
The Weekly Watch

American Arrogance is Based on Exceptional Ignorance

Working from the base of the brain stem, the tribal chant of we're number one is all it takes to convince most citizens the US is GREAT. A misleading and profit serving corporate media does its share to maintain the illusion. But what is so great about us? We certainly create great violence and mayhem around the world. We work hard to destroy nature in order to extract and pollute...and woe be unto the country that opposes our corporate misuse of people and planet...because we worship the God of profit.

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The Privilege and Arrogance of the Democratic Elite

More and more I'm seeing the problem of the Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic establishment, and the Democrats most partisan supporters revolves around two issues:

Lack of Respect and Lack of Self-Reflection

Not just predictable lack of respect for their opponents, but a lack of respect for allies that goes even deeper.
This lack of respect stems from arrogance that is born out of a complete inability for self-reflection.