Batten Down The Hatches!

The Tribal Trump Twitterer In Chief has hitched a ride on the GOP Extremism Express and There Ain't No Brakeman On This Train:

Over at Slate that left wing moonbat, Norm Ornstein, from the way left American Enterprise Institute has a few thoughts on Mitch Mc Connell's recent ACA Repeal or Replace or Something Like That Bill: What The Hell Has Happened To The Senate?

Norman Ornstein: I first came to Washington in 1969, have watched this process for 48 years, and have never seen anything like this. I haven’t seen anything remotely like this. . . . But to have a vote like today proceeding on a bill that is not even apparent to the people promising it will be a bill and preceded by an insane process—that is all unprecedented. . . . but to have it get this blowback is unlike anything I have ever seen.
But much, much worse is getting 50 votes for it!

Don't hold back Norm. Tell us how you really feel about it:

But what is the most troublesome part of this, which goes beyond the colossal damage that could come to the economy or large numbers of people, is that we have, I will be blunt, a deranged president. A danger to the fabric of the society and our way of life as we know it.

So what's up Norm?

Question: OK, but how do you understand them (GOP Senators) not caring or not pressuring the leadership to behave differently?

Norman Ornstein: There might be a Svengali-like capacity in Mitch McConnell that I have not been able to discern in his ability to keep everyone together. There is also a tribal element to our politics—and it is far more significant on the Republican side—that seems to overwhelm everything else. People of otherwise admirable character and intelligence, when it comes to the prospect of being singled out or shunned for not going along with their tribe, simply cannot resist. We have seen this with cults and religions

There you have it. Exactly what many of us have been saying for some time now.

More good stuff here:

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QMS's picture

unprecedented my a** if any congress critter votes on a blank (soon to be determined) bill affecting so much of the population, better cancel those summer recess town halls..pitchforks will come out. Another stall tactic designed to avoid medicare for all. The insurance conglots must be paying the lobbyists' coalition beau-coo buckeroos for the sell outs to risk rage against them at home.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

My "all Fox, all the time" mom wasn't a fan of Trump and you can just imagine how she felt about Her Henious. Mom's been pretty subdued about politics since the election, but she's starting to rally. Just the other day she was, unprovoked by me, defending the repeal effort, stating they weren't really going to do all the bad things we know are in it and on and on. It was classic tribalism. She and dad, and probably my sister too, would be directly and negatively impacted by this. But it was the whole idea that Democrats want it, Obama's name is associated with it, so get it out of here. Even though the Republicans have nothing waiting in the wings, it was Democrats = bad, Republicans = good.

Now I'm not for a second implying Obamacare is worth a damn. And I would take exception with the idea that the Democrats are less guilty of this, at least days. I'd point to McResisting while supporting politicans who endorse the same policies as exhibit A. But it's interesting to see how the Republicans are bringing people like my mom who aren't necessarily sold on Trump back around with what amounts to business as usual.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

when McCain made his grand appearance in congress. They clapped and cheered for the man who got off his death bed to vote for a bill that has something to do with taking health insurance away from millions of people. Including ones who are fighting against cancer just like he is.
The Maverick got to shine once again before he shuffles off this mortal coil.
If I was a member of congress, I couldn't stand to be in the same room with these cretinous pond scum who were going to vote for something that will affect millions of people, but that's me.

@Dr. John Carpenter

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

k9disc's picture

take on the president's pet project moniker.

I do not believe that I have ever written it any other name but ACA or Affordable Care Act.

Titanically stupid political move.

@Dr. John Carpenter

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

I read his book, "Its Worse Than It Looks," cant remember if there was a co-author, I think so. And from the AEI, imagine that. I told my Tea Bag mother about that book and just who authored it, not that she listened to the substance or anything.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture

lose their insurance, but this will also affect millions of jobs in not only the health industry, such as hospitals, clinics and nursing homes, but it will also affect all the ancillary jobs that go to supporting those industries.
People from janitors and other staff members who support the medical staff will lose their jobs.
There are so many jobs that will be lost in ways that won't become apparent until it's far too late to do anything about it.
Jobs are going to be lost to automation in a few years, and this will just add to the numbers.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg in the health insurance industry?

It seems to me they are pricing themselves right out of the market.

I would also be interested to find out what kinds of conversations went on before they began to withdraw from the exchanges. Did the industry want ACA failure?

Only one provider in our state and it was completely unaffordable to us and therefore many others. The best thing was expanded Medicaid and we had to fight for that.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon