scenario just doesn’t make sense. WHAT ABOUT THE HOSPITALS? Did that problem just go away?
5 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Now that the whole country has been boosted ad infinitum and their immune systems are compromised, officialdom needs to switch gears to 'allowing' the virus to infect everyone to hide the real cause of sickness in the population; namely, the vaccine. We might also expect to see the untimely emergence of a vaccine resistant variant to further justify an end to the inoculation program. A vaccine resistant variant would allow health officials to bow out gracefully - well, we tried.
Gah I hate being this cynical but it crossed my mind too. If the jabs harms people’s immune systems then that makes sense.
makes more sense?
Pfizer is working on a solution for that ...
be out just in time for the next planned panic
6 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Now that the whole country has been boosted ad infinitum and their immune systems are compromised, officialdom needs to switch gears to 'allowing' the virus to infect everyone to hide the real cause of sickness in the population; namely, the vaccine. We might also expect to see the untimely emergence of a vaccine resistant variant to further justify an end to the inoculation program. A vaccine resistant variant would allow health officials to bow out gracefully - well, we tried.
Gah I hate being this cynical but it crossed my mind too. If the jabs harms people’s immune systems then that makes sense.
4 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The newest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance shortening the isolation period for those with COVID-19 from 10 days to five days has led to a growing concern about its impact on essential workers such as nurses and airline staff.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the decision to change the guidelines was, in part, to "keep the critical functions of society open and operating."
"We started to see challenges with ... airline flights and other areas. We started first with doing the health care workers last week to make sure that we could make — keep our hospitals functioning safely and open," Walensky told NPR on Tuesday.
The CDC says its decision is also based on the science showing that a majority of COVID-19 illnesses get passed around in the first few days of the infection. Other public health experts say that's true — but there's still a chance that transmission to others could happen after the five-day benchmark.
In the letter, CEO Ed Bastian — along with the airline's medical adviser and chief health officer — asks Walensky to consider shortening the isolation period to five days for those who experience a breakthrough infection.
"With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the 10-day isolation for those who are fully vaccinated may significantly impact our workforce and operations," the Delta officials write.
The CDC's balancing act
Walensky, in her interview with NPR, said, "We can't take science in a vacuum."
"We have to put science in the context of how it can be implemented in a functional society. So we always do that," she said.
CNN's @kaitlancollins: "It sounds like this decision had just as much to do with business as it did the science."
@CDCDirector Dr. Rochelle Walensky: "It really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate."
Fauci following the science.
Which brings us to Thursday, when Dr. Anthony Fauci defended the CDC's revised guidance - and admitted it was about keeping society running (i.e. what anti-lockdown advocates have been screaming for two years when previous strains still only had a 1% mortality rate for most people).
"The reason is that now that we have such an overwhelming volume of cases coming in, many of which are without symptoms, there's the danger that this is going to have a really negative impact on our ability to really get society to function properly," Fauci told NewsNation's "Morning in America."
"The CDC made a decision to balance what's good for public health at the same time as keeping the society running," Fauci continued, noting that the CDC "thought it out well," even though the decision wasn't "100% risk-free."
As for people leaving isolation after five days who are asymptomatic (though CDC guidelines say you can frolick in public if your symptoms are 'resolving'): "Let them go out with a mask being careful so that they can fulfill their job in society to keep society going smoothly."
Funny how just last week Fauci was telling the jabbed not to go see people during Xmas unless it’s a person you haven’t seen in awhile like the virus would know that and not infect you because you hadn’t seen them in awhile.
Indeed many in the public discourse have been canceled for making just such an argument based on cost-benefit analysis centered on the end goal of keeping "society functioning properly". And don't forget scenes like this from a mere short time ago...
The very dark lines on the test shown here indicate very high virus load
By definition:
To get this much virus protein to turn an Ag pos like this - REQUIRES bery active virus replication: Infectious!
You have to social distance all through the airport with your masks on, but once on the plane your seated right next to people and you can take your mask off when you are eating or drinking because just like you have to wear it when you enter a restaurant and then take it off the virus knows that and it won’t infect you. How do they know that? They followed the science.
Yah - it happened It was intense. I don't know when it will air -but soon.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
6 hr ago
So, I spent the afternoon in Austin, Texas. Met the amazing Joe Rogan. Someone speaking truth to power. The talk was intense and honest and mind blowing.
I will let you all know when the interview airs - as soon as i know it.
Thanks. Hopefully it airs soon. Rogan had a sold out show in Canada that got canceled because he’s not jabbed. He has natural immunity tho.
Yah - it happened It was intense. I don't know when it will air -but soon.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
6 hr ago
So, I spent the afternoon in Austin, Texas. Met the amazing Joe Rogan. Someone speaking truth to power. The talk was intense and honest and mind blowing.
I will let you all know when the interview airs - as soon as i know it.
(Snoop the dog, Joe and I in the photo above)
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It follows New Zealand. As you know, the two heads of state, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland were both nurtured by Klaus Schwab of the WEF. Both will only accept documented proof of current vaccination. Even proof of natural immunity is not acceptable. Both revel in their positions of having ultimate control. It shows on their faces.
I can do that.
It needs an entire day to digest.
varients and all that jazz
Seems to me as someone who has a hustory of anxiety that incldes panic attacks a lot of symtoms people get are caused by prolonged anxiety. The last place I would go is to a hospital. Been there done that years before the plague raised its ugly scary head.
Last najor panic artack I had that took me to the emergency room the guy testing my heart rate wispered to me Try accunpunture. I did and it worked for me. Do did walking 2 miles a day. I have never faired well on perscription drugs. Any time I took them from birth control pills to cortizone for my rashs the so called remedy was worse then my various ailments.
So now Im back to square one. Not vacinatted so no accunpure. So called supply chain issues have made it hard to eat healthy. On every level we're bombarded with fear and loathing. Have no cable, no TV just the creepy net.
Ask me most of whats going down is ditectly the result of globalization. Chickens finally roosting. I totally do not leave the house.Not good for mental health. My husband who's not covid phobic shops for us.He had one jab but hasn't had another since they started with more shots and boosters. Neither of us are super spreaders.
He's a musicain as well as a statistician. Lots of our friends are vaccinated up the wazoo and now have this new Omigod variant. Were lucky we work from home have for decades and live in a neighborhood where we used to walk daily for groceries. My accunpturist is right up the street. However as an evil non vaccinated person forget about it.
I don't trust the gobbledygook stats either from faulty testing or the devious counts they pull out of their butts. We disagree as he's big on numbers. Me I think where in the hell did they get these numbers. Numbers don't lie but gimme the source. There is a huge difference imo between technology and science. Math is science but easily manipulated when it comes to statistics and damn lies.
Thanks to all of you here. You help me cope immensely. Feels safe. No one yelling at me cause I am dubious about most media including covid reporting. Who to believe? ? Hopefully my medical neighbors and friends are right saying this is on the wane. God knows what else tey will use to scare everyone into compliance eith their sick global agenda.
I trust your impressions.
Given your expanded awareness coupled with your careful noise filtering, you are something of an ultra sensitive oracle. I am always eager to hear your impressions. I believe they are very valuable. I realize that it's no picnic being as sensitive and empathic as you are with only thin natural barriers against the information onslaught. You manage it well, I think.
I devour mountains of information, but all of it is conditional and much of it gets cancelled out. What is left you likely already know. In other words, you're probably not missing much and what's real is probably getting through to you. My own anxiety comes from my propensity to predict the future based, in part, on the data, and in part, on more esoteric truths. I am less inclined to comment, as a result of what I see.
Staying Safe is a specific methodology and it has a specific goal. People staying safe are waiting for a type of medication or treatment that kills the coronavirus if it touches us or enters our environment. Vaccines that merely enhance our immune systems are not good enough to stop the infection cycle or to end this pandemic. Many immune systems in a given population do not function well enough to be super-charged by these vaccines. So, the prudent avoid infection and wait for the right drugs to be produced that will eradicate the coronavirus altogether.
If we look at national strategies, we see that is what China is doing. Infection from SARS=CoV-2 brings life-long complications to people's health, even asymptomatic infections. In many cases, the virus never leaves the body. It hibernates. China doesn't want a sickly population, so they have a zero tolerance for Covid-19. They will never stop stamping out every single infection. This is a perfectly reasonable strategy, because the correct type of drug (or insecticide) will be found. Soon, I would think.
In the meantime, Staying-Safe is an elegant, thoughtful approach, with many interesting benefits.
Yeah thingy seem to be a little weird with the new messaging
Why all of a sudden has the cdc relaxed it’s number of quarantine days? Weren’t they just recently freaking out about we gotta to take the strain off of hospitals? Walensky is sending mixed messages by first saying that infections start a few days before symptoms and last 2-3 days after they appear. But in the next breath she said that people can test positive for up to 12 days. But wait there’s more. They ain’t going to focus on case numbers anymore either although that’s all they have been focusing on for 2 years.
But it’s not just us. Israel recently was going for their 4th jab, but now they are going for herd immunity. Boris told the Brits to just have a great time on New Year’s Eve. But just last week NYC was down scaling their Times Square event and Fauci told us not to visit granny because it’s so infectious. Of course we won’t be focusing on cases after they get rid of the PCR tests that can’t tell the difference between the flu and Rona. But Biden’s still sending out 500 million tests for us to use at home.
So just relax folks it looks like this is soon to be over. Welp except that hospitals are still going to be overwhelmed because those naughty people who won’t get jabbed are responsible for that and lots of non emergency surgeries are still being canceled. Of course hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed if hedge funds hadn’t closed so many resulting in thousands of less beds available or for them firing the naughty nurses who are too selfish to get jabbed. Tell me how any of that makes sense. I guess the good news is that since they are not going to focus on cases there is no reason to mandate them? Or is Biden still going to insist on that? Stay tuned cuz the ride is gonna get bumpy and keep your hands inside the car at all times. Help!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
you may have heard of the crock pot
whelp, this is sorta like a crock a shit pot
just plug it in, throw your brains and sauces in and let it
simmer while you go off and make money to pay for it
when you get home, it a whole new dish!
devour results and pretend it's good enough
leftovers may be harmful to ones ability to recreate
accurately, so cook at your own risk
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A crock pot full of crap?
Sounds about right and a perfect way to sum up the last 2 years. Jen Ruben one of the more famous mouthpieces for government propaganda makes an appearance in the article. Even the shitlibs are not buying this new direction from Fauci and Walensky and Biden. It’s mild though compared to how they’d react if Trump did it. This whole new scenario just doesn’t make sense. WHAT ABOUT THE HOSPITALS? Did that problem just go away?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
perhaps a crack pot full of crap pot
makes more sense?
Pfizer is working on a solution for that ...
be out just in time for the next planned panic
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
From the comments:
Gah I hate being this cynical but it crossed my mind too. If the jabs harms people’s immune systems then that makes sense.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
the real cause of sickness in the population; namely, the vacci
sounds about right
won't be jabbing our way out of this one ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Wondering why the CDC changed its guidelines?
But let’s look at what else Walensky said shall we?
Fauci following the science.
Funny how just last week Fauci was telling the jabbed not to go see people during Xmas unless it’s a person you haven’t seen in awhile like the virus would know that and not infect you because you hadn’t seen them in awhile.
You have to social distance all through the airport with your masks on, but once on the plane your seated right next to people and you can take your mask off when you are eating or drinking because just like you have to wear it when you enter a restaurant and then take it off the virus knows that and it won’t infect you. How do they know that? They followed the science.
Boy that sure sounds a lot we’re going for herd immunity to me! Didn’t people give Trump shit for that? Democrats sure did.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This one's for you snoopydawg
Thanks. Hopefully it airs soon. Rogan had a sold out show in Canada that got canceled because he’s not jabbed. He has natural immunity tho.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Canada is not like in most EU countries.
It follows New Zealand. As you know, the two heads of state, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland were both nurtured by Klaus Schwab of the WEF. Both will only accept documented proof of current vaccination. Even proof of natural immunity is not acceptable. Both revel in their positions of having ultimate control. It shows on their faces.