The Clintons are Dead to the Democrats

When you've lost Kirsten Gillibrand, Hillary's hand-picked choice to replace her in the Senate, your run controlling the Democratic Party is over.

New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand believes that former President Bill Clinton should have resigned in light of the Lewinsky affair.

Speaking to The New York Times Thursday, Gillibrand, who holds Hillary Clinton's former seat, said of whether the former president should have stepped down, "Yes, I think that is the appropriate response." [...]

Gillibrand's remarks are particularly noteworthy considering she was a big supporter of Hillary Clinton's recent presidential campaign. She frequently spoke in support of the Clintons and traveled to campaign events to advocate for the former first lady.

"Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction," she said. "And I think in light of this conversation, we should have a very different conversation about President Trump, and a very different conversation about allegations against him."

What things have changed? Is what Bill Clinton did, and what Hillary did to support him, smearing the reputations of any of his victims who dared to speak out, considered any worse today than it was back then? Not really. It was wrong and immoral back then, just as the behavior of Weinstein, Roy Moore, All Franken, ad nauseam, that has been recently revealed is considered bad today.

What's changed is Hillary 2016 happened. She lost the election to Trump despite outspending him 2:1. Then she went on a petulant and, one could argue, deranged months-long tirade, topped off by her "What Happened" book tour, blaming everyone from Bernie Sanders, lower class white workers, James Comey, African Americans, Millennials and, of course, THE RUSSIANS for her loss.

In short she made the Democratic Brand toxic. The rest of the Dem neoliberal establishment want her and Bill excised from the party. Donna Brazile and her revelations that the DNC rigged the election was only the first shot. Joe Biden, with his own delusions of grandeur, produced his own book attacking Hillary and Bill, and their efforts to sabotage his potential 2016 candidacy.

In the current climate since Harvey Weinstein was taken down by brave women who outed him as a serial rapist, more and more Democrats have been using the ever mounting revelations of sexual harassment and assault by politicians in both parties as cover for attacking Bill Clinton, the same man they praised to the skies only last year at the DNC convention that nominated Hillary. They don't love Bernie or his supporters any more, but they no longer are afraid of the Clintons and the power they once wielded, power that could make or break a Democrat's career.

And all of her apologists and attack dogs can't put The Clinton's shattered pay-to-play power structure back together again. Hillary will always have a cult that will never quit her, but at this point its beginning to resemble the self-destructive devotion seen in Jim Jones' followers:

Hillary Clinton’s base is dwindling down to her most loyal followers. Modern-day Clinton zealots are a strange breed. There aren’t any unique policies that unite them, nor are there any future campaigns on the horizon. What ties them together is a general feeling that the events of November 8, 2016 were cosmically, historically unjust, and that the world can never be forgiven for allowing them to happen. Moving on is unthinkable. [...]

Clinton appears to have promised White House positions to quite a few young strivers in 2016 — enough that they make up a significant portion of her extant fanbase. Hillary in particular values loyalty over competence, a preference which brought her the royal court of dimwitted sycophants who tanked her final campaign. When the expected payoff of a high-profile job in the White House or the Clinton Foundation never materialized, they were left flailing. Adam Parkhomenko, the 31-year-old executive director of Hillary’s 2016 SuperPAC, has worked under the Clintons nearly half his life. ... Parkhomenko’s 14 years of absurd loyalty to his boss amounted to nothing in the end, but he remains as loyal as ever. What else does he know how to do? On September 8, he lashed out at critics of What Happened and accused Bernie Sanders of being a Russian agent, citing no evidence. “You seem to ignore the Russia support online for Bernie during the primaries. The guy is hiding something. Not sure I want to know what,” he tweeted at someone who was critical of his political efforts last week. On Monday, he pretty much hit rock bottom when he tweeted a video of his car radio playing “Fight Song,” Clinton’s saccharine campaign anthem, captioned “when you get in the car at 2:30 am to get [ice cream] since you don't have a plan to lose the Trump 10 [pounds] & the radio is like hey reminder HRC book tomorrow.”

I suppose Hillary could still rise from her political grave, zombie-like, in 2020, if only to be an agent of chaos. And no doubt Hill and Bill will do their damnednest to get their feckless, privileged daughter, Chelsea, elected to Congress or the Senate by keeping her name in the news thanks to all their old contacts in the media. But I for one hope the stake has finally been driven through the heart of the tyrannical Clinton political dynasty.

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So they're going to hang Bill out to

try to get Rump. ...

Either that, or try to diffuse Bill's abuses of women* and his position scandals since ('it was different back then', 'we should be having a different conversation now') they're being brought up in response to the publicizing of allegations of Trump's gross and abusive behaviours to women - although the 16 women kinda makes me wonder if they were trying for 17, as with the hand-picked Russian Hounds from 3 agencies.

Not that I'd actually be surprised if Trump did gross things to women on the campaign trail, just that nobody - especially when in any position of power - should get a pass for making crude passes or worse.

*not referring to the willing ones

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Gillibrand takes orders from Sen. Schemer, who is the Senator from Tel Aviv, NYC and Wall Street. According to what I have been reading over at Moon of Alabama--speculation ahead, read on at your own discretion--Israel and the KSA made a deal that the Saudis will abandon the Palestinians to their fate and both will cooperate in attacking Iran, which they cannot hope to do without bringing in, guess who, us. Extra points if you can guess where X million Palestinians are likely to be resettled. The problem with this scenario is that American voters don't want any more wars, so I am guessing that taking out the Clintons might be a way to rehabilitate the neo-cons who are for now tied to Herself. That is why the take down HAS to be about sex and not fraud or abuse of power.

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Mary Bennett
