
Troubling Economic Indicators

I don't want to be a chicken little, but there are a few economic indicators which should be very concerning to everyone.

Interest on the debt is greater than our military budget. This has signaled the end of every empire in world history.

Unemployment recently ticked up .3% above its cyclical average. This has preceded the last 12 recessions and as an indicator of recessions it has only been wrong once.

The Weekly Watch

Summer of Living Dangerously

Open Thread Image.jpg

I had a friend tell me they've not worried about nuclear war since they were a kid, but today he has the same fear of his youth mainly for his grandchildren. The world seems to be on the edge of nuclear conflict, driven largely by the aggression of both the US and Israel. I don't think I've ever seen a more incompetent, dysfunctional, and dangerous US administration in my life time.
It is not just a hot war which threatens the US, but an economic collapse stemming from international dedollarization due to the endless economic sanctions we levy against any and all countries which don't follow US diktats. Mix in an insane election between tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber, and you can understand my view of a dangerous summer ahead.


Album of the Week 6-22-24

Afternoon folks!

We've got some great blues this week with an album from Albert Collins and a compilation album from Tarheel Slim and Little Ann. I uploaded a great album from J.B. Hutto with Hound Dog Taylor's group the Houserockers, but some German corporation decided that they didn't want anybody in the world to hear it. expletives deleted. Anyway, after that we've got what I think is the Chambers Brothers best album, The Time Has Come - great stuff. Following that is a compilation of Rockabilly tunes from L.A. in the early 80's and another compilation of Texas guitar music from some serious hot dog guitarists. We finish up in the diversity department with The Battlefield Band, a Scottish traditional band.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Friday Night Photos Second Helping Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Summer is here! Yippee! It's always been my favorite time of year. I always hated having to go to school and the start of summer marked the end of going to school for the next 2 1/2 months. No more classrooms. No more homework. Only time to play and have fun outdoors with friends.

These are some more shots from last week's walk through Balboa Park. Unlike last week's photos, not all of these were shot at 50mm and a few that were shot at 50mm have been cropped.

Mother and Daughter statue 50mm cropped
