Dear Republican Establishment
I'm coming to help you out here, you freaking maniac wingnuts. Only because I hate to see suffering, even amongst my enemies. Here's what you do. Tell Donald you will support him IF he picks a VP acceptable to you. Then, should il Duce II actually get elected, IMPEACH him! I know you folks are chomping at the bit to impeach Hillary, so this could be your fallback position should you not get THAT chance. You can still impeach someone! Big win for you, small win for your opposition. Please consider this option.
A wingnut hating sane American
Actually we should watch carefully who The Donald picks. It will give us a clue as to if this idea is a possible reality. I know it seems a bit farfetched BUT given what we've seen from them I have a hard time believing it to be impossible. Perhaps some republican will see this and pass it along up the chain. Think about it, I could be responsible for saving the world from il Duce II !
Thank you all.
(wee! my first blog here!)
BTW I was lying about the hating to see suffering thing. For them I can set aside that part of my personal code of living.
vp pick very important - people need to ask now
Personally, I think he'll get bored/frustrated and leave before he gets impeached. That said, his VP will be president before his first term is up if we don't get our collective heads screwed on straight and make sure that he isn't elected at all. His nomination does not just represent a failed Republican party but also the failed 4th estate. He is supremely unqualified to be President of the US. This would be the crowning achievement it a series of events that knocks us off the 'leader of the free world' mantle everywhere.
I cannot get past the idea that this is all a game for him
That he is doing this to give America (or some parts of it) a YUGE middle finger.
I keep expecting him to stand up and say, "Just kidding!" But, no. He appears to really want to be president.
If that is the case, and if he wins, which seems ever more likely, his choice of VP will be in line with all his insults, attacks, and crazy statements. Palin? Fiorina? Glen Beck? Sean Hannity? Charley Shean?
Bill encouraged Trump to run eh?
Does Trump look like someone trying to throw the election to you? He does to me. It's like he's trying to piss off as many people as he can before November. After hearing that Bill encouraged him to run, I can't help but think that Trump is a tool that Billary is using to their benefit. But methinks the Clinton's miscalculated, looks like they picked the wrong tool for the job.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
The tool began to read his own poll numbers?