Dear LGBT community a little message from your "privileged" friends (rant of the night)
To quote a gay friend of mine firmly in camp Hillary, "You guys can keep with the we're screwed no matter who wins all you want. I'm just going to assume you're a straight, white man or you rely on one and can afford to deal no matter who's elected." Who also says, " If you're complacent and don't vote at all or you decide to tell us that we were screwed no matter what, take your privilege elsewhere and don't even dare to try to take offense to any blow back you may receive. You may be able to afford a Trump presidency. Millions of us can't."
I'm going to respond with a quote from someone who is one of maybe 3 people outside family I'd take a bullet for. Someone who I consider my closest friend on this planet. And someone who is currently undergoing male to female treatments including hormone therapy. Someone by the way who is not voting for Hillary. Le gasp I know! Surely she of all people should right? When I asked her what she'd tell people if they pressed her on it?
"That Hillary has never historically been a supporter of LBGT rights, her positions change with expediency. I am going to vote my conscience. Which even as a trans woman, is based on more than just based on a single issue."
So do me a favor those who think my little male lily white behind makes me less at risk than you.
Don't give me this bullshit about how I'm privileged by virtue of my gender, my race, or my religion because I don't feel terrified of Trump the way you do, or somehow have less then you to lose.
Because to be blunt, that's a load of complete and utter shit.
And if you are voting against him because you're afraid of that? Don't give me the equally bullshit line about how you're protecting others. Including said friend above.
You aren't. You're protecting yourselves. In a stupid shortsighted and selfish fashion. And you're doing it out of fear.
And in that fear I'd love just one person to explain to me how Trump is going to overturn the supreme court rulings, pass all these laws that suddenly make women second class citizens again, and try to stuff gay people back into the cross covered closets.
For gods sake, listen to yourselves! You sound EXACTLY like the mirror image of the religious right who thought Obama would take all the guns, shut down all the churches, and close down every business that didn't bow to the gay agenda.
I'm sorry but it's just as stupid, just as divorced from reality, and just as lacking in perspective of the big picture as they are. which by the by is including dying bees, a scorched drought ridden NC, and US/Russia relations at an all time low. Remind me again, which nominee is responsible for that last one? Heard anything about how she'll solve the other two? Heard anything from her or any liberal for that matter that doesn't involve the nonstop drumbeat of fear of Trump and Russia in alternating propaganda pieces of the day?
I will say it again. You want daughters treated with respect?
I want daughters everywhere able to drink the water.
I want daughters everywhere not living in fear of a bomb blowing them off this earth.
I want the rights of everyone thought about, not just ours.
It would be nice if some of you felt the same. Because yes we are screwed regardless of who wins. Nothing will be solved, nothing will change, and 4 years from now we can probably recycle the exact same arguments to keep us in the two party trap with another whackjob we're told to be terrified of running on the other side.
Oh wait, we already are.
But what would I know.
I'm "privileged"

The Dems are using Identity Politics
as a wedge, yet again. The problem, it seems, is now white Christian men, not capitalism. Capitalist privilege is the real issue.
The Republican party has largely imploded. They are an anti-government, populist mess at the moment, but if, in some theoretical world, some of these working class Republicans found common cause with working class blacks and Latina/os, the game would be up for the capitalists.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Common cause.
Time ago (and not so far back), it wasn't a theoretical world. Bernie Sanders came along, and the capitalists saw the writing on the wall. Hence, the shit sandwich we've been served for tomorrow.
Very well done. Thank you...n/t
I'm a white man. I'm not
I'm a white man. I'm not straight, I'm disabled, and I live in poverty. I guess I'm just too stupid to know what's best for me.
I wish there was an intersectionality score that determined at what point I am or am not privileged enough to have an opinion different from those who share my "political identity".
That privileged vs. deprived paradigm can be a nasty trap.
In the Bonnie Garland murder case, a lot of people were led to sympathize with a murderer (supposedly) from a disadvantaged minority background while giving his victim, a blonde white girl from a wealthy family, short shrift.
As a woman whose abortion rights and the right to be free from
grabbing are at risk, I get the fear.
1) the two candidates are not that far apart really;
2) on other issues they are identical, if Hill is not worse;
3) if everyone voted for the best candidate, then Stein would win and we would be fighting against corporations and for the salvation of our climate; and
4) I don't believe in spoilers; it's up to the mainstream candidates to run good candidates with good campaigns; I don't owe them my vote; if they want to run to the right and lose this leftist, that's on them.
Thank you for the linked article; we have indeed been here before!
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amen, bruddah, amen.
The only difference I see is orange pukestain doesn't seem to want a war with russia.
Her does and her really is looking forward to it.
We are fucked.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Very nicely done. This part used to piss me off royally:
At first, the logic-free dumb was just so frickin' big I would sit there and stare at it as though it were an abyss. When I looked away, I sometimes had to remember where I was.
But in recent months, I started smiling over the cartoon-like fear. The whimpering elicited by really low-IQ, poorly thought out, government propaganda was comic. It's like watching the Simpsons or Saturday Night Live and surfing the absurdity.
In the very same way, the Republican Primary Debates became self-parody, and by 2015, they slipped seamlessly into comedy. I know I had fun with the bubbling amusement in the live blogs. But, then, the Neoliberal/cons didn't have to play the fear card. They owned the candidates on both sides.
Americans can't remember where they put those dang government checks and balances they're so proud of. That's why Trump's gonna git 'em. It can be seen as absurd, and no one is able to describe for you the mechanism that will allow Trump to fire both the House and the Senate, and bring the Russian army in to replace all law enforcement throughout the country. Or how Trump is going to train the Russian army to be Fascists, their sworn enemy for centuries. Also. And he's going to take away American vaginas and guns. No matter how many times you ask, they cannot tell you how the scenario unfolds.
I think it is sobering, in so far as Americans are not cowards. That means the fear is very real for them and it's lodged in their hearts. They are coping poorly because all their icons across social media are either very frightened themselves, or they want to elect President Lady Party bad enough to push the boogyman. Americans were never prepared to self govern. Instead, the Establishment has encouraged them to indulge in denialism and treat intellectual honesty as a threat. It's a hell of a thing. And it's a national characteristic that is rarely found in other countries of the world.
Tricking the Disenfranchised Throwaway People into electing a Neocon to continue the US reign of terror across the brown world — that the People are forced to pay for, entirely, by ripping away their own personal security — well, there's something really elegant about that, in a Big Picture way. It's a poetry that assures the soul that the Universe is in perfect balance and the laws of physics are working just fine.
It is sort of funny when you think about it, with epic contours reminiscent of the Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote. Thus, it's Biblical, as well. It proves that people really are the authors of their own fate; the captains of their own ship. It's the algorithm of all storytelling, where everyone gets just what they deserve.
Lies are standard, like the ubiquitous Mercator map of the world
From infancy onward, everyone grows up used to seeing Greenland portrayed as larger than South America.
YouTube video: How the world map looks wildly different than you think
Similarly, when it comes to government rather than geography, we’re used to seeing one small country in the Middle East treated as “larger” than the whole rest of the world put together.
Intellectual honesty is indeed a threat to them — it punctures the illusions infused in us by our schooling and the media’s many mental Mercator maps.
As one director of the CIA famously said:
Fear is very, very justified.
We are citizens of a nation that has done so much violence to so many for so long that we are just about to succeed in uniting an alliance of nations large and powerful enough to take us down.
Maybe, just maybe, more than a few of us know that deep down, but the combined efforts of Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and the whole D. C. complex has been enough so far to divide and deflect that fear onto other targets.
There's a real hard rain gonna fall if more of us don't wake up.
It would be funny in a book,
but innocent people are being hurt all over the world.
In particular, the use of working-class and poor kids to fight their wars is sickening.
I agree there is an elegance to the design. Brings to mind the German camps of WW2.
now's the time.
stein - baraka
Thank you so much for writing this
As a "hopelessly straight" white man - who was affectionately called that by a gay friend and roommate during the aids epidemic - I can't fathom how anyone can fall for Hellerys crap on this subject. Here is a woman who supported DOMA, who mocks Trump for not knowing the current acronym when she only came around about three years ago and who only six months ago was praising Nancy Fucking Rayguns for leading the fight against AIDS.
I may have my blind spots because of who I am, but I try to look around them. Most such blind spots are caused by fear, so step one is not being blinded by them.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I may have to steal this comment from you
"For gods sake, listen to yourselves! You sound EXACTLY like the mirror image of the religious right who thought Obama would take all the guns, shut down all the churches, and close down every business that didn't bow to the gay agenda."
That is just so perfect and right on the money! Exactly. I have one friend, disabled and a single parent, who's voting for the Shill because "misogyny" no matter how many times I've made the point that Shillary could not care less about women until she needs to! And I can't get through the Rump fear out of her. She may think I'm privileged in that I'm not a single parent or disabled and just doesn't have the balls to say it to me. Probably, that is the case. So we dance around the most illogical positions from her, my attempting to rebut with logic and fact, but the dance goes on. She is a very good friend, and I probably won't directly quote your comment, not yet. Maybe after the real horror starts I can try to make that point again. I doubt it gets through though. And really, even if it does, she voted FOR the duopoly so it really doesn't matter.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Tell your friend to STFU
I will crack the next person who says "privilege" to me right in the mouth. Forget microagressions. I'm ready to reintroduce macroagressions.
Hillary hates the gays and always has. I'll never forget when she came out to address the Human Rights Campaign in '08 and they asked her directly if she supported marriage equality. Her face curdled like fresh hot milk that's gotten a little cow shit dribbled into it, and then a huge, smug self-satisfied smile spread across those cracked, dead painted lips. She shook her head no, as pleased as someone who just took a particularly large and satisfying dump. She was so happy to ratfuck gays in the face. And as the Podesta emails clearly state, she still thinks gay marriage is wrong, and so does her husband.
Kaine is also an enemy and always has been, but always ready to pander after the winds have shifted.
Here's another little truth about identity politics and "privilege." Know who really hates gay people? Black people. One of those dirty little secrets nobody is supposed to talk about. There was an improvement under Obama, but still, black people in Houston overwhelmingly voted to overturn their own municipal civil rights protections just to keep those nasty trannies out of the toity. So all the little fantasies about collecting every little groups of "women and brown" people plus LGBTs into one huge identity-obsessed family are not going to provide the protections your friends craves.
See Reverend William Barber. Black folks will come around.
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