Bernie's YUUGE rally in Salt Lake City yesterday
Could not find an open thread this morning, so please excuse this video post. Bernie Sanders spoke to an estimated 14,000 supporters yesterday afternoon in Salt Lake City, Utah (the reporter on KSL-TV News guessed 10,000, but the more accurate number came from the staff at This is The Place Heritage Park).
"It looks like I was given some bad information. Somebody told me Utah was a Republican state. It doesn't look like that today!"
My friend Larry Bergan shot this video from the crowd...
Beneath a blue sky and warm sun, Bernie spoke for over an hour. Most of it was covered live on local television. Utah is not accustomed to getting a lot of attention in presidential campaigns. The rally was so successful that Bernie now plans to come back on Monday to speak at West High, close to downtown at 241 North 300 West.
Also too, Donald Trump and John Kasich stumped in the Salt Lake City area yesterday. Ted Cruz is here today. Trump was met by a street protest outside his event, which was in a venue that holds about a thousand people.
More info:
Thousands attend Sanders rally in SLC
Behind The Scenes Look At Yesterday’s Bernie Sanders Rally
Bernie Sanders Salt Lake City Rally (Full speech from the Salt Lake Tribune)

This has the makings of a C99 BNR! Well done!
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First Nations News
The Bernster hits Utah
WOW! Are you kidding me? An old hippie/Independent Democratic Socialistic senator attracts 10-14 thousand people in Utah??? That's not just a Republican state, but also a Mormon one. I liked his crack about getting the wrong info. You can tell he's amazed by the crowd size. Man, I would be, too. He's also stirring up Idaho. I think it was on the BNR, but it was a video of a march in Boise City. They had close to or maybe slightly over a thousand participants. They were peaceful and very well behaved. The Bernster owes it to his fellow citizens to keep his word and let all of America vote.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Thanks, fantastic!
I'm not seeing a share button. Is there one?
Wish I could have been there.
Wish I could have been there. I won't be able to go to the one Monday either, because of work but we will be going to caucus either way.
This shit is bananas.
Bernie’s Utah GOTV
Bernie’s get out the vote operation, and his campaign in Utah are well organized. Many TV and radio spots, four postcards in the mail so far, e-mails from Democracy for America and MoveOn, this afternoon an encouraging phone call from a volunteer making sure I'm going to caucus on Tuesday.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I got the same call. No
I got the same call. No postcards though, just one from the state reminding us about the caucus and where to find your caucus site.
This shit is bananas.
Tea-GOP poll
A new poll of likely Utah Tea-GOP caucus goers predicts Rafael ("Ted") Cruz will get 53 percent of the vote, which would mean he gets all 40 Utah delegates. John Kasich came in second in the poll with 29 percent, and Donald Trump a distant third with 11 percent.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."