Clinton wants everyone to see what's in the files
Submitted by MsGrin on Tue, 08/23/2016 - 8:44am
Here's the rest of her time with Jimmy Kimmel where they discuss opening the Area 51 files (apparently, it's now called, "Unexplained Arial Phenomenon"). First, they discuss her 'very boring' emails and New York apples and her evolving thoughts about marijuana. David Brock working his magic to dispel people's concerns about the damn emails:
I find this shameful. Joking about her antics on late night teevee as if it's not even worth mentioning. Ahh, the banality of it all.
Here's the link to The Hill's write up:
Bonus video:
Second Bonus video (from 11/15)
Here's how the ratings went for the show
Clinton on ‘Kimmel’ beaten in ratings by ‘Teen Mom,’ ‘Friends’ reruns

Jimmy Kimmel is well-known for hard questions.
And I bet the pickle jar was pre-opened. Will not look.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The pickle jar.
I don't recall anyone questioning her hand strength. The questions were about her apparent seizures, her blood clots, her stroke risk, her unsteadiness climbing stairs, and her chronic fatigue. All the pickle jar proved is that any osteoarthritis she suffers in her hands is still fairly minor.
Correct, edg! And she is somewhat smarter than an octopus
As she hides her tentacles fairly well--er, until emailgate.
Gawd. What insufferable pandering!
All things to everyone! She supports the states that are legalizing marijuana, BUT she supports keeping it as an illegal scheduled drug federally.
She's really upped her game! Unlike gay marriage, which she was against until she was for it, she is both for legalizing marijuana and against it at the same time! Hillary, I bow to your ability to tell 'em what they want to hear....whatever it may be.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
And it's all done in a cadence and tone
which if one is not really listening one could keep nodding one's head to...
Her weaseling skills seems to be getting more sophisticated, if that's possible.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
it's called "strategic banality"
I know, not a great source, but an interesting article. She's boring on purpose. After the Potemkin convention, she's now doing a Potemkin campaign and making non-statements like this one:
Say something vague most people will agree with, get them to think "she sounds reasonable", build up an image of agreement in their heads and invest in it, aided by the boring tone of delivery which oozes non-controversy. It reminds me of the selling tactic where the salesperson starts out by getting the mark^Wcustomer to agree with them by making uncontroversial claims - getting the target into the "yes"-rhythm. Harder to push back after that.
Yes - she cultivates it with with head nodding
She does it in so many of her talks... very hypnotic.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I find my response to hearing her voice is changing the channel or pressing mute.
Good for you for being able to stand
hearing her voice or watching her - I am no longer capable of doing either without getting deeply angry. And I know my blood pressure goes up every time I get that way. While I don't have a health issue with my blood pressure right now, why tempt fate that Shillary is the one to drive me over that edge.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I am not going to waste...
...time watching banality and making myself ill, but has she (?) suppressed that wide mouth cackling.
From the Light House.
Judging from pictures
Reminiscent of being both for and against undocumented
workers being allowed to apply for driver's licenses in the 2008 debates. Most people would have a problem supporting two contradictory positions simultaneously in a single setting, but not HRC.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The latest "messaging" is that Hellery as SoS gave ‘access’ but
not ‘favors’. The laundry is in the spin cycle.
Google it. You will see at least a half dozen media outlets parroting this line of BS.
So some "expert" says so. Would love to see recent transactions to the "expert's" swiss bank account. And media reporters as well. Hahahha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I read a comment that summed it up perfectly!
I don't have access. Therefore, someone who gets access was given a favor!
Seems so simple even a 5th grader could understand it. Sad that so many voting age citizens of this country don't!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Chris Cilizza said very confidently on Moaning Joe
"Look, we'll never find a quid pro quo" in the Foundation/email fiasco (my paraphrase, but pretty close) and I wondered how anyone could make a statement like that with such assurance, especially a purported "journalist". We have no idea at this point what is going to come out.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
They can't find
What they don't look for. Ben Bradlee must be spinning in his grave.
Katharine Graham, too.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Since when is access not a favor?
OH, MY, GAWD. really thought had heard it all.
Foragainst is w-a-a-y past the Windsock stage - that little "deal" with Laureate when she was SOS, and invited bff to State for the meetings, garnering a mere $16 million for Billy, as a starter.
Kinda interesting this is all coming out now: cracked head ( calling it that herself), reckless with top secret government documents, and the MSM picking up the real news from Drudge, and the 4 best selling books (non-fiction) on New York Times Book Review. What used to be called "rw" sources, are now really the most accurate places to find out what's happening. Far better than Jimmy K.
That's my thought
being heard at all is something most will never, ever, ever get. Then who's to say if actions follow or are coincidence.
People used to adhere to avoiding even the appearance of conflict. Not anymore.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Did someone say "Windsock"?
Thought I'd come clean on who I was Over There. "Windsock" was mine; I was Occulus on ToP.
Now you know. Don't you feel more complete? Correlation info: I made many posts about USPS and Kalamazoo, MI on ToP, where I was employed for many years before my Midlife Crisis Meltdown and California Adventure, and where I still live (in *much* better immediate surroundings).
I'm now in school pursuing an associate's degree (I'll be continuing to my bachelor's) in web design and webpage development, with a side order of Windows and Android application development. I'm happy to say I'm both doing *very* well indeed (3.89 GPA thus far) and am happier and more fulfilled after a little over a year doing it than I was during the entire seventeen years of my USPS employment.
USPS was a soul-killing job for me. I'm glad I left, in spite of the financial "security" it provided. It's very, very hard to reinvent oneself after age 40, and especially after a hard reboot the way I did it. It's paid off, though: here's my first client project (yay for a functioning and pretty Woocommerce store via PayPal as well as for mobile responsiveness on smartphones!), which was assigned as an overall course exercise for Advanced Web Page Coding.
I digress. The image below, which was run through Photoshop only to change the color mode because Drupal shifted my original CMYK-mode image, is titled "Hillary Windsock Clinton" and was the final submission for my "editorial drawing" assignment in ANM101: Drawing Basics for New Media, in which I received a course final score of 100% (toot, horn, toot). Notice how the color change on the sock itself, the colors used, their placement, and the direction of the fade vs. the width of the sock (and in particular the
truthiness breezewind direction) are all symbolic design choices of her desire, nay, her campaign-bedrock absolute requirement to be all things to all people at all times, disregarding mutual exclusion of point-of-view and internal logical contradiction and depending wholly upon the prism of one's chosen party affiliation and its consequent natural scattering of relevant and often uncontested facts.I make no judgments here, of course. That would be wrong of me. I only observe.
The music staff is the last three measures from the vocal line of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", and kind of drives the point home with a sledgehammer. The typography (text) was all hand-drawn, and was, pardon me, a copper-plated bitch to get correct:
Neat, huh?
Kind of mean, but... well...
Feel free to post this a ToP, anyone, but please remember the attribution (to Kyle G. Nally; this is part of my student portfolio). I was banned there since long before I produced this piece (but after I coined the nickname "Hillary Windsock Clinton"), and I want them to know, sent with all my love and kisses and warm fuzzy feels of course, that I still care about them and their candidate, I'm still thinking about them, and (perhaps most of all) that banning a user does not necessarily mean they cannot ever again provide content for their little echo chamber (THAT will stick in their craw like a treble hook), and from no actual existing user account.
Bitter, Party of one. Bitter, party of one, please... LOL
Love the graphic and your comment.
I have two very good friends who spent decades in the USPS and they also describe it as soul-crushing. They plowed on for the financial security in retirement, but I know they often wondered if sacrificing their happiness in earlier life was worth it. Both felt trapped by salary, benefits and family obligations. Glad things are going so well for you.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Carter nails it.
Jimmy Carter: "Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery."
Also this from yesterday's news, "PROVINCETOWN, Mass. (AP) — Hillary Clinton's campaign is halfway to its goal of raising a billion dollars for the 2016 race, according to her finance director." Hmm, at $500 a month per child for day care in Alabama thats day care for one year for 166,666 children.
From the Light House.