Bill Nicholov Writing in The Hill Calls Out Clinton Foreign Policy
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party's misguided foreign policy
By Bill Nicholov
Nicholov is the president of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill
Unfortunately, it's quite remarkable when someone calls out that the empress-to-be is running around with no pantsuit:
When did Democrats become Republicans? Thankfully, they are still socially liberal (or “progressive” as Americans say, because God forbid they use the L word). However, the Democratic Party’s foreign policy is, unfortunately, very Republican. American interventionism will seemingly never end unless, of course, Donald Trump becomes the next president. This should scare the hell out of Democrats. Not imagining Trump as the next commander-in-chief, but Donald Trump being their voice of reason.
Quite simply, the precursor of American interventionism is the American superiority complex. If somebody thinks that they’re the best, they’ll eventually go around trying to prove it…under the guise of spreading their values and improving the other’s moral deficit. Take the DNC, which was an excuse for Democrats to overblow their credentials in an over-the-top display of extreme patriotism.
American foreign policy failures have been on display for decades, so why continue? And what gives the US the right to continue? Usually we hear both parties espouse their expertise in running the world but, this election cycle, it’s only the Democrats’ turn. And when they do it, they’re all in. Anyone who dares disagree with their flawed thinking must be a complete moron.
The author's issue with Clinton is that she's taken a stand in an on-going claim Greece has asserted to un-name Macedonia because Greece feels entitled to the word.
Nods are given to both Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul for their less-interventionist policy orientation.
I'd sure like to see MORE writing in this vein covering geography where Clinton is intent on stripping more than just the name from a country...
With the caveat that I maintain that it is possible we shall see the top of the ticket replaced for both parties prior to November, can I get an 'Amen' for this part of the quote above? (emphasis mine)
American interventionism will seemingly never end unless, of course, Donald Trump becomes the next president. This should scare the hell out of Democrats. Not imagining Trump as the next commander-in-chief, but Donald Trump being their voice of reason.

Amen here.
The Donald as the voice of reason? Inconceivable!
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
All too conceivable, alas.
Formerly reasonable people are flocking to support endless war everywhere and commit economic suicide because OMG RACISM !!1!! and sexism.
The real big-money war-industry fascists bet correctly that Obama and Hillary would neuter opposition to authoritarianism, cleverly exploiting identity politics as American liberals' Achilles heel.
A sad state of affairs
yeah, that line pretty much sums up the US government right now. And for a while prior to this election, I reckon.
It's pretty insane to say that, in some ways, Donald Trump
may be the voice of reason. I think the world would be safer from escalating military adventures even though his economic policies will continue to impoverish the 99%. I also applaud his stance against disadvantageous trade deals. Ugh! What is a poor swamp critter to do? I guess I'll keep my head underwater until November 8.
Trump the voice of reason? The man who says he will kill the
terrorists' entire families and nuke them if he has to? That Trump?
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TRUE - but at least he's mouthing
a disinterest IN GENERAL in starting new wars. THAT little sliver is MORE reasonable than what we know to be Hillary's penchant in coming, seeing, and killing those abroad.
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