
Most people are aware of the fact that Electronic Voting Machines do not provide any transparency, or ability to conduct any true audit of the Election, and are also technically designed to be subject to outside tampering. They may have also heard about "vote flipping" behavior with certain specific machines (usually based on touch-screen calibration problems ... yet observed in a way that always seems to benefit Establishment candidates -- usually GOP). This information was reported on many years ago by many sources, but especially by Election expert Beverly Harris and

Previously, it was thought that these type of machine-based problems uncovered fell into the category of "voting irregularities" and simple machine "malfunctions" that could potentially skew the results in a very tight election, but not really have any broad based type of control over our entire Election process itself. The thought of "rigged" Elections was still unthinkable in the United States -- the World's greatest Banana Republic ...err ... Democracy.

Well, Beverly Harris is back again with some Computer Science experts who will now present to us that these Electronic Voting Machines, used for the Central Tabulation, have been deliberately designed to represent the count of votes as a fractional (double precision) number. That's right, the accumulated vote count is not a whole number (as it should be), but a fractional value. Now why were they designed this way? you will see, the best technique for assuring the total control of an Election is not to have software that randomly "flips" some fixed number of votes (because high voter turnout could still swamp and nullify that type of manipulation), but instead to have software that inspects the total vote count first -- and then assigns a predetermined percentage of that vote total over to one candidate or another. To implement that accurately, fractional numbers must be utilized throughout the system (and guess what? -- they are).

This video demonstrates and exposes how U.S. Elections are now being conducted today --- and it isn't pretty. It is totally and wholly corrupt by intent, and (purposely) by design.

[video: width:640 height:480]


In this interview, Beverly Harris -- who is a Liberal -- goes into a little more detail here and makes the following declarative statement: If Hillary Clinton is simply a viable candidate (in other words - if she is not losing by a landslide), then whether she wins or she loses ..... she will "win" on Election night. That's what these systems are designed to do. They are designed for intentional and purposeful manipulation.

We all need to pick up our pitchforks and refuse to accept this. This is no longer the Country we were born in. It is a totalitarian, Iron-Curtain, Police-State and a barbaric one (just look at what this Country does around The World).

[video: width:640 height:480]


This is a scary time to be a United States Citizen. What does our Country even stand for anymore?
Certainly not:

  • The Bill of Rights
  • The Constitution
  • The Democratic Process
  • Free Independent Press
  • Peace
  • Human Rights
  • International Law
  • U.S. Manufacturing
  • Economic Indepdendence
  • Prosperity
  • Liberty
  • The Judicial Process
  • The Right to Vote
  • Free and Fair Elections
  • Opposition to War Crimes
  • Opposition to Human Torture
  • Opposition to persecution of Whistleblowers

I'm surprised there isn't far more public outrage about Electronic Voting machines.

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It's been said that some suspect machines have been pulled or replaced while others have paper trails - but it seems that everything from white-out and truckloads of ballots taken to paper-shredders to specific voter suppression and stopping the count or having the votes adjusted is likely to be used again.

If releasing the information on Hillary's emails causes the entire government to fall, this could be our saving grace; it's the only way to clean out the corruption while we can still start over and begin to work on saving what remains of the chance of life on the planet surviving even in the short-term.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Thanks. It is really amazing how horribly corrupt our entire Election system is, and the deliberately manipulative mechanisms and procedures --- totally hidden from the public --- for "counting the votes".

It is really pure evil, and total insanity. I wish more people (like you) had watched the Videos.

For this is the most important issue we will ever face: Does the American people have a prayer of getting their votes actually counted anymore without built-in Electronic manipulation?

If we cannot vote anymore in a way that is free from massive wholesale tampering -- then we have no real Rights anymore, and no Liberty.

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"There’s nothing revolutionary about a movement that retreats into an endorsement of the lesser of two evils." Scott McLarty @ CounterPunch