The decline and fall of the savior of neoliberalism


In the summer of 2017, mainstream newspapers and magazines all over the world literally gushed like schoolgirls with a crush over Emmanuel Macron.
He was going to save the neoliberal center. Savior was a word used without shame or irony.
I thought I was missing something. How could this former investment banker be so special?

It turns out the globe's neoliberals invented their savior, because that is what they wanted to see.

Now the carriage has turned into a pumpkin. Macron’s popularity has plummeted to 26%. Opinion polls for the 2019 European parliament elections predict that Le Pen’s National Rally will be level with Macron’s La République En Marche – if not far ahead. According to political scientist Pascal Perrineau, he has lost three parts of his voter base: the left and the centre-left through his fiscal measures in favour of the rich; pensioners who have suffered cuts; and the middle classes and young voters. With these last ones, the bottom is falling out of Macronism: there is no longer any centrism as defined by Macron’s famous “at the same time” expression.
Macron has lost – paradoxically – by forgetting his own “at the same time” slogan: tax handouts to rich investors (a flat tax on capital) were not balanced by a gesture to France’s poorest. It slipped his mind. And he hadn’t realised that a large proportion of middle-class people were at the end of their tether

Macron didn't forget this. He never cared enough to begin with.
Neoliberals simply don't give a flying f*ck about the working class. They never have and they never will. This is why they remained puzzled by the rise of populism, because none of their logic takes class into account.

The Yellow Vests are the last straw for Macron. He'll never recover from it.

Familiar Parisian images are back in the news: black smoke billowing from makeshift barricades on the Champs-Élysées; cobblestones hurled at the police by protesters; the Arc de Triomphe disappearing behind a cloud of tear gas. But this time, the images feature something new: The protesters are wearing yellow, high-visibility vests.

They aren’t longhaired students or militant trade unionists or even angry farmers. They are unaffiliated with a political party and they come from a variety of class backgrounds. Leaderless, they have gathered thanks to social media and they have pointedly called themselves Gilets Jaunes, or Yellow Vests. They are shaking French politics to the core.
It’s almost as if Mr. Macron, a centrist who rejects both right and left labels, has found in the Yellow Vests an opponent to his measure: a movement that refuses categorizing.

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Bollox Ref's picture

Arrogant, charmless, banker asshole, with delusions of grandeur (see Napoleon, God, etc.), unpopular with general populace.

Macron 1er might be the first and last of that Imperial House.


Another Third Way fraud.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

snoopydawg's picture

This should have been people's first clue about how he would rule if elected. Looks like France is having the same buyer's remorse that we did.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pricknick's picture


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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.


officially the Democratic nominee (after an oh so democratic, small D primary, of course), polls showed him losing the general to every passenger packed into the 2012 Republican Presidential hopeful clown car AND Mr. Generic Republican. But, Axelrod (who would no doubt openly or covertly make himself available to Macron for the right number of francs).

And then, someone supposedly "happened" to get hired as a bartender for a very select Romney fundraiser and, while there, "happened" to leave his phone on to record Romney's referring to military veterans, recipients of OASDI and other citizen recipients of federal money in a (shocker!) very demeaning way. And this bartender "happened to deliver the recording" to s relative of President Carter. Yadda, yadda, voters went for the candidate who knew enough to re-hire Axelrod and finally knew better than to describe "the other side" with anything like "so they cling to their Bibles and their guns."

Obama also happened to have not only the standard-issue incumbent advantage, but also the advantage of an incumbent President--and CIC-- during a war.* And a war for which he (like Nixon) could not even be blamed.

US voters have never voted out a war-time incumbent, even Tricky Dick as WAPO's Watergate reporting was hitting the fan several times a day, from June 18, 1972 to election day and beyond.

*Perhaps interesting to contemplate: Every day and every evening, Carter was mocked for not waging war over the hostages--who would assuredly have been the very first victims of a US war against Iran. If Carter had done what he was being goaded to do, resulting in many casualties on both sides, might Carter have improved his chances of defeating Reagan, despite the warm fuzzy feelings American had for the affable, All American "aw, shucks-ness" of the film and television hero?

We will never know, dear reader, but one thing is certain: Carter did not lose to Reagan because Carter was a Sixties type liberal, nor did Mondale lose to Reagan for that reason. Among many other things, Carter was, for his day, a relatively conservative Democrat on issues other than civil rights, as was Mondale.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

They make good promises, then they break them, then they act like they've never heard of how democracy, or even promises, work. This is just...stupid. What are THEY expecting to happen?

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat

got it.

What they got long before we did: Politicians who sell out to the richest 10% of Americanx, including, of course, the biggest political donors, get richer faster than politicians who, while in office, attempt to accomplish really good things for the other 90% of us. And it's fine if so doing ends up costing them their political offices: The "sacrifices" of politicians on behalf of the very wealthiest Americans will be rewarded after they leave office.

Look at Clinton and Obama, or Cantor or Dodd or Lieberman, or almost any corporatist, Republican or Democrat. They all did/do quite well after leaving office, in terms of highly-paying, prestigious and power-broking jobs. Think tanks, lobbying firms, other lobbying firms law firms, lobbying heads of industry associations, "contributors" on MSNBC, whatever.

It's that retirement security despite harming and disgusting most constituents that was the final piece needed to ensure that politicians would benefit the wealthiest, no matter how much it might piss off a majority of their respective constituents. It was that final retirement piece that completed their journey to fascism, plutonomy, oligarchy or whatever label du jour one prefers. And of course, that piece is in addition to all the perks they vote themselves, above and beyond the salaries they collect for fundraising most of the time while they are in office. Sadly, most of us had no choice but to accompany them on that fetid journey.

Gone are the days of a politician like Harry Truman, who, in his post-Presidency, had to ask Congress for a pension of $10,000 because his post-Presidenced involved so much correspondence and other work stemming from his Presidency; dand he believed that the Presidency should not be degraded by a former President's charging Americans for something like a speech. No office, no staff, no other retirement bennies, not even a franking privilege. Just, "Please, please Congress,vote me a total of $10,000 a year so I don't need to pimp out my Presidency or to refuse to respond to citizens who write me and those who want me to make a speech because I was President.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration of this plea, Harry."

Or, at least, so this story has come down to us.

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jobu's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

They make good promises, then they break them, then they act like they've never heard of how democracy, or even promises, work. This is just...stupid. What are THEY expecting to happen?

All I have seen in left politics in my lifetime has been as follows:

New, true blue (fake) rising star of the left, speaks the language, gets assailed by the right, gets elected.

New, true blue (fake) rising star of the left moderates language, gets assailed by left and right, gets reelected.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

My new Congresswoman, Jahanna Hayes being the latest incarnation. See her here speak to a Mourning Joe panel in full moderation mode while answering the 'raise taxes' question just as your typical, cowering-in-fear centrist would answer that question.

Having met her and talked to her before her hotly contested primary, she hit all the bullet points of progressive policy. Once the primary was over, her website changed her position on MFA to "moving toward" from all out support.

We will see if she cosponsors MFA in the House or if she takes her mentor Senator Chris Murphy's stance and pushes for the weak tea of a Public Option.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@jobu J. Hayes is now not for M4A but for "building on what we have already".

What we have already is a proven blueprint for letting people die under the ruse of "humanitanism" and expanding "access". Access to what? Access to emergency room band-aid repair leaving the patient's gaping wounds unattended until after the acute hemorrhage ceases?

Barbara Lee, a genuine progressive could have benefitted from the support of these nominal new progressives, even if not reaching a critical vote tally to obtain speaker hood, but enough to put Republicans within reach of speakership via Democratic abstention from Pelosi-ism. Pelosi would have to make concessions to these allegedly unruly far-left upstarts or risk loss of position through lack of unified party support. Yet in a move so similar to Bernie's ultimate genuflection at the feet of the Evil Queen, these new pseudo-progressives have dispelled any fiction of what their political agendas are--me, my, mine, and more for me--and fuck you all who object. These pseudo-progressives are now being digested in the gastric juices of the establishments Demonrats, illustrating them to be what they are all: hypocritical, calculating liars. We need at least one more strong party. I wouldn't call the Dims particularly strong, either.

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more powerful than his first election made him?

As for Macron's having been elected in the first instance, we exported Third Way to France and other European nation. We did so in the persons of none other than the first female member of the DLC and the first full-time employee of the DLC. These were, respectively, Hillary Clinton Herself and Al From Himself, both of whom arrived in Europe via Trojan Horse Airways.

in the identical way and more, we also exported to France and other European nations the perennial neoliberal lie that Sixties-type "paleo-liberals" cannot win elections. especially Presidential elections; and, therefore, anyone who does not vote for the neoliberal only helps elect the most evil candidate in the bunch. And, there, just as here, many believed that Big Lie.

Of course, Nixon would have been elected in 1968 and re-elected in 1972, even if Christ Himself had returned for the specific purpose of opposing Nixon. And the Big Lie that neoliberal "leaders" and their bots love to repeat is the reason that US Democrats have been conditioned since the tragic 1968 election to "vote blue, no matter who."

IMO, the Big Lie is also the reason Macron got elected. There, as here, an incumbent in times that are troublesome to voters will very likely be re-elected, much as was Nixon in 1972. Only Macron won't be likely to do France the favor of resigning so that a somewhat sane and less evil President can succeed him, as happened when Ford succeeded Nixon.

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Alligator Ed's picture


Seizing the chance to capitalize on a protest nobody saw coming, both Marine Le Pen on the extreme right and Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the radical left have tried to jump on the bandwagon, but to no avail. The protesters seem wholly uninterested in party politics. Their demands are as varied as they are vague. But they do have something in common with the extreme right and the radical left: a profound dislike of Mr. Macron.

His elitist disdain for anyone of lower social importance (i.e., money) is too obvious. If there were a recall or French equivalent, most of the vote would go far-left (Melenchon) or far-right (LePen). Let's hope the French electorate is not so ignorant of reality as most American voters.

Films of the riot show the wimpy response of Parisian law enforcement (because no big corporate holdings were under attack).

Rothschild controls the money.
CIA controls the muscle.
Vive la France(?)

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