Can the Dems learn anything from 2014?
So I was at TOP deleting my old diaries on this rainy day, and I ran across two that I posted right after the 2014 election debacle.
If you listen to the talking heads and shills, this election is obviously nothing like any other election in history.
In reality, its the very same voters with the very same grips. So allow me to re-post a few selective items.
Everyone is talking about why the Democrats lost, but almost no one has looked at who lost.
To put it simply, look at this:
Having comprised 10 % of the Democratic Party's caucus in the 113th Congress, the Blue Dogs will have accounted for 50% of the Democratic Party's lost seats (7 of 14 seats) during the 2014 midterms. Members of the centrist New Democrat Coalition account for the balance of lost seats. The largest membership organization within the Democratic Caucus, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, lost no seats to Republicans.
That's a pretty powerful message. This is the coalition that helped push through the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform bill with the help of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
On Tuesday the Democrats biggest upset losses were from here.
Blue Dogs are notorious for being disloyal to the Democratic Party. In 2007 the Blue Dog Coalition refused to contribute to the DCCC due to anti-war comments from the Progressive Caucus. Back then the Blue Dog Coalition was nearly four times as large as it will be in January.
The Blue Dogs also got crushed in the 2010 elections.
The progressive base showed up Tuesday. The conservative voters who weren't the base didn't.
There is a lot of reflection going on today and a lot of navel-gazing, but what I don't see is the most obvious reason why the Democrats got creamed yesterday - It's the economy, Stupid!
The economy was voters’ most pressing concern as they cast their ballots in the midterm election, with seven of 10 rating conditions poor, preliminary exit polls showed.
Most Democratic operatives, here and elsewhere, will tell you about how many jobs have been added since 2010, and how the unemployment rate has been cut, and those other groovy economic stats that prove that the economy is growing at a more than acceptable rate.
Yet the voters didn't buy it. Sure you can blame Fox News, the DLC, Ebola, the Illuminati, and the voters themselves, but that will get you nowhere.
For those of you that are old enough to remember, this looks suspiciously like 1992, with the election results swapped.
Back then I remember the Republicans cried foul because Democrats made an issue of the economy (with the famous "It's the economy, Stupid") while pointing out that the recession ended in 1991.
Apparently the fact that the economic numbers had turned up more than a year ago was supposed to mean that the economy shouldn't have been an election issue, and that the voters had been somehow bamboozled by Clinton.
It was a weak argument, and it sounded weak. Bush The Elder telling the American public how great the economy was doing just made him seem out of touch.
Most Americans haven’t shared in the gains. Adjusted for inflation, the July median household income of $54,045 was $2,600 lower than in December 2007, when the recession began, according to Sentier Research, an economic-consulting firm.
Half of voters expect life to be worse for the next generation.
Now in 2014, the economy has been growing for years and years. The unemployment rate has dropped to a lower rate than it was in 1992.
Does that mean that the economy shouldn't be an issue?
Only one group has the final say on what is to be an election issue, and it isn't the politicians or the media - its the voters.
It seems that waving economic reports around doesn't translate into middle class jobs.
The Democratic base has turned out once in the streets, for OWS. It changed the rhetoric in Washington, but it didn't change the policies, and voters noticed.
A potent majority was unhappy with the U.S. economic system itself, with nearly two-thirds of voters saying it's unfair and favors the wealthy and only 32 percent saying it's fair to most people, a shift even since 2012. (One percent deemed the economy "excellent.")

I think there's a simpler question to ask
Can the Dems learn anything
from 2014? My gut reaction after all this is trending no. This farcical election was manufactured by these people; if they could learn, they would have by now. As is, they are likely beyond hope.The answer is YES!
A) election fraud works!
B) all you need to do is be the lesser evil. And the more evil your opponent, the more leeway you have.
C) blame the Russians!
EDIT, sorry, I misread the question. These are all 2016 lessons.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Yes, they've been playing this game for a long time.
(b) has apparently been around since Nixon's second run. If Hillary wins, they will have learned that (a) worked, so we'll get some variation of (a) and (b) again in 2020. Maybe China will be the (c) next time.
The Democratic party seems unable or unwilling to learn, but I think the 99% are finally getting an education.
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
They are f@cking idiots else they'd have 'anointed' someone who gave a damn. Lip service, that s all we get, if that.
Now I'll go read your post!
: }
Edit to correct auto correct.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I Ducking Hate Autocorrect!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Blue dogs,
are the opposite of blue healers.
A trustworthy breed of dogs. Almost always at your side. Waiting for a command instead of coerced into obedience. Looking out, not only for those who feed them and give shelter and love, but for those who don't believe they own them.
"Blue dogs" is a curse upon all dogs.
Dogs are better than most humans or congress critters I know.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Michael Moore said it best
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
But rest assured that they will continue to double down on the same approach for the foreseeable future, at least until another nuclear power decides to take us out of our misery. Hope that helps. No smiley.
If the President is herself a blue dog?
I was reading the online version of the one big local paper and an article about what Wikileaks revealed. Totally not covering major policy stuff. So I wrote a quick summary of things like she doesn't think banksters who become regulators should have to divest investments, etc. At a certain point it was obviously that Clinton did not support one liberal/progressive economic policy according to the emails and partial speech contents. It was rather stunning--maybe I missed something, but I couldn't find one. She totally supported Simpson-Bowles cat food commission in private so that shows the lie to her public statements about not going after social security. On and on.
I can only believe that at this point Clinton as president and party leader will turn the democratic party hard right on economic issues. What happens when your party leader and president is a blue dog? And if the lesson is that blue dogs lose, then woe to the democratic party. Now the democratic establishment may think it can win with strong minority turn out, but the numbers are not there.
I have no clue how the congressional races will turn out, but I believe in 2018 the gop will win enough seats to seriously start thinking about impeachment.
I'm with Bisbonian.
Though I sense a certain petulant irritation from the PTB that we're not pretending to like it.
Or being manipulated successfully enough by their propaganda. Though apparently this last Trump tape thing seems to be working fairly well.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver