
Going back to my previous point about abortion --

There were some here at Caucus99percent who doubted my slippery-slope argument -- that the forthcoming decision of the Supreme Court pushing abortion rights back on the states is only a preliminary decision in what will eventually be a decision declaring the fetus a person, and that once the fetus is a person America will become Ireland before 2018, withou

My thoughts on SCOTUS leak

I've been suspicious of the USSC document "leak" which revitalized the liberals. Preserving Roe v Wade is the biggest Democratic issue of the past 50 years. I haven't seen liberals this fired up since the Iraq war. And yet I'm convinced it was the GOP's doing.

Why would Republicans want this? This had me stumped until I read a tweet this morning

This Is What You Get From A Democratic Senator

Here's what you get when you inform your Democratic Senator of your feelings concerning one of Trump's disastrous nominees (I am not surprised in the least having had a discussion with this man about the rights of women to control their own bodies and much more - by the way, he thinks women have no rights in this regard because He was "raised as anti-abortion" and would "die as anti-abortion". Oh, how he disgusts me in so many ways):

Dear Mr. Dixon,

[UPDATE] Please Tell Me, Hillary: Do You Support Late-Term Abortion Exceptions for ALL Doomed Pregnancies?

UPDATE: We made the rec list! Don't know how, 31 recs, 1 share, but I will take it!
Thank you to everyone who braved the waters for me on this, big hugs and loves to you!


I recently posted a diary here on c99:
Please Tell Me, Hillary: Do You Support Late-Term Abortion Exceptions for the Fetus?

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Not the Church! Not the State! Women Must Decide Their Fates! Redux ad nauseum ... by NY Brit Expat

"Last I checked, we don’t have a rubber shortage in America. Look, when I was in college, we had a machine in the bathroom, you put 50 cents in and voila.