Biden is boldly standing against marijuana decriminalization

When it comes to standing up against the right-wing, a single Republican can derail the entire Democratic caucus. Democrats become Keystone Cops, the Three Stooges, the worlds weakest man.
However, when it comes to the base of the Democratic Party, when it comes to a vast majority of the voters, the party establishment become the Spartans out of 300. Suddenly they are bold and brave, even cocky. You can tell that Democrats are in their natural element when it comes to undermining progressives and their causes.
The Democratic Party is really only inspired when they are thwarting the will and destroying the hopes of their own voters.

Marijuana legalization is a winning issue, but unfortunately it is also popular with the Left, so the Democratic Party establishment has no choice but to oppose marijuana legalization.

A record high of 68% of U.S. adults support the legalization of marijuana, according to the October survey of over 800 adults released Thursday.

That’s the same amount of people who were in favor of legalizing the drug last year.

The numbers are consistent with a Pew survey released in April that found 60% of U.S. adults believe medical and recreational use should be legal, 31% believe only medical use should be legal and 8% believe no form of use should be legal.

Naturally a politician shouldn't take the side of the 8%, because that will get you voted out of office. But progressives have left the Democrats no other choice. It's not like the Democrats could actually advance a popular issue that a overwhelming percentage of the voters demand and score an easy win.

President Joe Biden can grant mass amnesty to people who have violated federal marijuana laws, congressional researchers said in a new report, adding that his administration can also move to federally legalize cannabis without waiting for lawmakers to act.

Among the 15 states where marijuana legalization has been put in front of voters since 2012, it’s won in 13. Legalization has come up for a vote in four states that former President Donald Trump won by double digits in 2020. It’s won in three of those states.
Now if progressives hated and opposed something, then the Democrats could move on it. Those are the rules. I didn't invent them. Biden did.

“Whoever owns legal weed nationally, it’s all gravy. There’s no downside. None. When South Dakota democratically votes for it, in what circles is this controversial?” Fetterman said, noting that voters in deep red South Dakota approved recreational marijuana in the same year the state went strongly for Trump.
“Nothing has changed,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at the time when asked if Biden agreed with Schumer’s proposal.

Both Schumer’s proposal and House Democrats’ proposed Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, would remove that designation entirely in an effort to give the green light to states to enact full legalization — which 18 states have already done despite the federal prohibition.

Biden, on the other hand, has said he wants to redesignate marijuana as a Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act. That is the same designation as cocaine and methamphetamine and would still classify marijuana as a drug with a high potential for abuse, according to the DEA.

Wow. Schedule II. How Tough! How bold! While Biden has said that he would support expungement, he is far more concerned with keeping those dirty pot smokers in prison.
Biden is for defending the status quo along with the other 8%.

Based on his public remarks, he seems genuinely conservative on the issue — arguing only for decriminalization (in which the threat of jail or prison time is removed for possession, but sales remain illegal), and calling for “more scientific investigations” into the issue, particularly whether pot is a “gateway drug.”
Biden, after all, not just supported but spearheaded many of the country’s current drug war policies.

Meanwhile, HUD still “prohibit admission to HUD rental assistance programs based on the illegal use of controlled substances, including state legalized medical marijuana.”

So while the Democratic Party bravely fights on against overwhelming odds, with the stated goal of denying any sort of win to progressives, because there is no more noble of an achievement than to deny justice and thwart the left for the sake of denying justice and thwarting the left.
The Republicans, after fear-mongering and destroying civil liberties, are now set to lap the Democrats on this issue.

Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina introduced legislation Monday to federally decriminalize marijuana, a measure she said would give states freer rein to pass their own laws and regulations without fear of federal reprisals.

The measure, which Mace said she hoped would garner broad GOP support, was met immediately with criticism from conservatives in her home state, some of whom vowed opposition to any effort toward legalization.

In announcing the bill during a Washington news conference on Monday, Mace said a half-dozen GOP House members would be original co-sponsors of the bill, which she said would aim to regulate marijuana similarly to alcohol and prohibit its use for anyone under 21 years of age.

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Forget student loan forgiveness.

Forget free college education.

Forget minimum wage increase.

Now this.

His strategy is just brilliant!

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He's willing to move marijuana to Schedule 2. After several years of policy discussion, of course.
Now THAT'S the sort of incrementalism we've come to expect from Democrats!

If the Democrats don't represent the 8%, who will? The GOP can have the 92%.

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Abbott, the NAZI Gov, may put put legalization into his campaign I don't ad and get the pot vote.
Outflanking the left.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

his hippie punching bonafides honed. Can't be seen as too close to the left. Next, when the d's get shellacked, it'll be time to start sending troops somewhere, anywhere. Oh, and blame the progs for everything that went wrong with the Biden, Pelosi and Schumer capitulation show.

In 2024 it'll be one huge appeal to send money to the dems so they can finally do all those things they promised but just didn't do. More money, move to the center, attack the left, bipartisanship with the r's, that's the ticket!

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snoopydawg's picture

Both it and police unions are big donors to democrats and gawd forbid declassifying marijuana gets in the way of their profits. It’s why democrats did nothing about qualified immunity. Gotta let bad cops get away with being bad cops.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

QMS's picture


Way back, the occasional pull over by the cops would lead to finding the stashed bag of goodies.
They'd just laugh and dump it on the ground. "You shouldn't be messing with this stuff ya know."
It was heartbreaking to lose that nickel bag. Nowadays, the cop mentality is to bust you .. confiscate the "evidence", drag you in and book you into the town / county / state hospitality institute and let you suffer and pay your way out of the draconian system.
It was funny, living in Ann Arbor, local laws were like possession of less than an ounce was a misdemeanor, like a traffic ticket. But county and state cops (who also had jurisdiction) catch you, then it was a trip to the justice holiday inn. Weirdness.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


I get a kick out of reading about how some lone cop in bumfuk nowhere sees a car with its taillight broken or they were speeding or driving irregularly and they pulled them over a wow just happened to find lots of drugs in the car. By golly how many times does that happen? Lots because DEA agents know people are coming through and they warn cops about it. It’s illegal as hell but even judges are in on destroying constitutional rights. But the rubes cheer cops for keeping them safe. I want to tell them that most drugs coming in are through the CIA or drug lords on their payroll. Lots of drug lords in big cities that get looked the other way so they can go after other ones. It’s all a big f’cking scam.

4 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

QMS's picture


My neighbor has been dealing forever. Has been busted 3 times (that I've seen) but he walks like a canary. They let him do his dealings so they can hook the bigger fishes up the river. Justice is for those that can play the system I guess.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

zed2's picture

I used to have a bunch of friends who fled this religious persecution in the UK, and they came to the US. In the long tradition of such things.. And they transformed the Bay Area, getting people on their feet. Shrinking their asses with music.

Wouldn't you know, Years later- Guess who took it on themselves to attempt to persecute the most inclusive, nonviolent , non racist, welcoming, just fun group of young people around at that time.

It was just so wrong, and so brain-dead.

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zed2's picture

shmucks and young people and blacks into profit.

How did we end up with this loser. Oh, Trump, yeah. We've been bamboozled, Set up .

Its a deliberate scam

To force a bad future on all of us.. its clear as day. By the way, a lot of off duty cops are earning decent money doing security for raves. (which by the way are not the drug dens he is making them out to be. In fact, many of the billion dollar ideas that have (allegedly) saved the economy came from the same people who he is dissing.)

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zed2's picture

What's happening?

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