Cruz: Transgender students an "infliction"
Ted Cruz put in his claim for the transphobic vote yesterday.
Not that he hasn't had some sterling competition from Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio.
Rubio seems to imply that employing LGBT people and serving LGBT customers were themselves sinful actions.
it is “most baffling” that anyone could thoughtfully defend the notion that it is normal — that it is perfectly legitimate — for a person just to declare oneself to be a different gender. It borders on laughable, and I know to say it’s laughable would bring great contempt because people would say you’re being insensitive. I’m not being insensitive. I’m exercising just a little bit of common sense.
Carson opposes allowing transgender people to serve in the military, "worrying that the military is being used as “a laboratory for social experimentation.”
“Deal with the transgender thing somewhere else.”
Last month, Carson similarly said that trans people don’t deserve “extra rights,” like equal access to safely use the bathroom.
Ted Cruz told supporters on Wednesday that allowing a transgender student to use a faculty restroom amounts to "inflicting" the student on teachers but is a better alternative than "sticking him in the shower with the teenage girls."At a campaign stop in Spirit Lake, Iowa, Cruz blasted the Department of Education for "trying to force a junior high to let a teenage boy shower with the teenage girls." He often cites this on campaign stops as an example of federal overreach.
--Vaughn Hillyard, NBC News
Of course, Cruz has been fact checked on this and come up lacking.
For one thing, the situation he has referred to time and again was in a high school, not a junior high. But more importantly, a transgender girl is a girl, not a boy, according to both the AMA and APA.
A woman, who would not give her name to NBC News, interrupted and told Cruz and the crowd about such an incident at the town's local high school, saying the student used the bathroom in the teachers' lounge.
Look, I don't know the facts of that, but I'll say that inflicting - inflicting him on the teachers is probably better than sticking him in the shower with the teenage girls.
The woman said after the event that the high school student identifies herself as a female.

Those Canadians are such a hoot, aren't they?
If anything is an "infliction" it's Cruz, Carson, and Huckabee.
Seriously, though, I'm amazed you still have any kind of online life after reading through this swill. It's gotta feel personal. Some people just have no empathy.
Me? I'd have smashed the pc and fed the laptop to the woodchipper after seeing this stuff.
Thanks for the posts, Robyn.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon