BLM. A Sister Souljah moment?
Submitted by EdMass on Fri, 07/08/2016 - 1:42pm
And then there is Dallas.
Despite all protestations BLM will not be able to separate themselves from these assassinations.
DNC and BCC have immediately attempted to distance themselves.
It is too bad. They like Occupy had something right. But this leaderless stuff never works.
So, what happens at the DNC Convention? They're going onstage to grab the mic? They can get into the hall and be warmly received? I'm guessing Nancy and Harry ain't on board anymore.
What happens at the RNC Convention? Riots in the street?
Time to pack it up. BLM has been coopted and no longer has any appeal to the "great unwashed masses" because of Dallas.
Just say'n.
Tell me where I'm wrong. Please.

I'm pretty much out of the specific predictions business
And staring into the abyss I'm directed to by the summed vectors of all our current circumstances and behaviors.
has nothing to do with BLM
But you never know how the media will portray it. We can guess, though.
Already seen
BLM being blamed as the source of the shooters. But that's not really anything new.
The 'original' BLM organizers chose not to endorse
a Presidential candidate; so, I would hardly think that they expect to take the mic at the Dem Party convention.
OTOH, it would not surprise me if some activists affiliated with the BLM movement should choose to protest outside of the Convention.
Obviously, I don't have a crystal ball, but it's difficult for me to see how the blame for the killing of the Dallas officers can be placed on the BLM organization (proper), based upon what we know, at this time.
After all, the Dallas PD's own Twitter feed showed two of their officers in a friendly pose with one of the protestors (holding a sign), just shortly before the massacre began.
And the shooter that they blew up, reportedly said that he had no affiliation with any group or organization--terrorist, or otherwise.
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It looks like Blue Lives
Matter showed BLM where the bear... And that's too bad becuz, as Shah pointed out, this had nothing to do with BLM. Was driving home from work when I happened upon the CBS radio live broadcast of the event. Sounded like the Al Capone days. "Take That, coppers!" wow. right there on live radio. unfiltered. Yet another sign post of the unfolding apocalypse.
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You have it all backwards.
"It is too bad. They like Occupy had something right. But this leaderless stuff never works."
In fact, it's only the "leaderless stuff" that ever works for good because it's only real democracy and direct action that ever get the ball rolling--in the right direction.
Do you envy the Tea Party? They had "leaders" like Dick Armey and the usual billionaire f/uck/unders. They were "effective" in misdirecting justifiably angry working class and petit bourgeoisie voters in furthering THEIR agenda.
Occupy changed the conversation in the country, indeed the world, and arose from the people. They didn't achieve more not because they shunned slimy politicians and avoided lining up behind some charismatic "arche," i.e. leader, but because the State, from the Feds on down to the "Democratic" Party big city mayors, conspired to break them by means of brute force.
And middle class types, who didn't understand direct democracy or sleeping in a tent on the street to stand up for what you believed, were silent when a movement that sought to save them and their children was broken by a predictably frightened and violent State.
It's messy and often frustrating to wait for people to coalesce and self-organize but the alternative is astroturf bullshit "revolutions" like the CIA likes to foment or the Kochs like to fund. If you want change to benefit the people then the impetus for that change must arise from the people, otherwise it will turn out to be another "don't get fooled again" situation.
Some Zinn history can help with this.
Then they lost control...
The DC Goopers organized the radical right, roused them up with fairy tales about independence and liberty, and pointed them at Obama and the Democrats.
But it didn't take the tea partiers long to realize they were being played by the establishment and start targeting GOP elites as well.
Eight years later, they've taken over the party and have nominated their favorite candidate in a landslide.
Would that the 'radical' left have such a moment.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
If you try to give an honest warning about the inevitable
negative consequences of any foolish/immoral/amoral action, whether by an individual or institution, you will be accused of morally justifying those negative consequences.
If you try to give an honest assessment that develops a causal chain connecting any manifested negative consequences to any foolish/immoral/amoral action/policy, whether by an individual or institution, you will be accused of treason -- especially if you suggest altering said policy as one tactic to avoid a repeat of the negative consequences.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
BLM and killing cops are two very separate events that have
nothing to do with each other. This could have happened at a ballgame, would we stop playing baseball? The vast majority of BLM participants want nothing to do with violence. This will become clear with time and the movement will continue.
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If the cops
stopped assassinating black people and fighting for their right to assassinate black people the whole issue would disappear.
You obviously do not like BLM very much at all
Just sayin'
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Would anyone who has not yet
Would anyone who has not yet signed this petition please consider doing so?
Tell the Department of Justice:
Department of Justice: Bring charges against the Baton Rouge police officers who killed Alton Sterling as well as the Falcon Heights police officers who killed Philando Castile.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.