Open Thread - Wed. June 8, 2016 - A Requium for the Peace Vigil Edition
Good Morning, 99%'ers!
This week and next, the Wednesday Open Thread is taking a hiatus from discussing neo-liberalism. This is mainly due to my personal schedule being too busy to enable me to do the research necessary research to write a quality essay. I will be traveling most of the next week and a half. But I do intend to write more on the subject of neo-liberalism when I return from my travels.
For those who may be interested, here are links to the previous essays in the neo-liberalism.
Week 1 - The Curse of Neo-liberalism
Week 2 - Neo-liberalism Part 2
Week 3 - The Neo-liberal Myth of Meritocracy
Week 4 - Characteristics of Neo-liberalism
Week 5 - Neo-liberalism - Obama and the Clintons
Week 6 - Neo-liberalism - The Legacy of Bill Clinton
Week 7 - Neo-liberalism - Lack of Empathy
In my Week 5 essay, I wrote the following paragraph;
Understanding the neo-liberal ideology explains why Hillary Clinton and most of the current political establishment seem hell bent on jettisoning the New Deal and continuing to pursue the destructive policies of the neo-liberalism. And there really is not much difference between neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism. Neo-liberalism is capitalism on steroids and it is not very liberal in the way those of us on the left define "liberal." Neo-consevatism is American exceptionalism on steroids. The two ideologies exist in a symbiotic relationship with one another. Over the years, they have become simply two sides to the same coin.
For years, I never quite understood why the United States continued to become embroiled in multiple wars with no end in sight. Perpetual war always seemed, at best, a wasteful pursuit when the monies spent on wars could be much better spent on our own people. With that in mind, I got involved in a local Peace vigil about four years ago.
Today's Open Thread topic is a personal one. As I have posted before at caucus99, for the last four years, I have been privileged to be able to participate in a local Peace vigil. I learned of it quite by accident as I happened to be downtown one Saturday between noon and one pm and stopped to talk to them. At that time, there were four men and one dog actively involved.
So the next Saturday, I showed up at noon and selected a hand written sign from about fifteen signs that one of the men (Don) made. The group also had a homemade banner that read "No Blood For Oil." I positioned myself next to Bill because he had a dog. Bill wore a sign around his neck that read "Retired History Teacher and Dog for Peace." His dog was a beagle/basinji mix named Buddy and Buddy wore a small sign around his neck that read "Peace." Buddy was totally dedicated to the Peace vigil.
These four men were the remnants of a larger group of about 35 people who began the Peace vigil in response to the Iraq War. The group remained fairly large until the election of Barack Obama as President. Then participation dropped considerably as most believed that Obama would end the wars. We all know how that went. Not well.
And so it was Don (retired physician), Bill (retired high school history teacher) with Buddy, Richard (90 year old WWII vet), and Keith (retired college math professor) and me. For about two and a half years, the five of us met weekly in front of the courthouse for one hour every Saturday to hold our Peace vigil.
For us, it was all about having conversations. We would meet with people and talk with them about why these wars were so wasteful. Much to my amazement, we had some very good conversations with self described conservatives. My approach was to avoid moralizing, but to emphasize the practical reasons why these wars are to wasteful. Most people were polite except for a few who seemed to think that being against these wars was unpatriotic. And most of those fit into the demographic of elderly white males who are generally conservative.
Two years ago, this coming Sept., we lost Buddy. Bill let him out one morning and Buddy never returned. Bill was devastated. Two weeks later, Richard informed us that he could no longer participate because he was physically unable to do so. Richard was our most stalwart participant, but old age caught up with him. So we were down to three by the end of September 2014. Then in December, Keith quit coming.
Last year, it was Don, Bill and me along with Bill's new dog, Bailey. As the year went on, Bill, who is 80, was having physical problems. Early this year, it was just Don, who is 86, and me. Bill wanted to come, but his health prevented it. Don and I continued this spring. Finally, Don called me and said that he and Bill decided to end the Peace vigil. I was upset, but saw that this day was coming. We tried to recruit others, but giving up every Saturday is a big commitment.
Still, this was a beautiful experience for me. Don and I have talked about doing some special event Peace vigils. I would love that.
Here we are, about three years ago. We always lined up in the same order, for some reason. We were photographed numerous times over the years and none of us ever tried to hide our identities. I have posted this picture before, but I hold this dear to my heart. Looking at us, from left to right: Me, Bill, Richard, Keith and Don.
Edit to add: This was the 14th year for these guys. Prior to that, Richard (WWII vet in the center) was involved for five years protesting against the death penalty. Don (who is the youngest 86 year old I know) continues to be active on line with other Peace groups. Bill and Richard rarely missed a week. All of them were very dedicated.

That is sad, gg.
You have have been part/witness of the last smallnum peaceful streetcorner vigils. But you were there, and committed your time.
I see folks around here making peaceful beautiful statements, like street flower plantings or wall murals. The sentiments persist.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I miss it
because it was such a positive experience. It was through the Peace vigil that I really understood just how much we have in common despite the way our political system has sought to divide us. We never knew what the week would bring. Sometimes nothing, other times, incredible conversations with very interesting people, especially very young people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Peace to you and your buddies...
Hi gg,
I hope your travels are enlightening. Here's an active peace group in Dallas Looks like they hold readings, vigils, and so on. We sure could do with more peace! I've got a feeling we are going to have to stand up more and more. Let's hope we learn to wage peace!
Some advice from one who wages peace, the Dalai lama-
Together in peace....

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thank you for the Dalai Lama quote
and for the nice sentiment. We are heading back to Florida for ten days, partially to visit family and partially for a conference my husband has in Orlando. It has been a long time since I went with him. I will get to visit with my mother and go out for a nice dinner or two while there.
Traveling with three dogs (two springers and one huge pomeranian) in a PT Cruiser for eight and a half hours is always an adventure. I am not sure of the enlightening part though.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
He said this too...
Wow, what a nuanced view.
I am not sure whether I see that is cryptic cowardice or current thinking. My feeling is that humans have to compress and adapt to new circumstance, but I am not He.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
What a strange comment coming from a man who lives in exile. Thank you for sharing that.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
He does make a good point, and is one of very few who
could say something like this without being accused of racism, othering immigrants etc. I don't think I have seen anyone call him out for this opinion. But then, while he is male, he isn't white so there was no capital to be had in making the accusation.
He makes a good point, in few words, that the identities and customs of these countries taking on so many refugees should also be a consideration. Integration is important with any allowed immigration into a country.
I respect the fact he pointed this out because others who make comments like this would have automatically been accused of multiple things simply for speaking a plain and simple truth we all are aware of, but which some are loathe to admit in their quest to be compassionate to others.
The Cologne rapes and other incidents got pushed under the rug months back because everyone was on their compassionate pro immigrant tour.
Unfettered immigration in the name of compassion has its own set of consequences. And that should be able to be said, and talked about rationally without accusations.
I, for one, am glad the Dalai Lama spoke up.
Thank you so much, gulfgal,
for your efforts with your Peace
Vigil group and for sharing them
with us.
You and your fellow vigil-holders
have been trailblazers for many
of us otherwise disengaged in RL.
It is time to re-occupy the public
square and to connect with our
neighbors and fellow citizens -
legally, peacefully, and in a way
accessible to all á la Nuit Debout.
Your Peace Vigil group has set
an easy-to-follow example for
those like myself in a small
Southern town (smack next to
the state's 25,000-student
largest public university!) and
for that I personally thank you.
Now I have a personal mission
to recruit at least a couple of
others to join me in a project
similar to yours.
Enjoy your travels.
BTW, your Open Thread is missing the banner.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Forgetting the banner seems to be a chronic mistake I make.
IMO, the way we approach things helps to facilitate the conversations. We were always friendly and often started the conversation with small talk to let the people initiate the deeper conversation. We also listened to them and surprisingly most of the time, the walls would come down.
Our Peace vigil is also in a small town in western NC. We have a real downtown so there is a lot of foot traffic on the weekends which allows us the chance to actually have real conversations. Do I think we can change the world? No, but if we can educate and enlighten other people, perhaps we all can change the world.
Thank you for your comment and the heads up about the banner.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Eye contact and nod of hearing
can start discussion. I try to practice that more each day, RL. And that is real life, not riverlover. Surprise mis-association.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning gg and all you c99ers :)
I've enjoyed reading you talk of your peace vigil group and am sad that it won't continue another 15 years. Great picture and wonderful people.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Good Morning, kharma!
We tried to get people to join us, but most people do not want to give up their Sat. to stand on a street corner for an hour. I would not trade those days for anything, if only the comaraderie. We had some wonderful memories like talking the the vet of three tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq, or having the two 15 year old skateboarders stop and talk to us one day, or the day that the high school girl came by and asked if she could hold a sign and stand with us. These kids...I am feeling pretty good about them.
About six months ago, we got a letter from Richard telling us how much he missed being able to do this. He will be 94 in Sept. I think Don decided to discontinue because he did not want Bill to feel like he had to come, which Bill would have done even when he should not.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good Morning gulfgal98
How time flys, I intended to do a read only before starting a busy day. I will come back to the open thread later today.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Good Morning, hawkingfan!
I hope you will find time to read more. Have a great day!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yay! Hillary clinches ...
Neoliberalism is saved! There will be War! Single-payer will never, ever come to pass! Wall St. rejoices!
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
We will continue to fight
As I wrote that, I was thinking just how much I loathe the Clintons for what they have done to this country. As my husband says to me, "now tell me what you really think about Hillary." LOL
Good morning Azasello!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good morning to you too, gg98.
I wonder if Lockheed stock is up this morning, or United Healthcare. Did Lloyd Blankfein have a mimosa with his eggs ? Will Bill and Chelsea move the Clinton Foundation HQ to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ? So many questions ...
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Good morning all.
Thank you for posting the list of links to your previous essays. I will seek them out as I have time to sit down and read them.
What a beautiful peace vigil group you had!. If we could all undertake similar actions like that all across this country.....even sporadically....kind of like flash mobs....that would be a beautiful thing to see.
In the wake of our losses last night in CA etc. I'm just thinking how we can effect change for the better.
Yes, we can!
We need to break down the old walls that we have allowed to be built between us and reach out to one another, one on one. We have the numbers and Bernie showed us just how powerful we can be if we want to unite. I would also recommend reading chiplazarus essay today. It is filled with hope and beauty.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gulfgal, good people~
I picked a good morning to drop by, what a great post. Makes me feel hopeful this morning.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Good morning, triv!
I was nor feeling too hopeful myself until I read this essay by chiplazarus. Then I felt a ray of sunshine. We are just beginning.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hopeful is the only way to see things...
if we are to continue. I truly believe that. A lot of eyes have been opened, and that's a good beginning.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
morning, gg
It's too bad none of the fabled millennials stepped up. In the town down the hill the weekly peace vigil has managed to rope in a few, as the 90-year-olds phase out. But then it's a college town, so there is always a fresh infusion of such folk, and some prove willing to stand out on the street for a while, before returning to life on the screens.
When Michael Brown awoke the nation to the fact that police officers routinely kill black people as part of their job, that trickled into this vigil both young people and people of color. Since you're in North Carolina, you've got you some black folk. ; ) Has there been an attempt by the vigilers to connect with them on such issues? (I note you say Richard was out there protesting the death penalty for five years before the peace vigil began.) The Hairball's repeated vows to kill and/or deport all the brown people, that has also brought new people into the vigil.
I'm sorry the ascent of Obama reduced your vigil's ranks. Here, the period of lowest participation was during some of the Reagan years: a lot of people just felt it was hopeless.
Below is a photo from the 50th anniversary of the local vigil (which was six years ago), featuring a placard with the names of the founders of the vigil. It began when a Titan missile base was sited north of town. The base is long shuttered, but the people remain.
In any event, you deserve unlimited credit for sticking with it. You're a good person.
I am very impressed
with your local Peace vigil. It is a wonderful thing to see these last so long. Our lasted 13.5 years. I was with them a little over four years, but Don and Bill were there to the end. We did much better than many larger cities.
About demographics here in this town and county. This area was so remote that the town was not even founded until after the Civil War. Until that time, there were just a few hardy souls trying to eke out a living farming these mountains. Then it became a timbering town and a tannery. When a railroad was extended south from Asheville to serve the lumber industry, then the town had access. Our in town population is less than 10% minority and that is even lower county wide. Three years ago, an NAACP chapter was founded here with most of its members being white. Our population is much older than most of NC, the third oldest of 100 counties. We do have a small college of about 750 students, but it is not year round. What I am saying is there are not many millennials here and I am not going to knock them either.
The Peace vigil group was always older citizens and now the members are aging out. It is just a function of our demographics here. I feel very honored to have participated with these guys for as long as we did. I wish we could have found younger people to join us but this is a big recreational area and most do not want to give up a weekend. I understand that they would rather be out hiking, kayaking or mountain biking than standing on the street every Sat.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i know
you're not going to knock millennials. That's why I do it for you. ; ) My daughter is a millennial, and very awake and alive to her peers. She is under no illusion that they are any kind of special or superior or advanced form of human. They're just more people.
And this whole "generationalism" business, it is anyway a relatively new invention. By Americans, natch. The so-called "Greatest Generation," for instance, didn't even know that's what they were—and neither did anyone else—until Tom Brokaw wrote a book in the '90s. The WWI people, meanwhile, moldering there in their graves, suddenly at some point became "the Lost Generation," a term applied by Gertrude Stein to a handful of her expat friends, but now supposedly encompassing all of them. Remember when there was the decision, by somebody or other, that the boomers had to be broken into two parts, and so they invented "Generation Jones"? And on and on and on. "Generations," they have never moved anything. Only individual human beings, do that.
Fine looking bunch of DFH's there gg....
And thanks for what all of you tried to accomplish. I put you right up there with CodePink in trying to keep the deadly issue of war up front, but it is a strenuous burden in these times and you all bore it so well.
Still, we can look forward to your wonderful essays here, and maybe you can find a group you and Bill can get with to promote some vigils in your area, but one thing I know for sure: The persistence of you and your group was and is inspiring. I know I've said this somewhere here before, but I don't categorize myself as pessimist or optimist; for me, it's doing the right thing that counts as it's the long haul we're looking at, though the length keeps shortening up on us.
You've been doing the right thing. Thanks.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Thank you, LL!
I am a firm believer in reaching out to people one on one which is what we tried to do with the Peace vigil.
I keep in touch with Don and hopefully we can do something here every so often, maybe even it is just once a month.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
good morning, gg, your peace vigil story
makes me light a candle now every day - just to remember that peace is the only real option.
Thanks as always for your essays. They do me good to read.
Good morning, mimi!
Peace is the only way if we want humanity to survive. Thank you!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
JtC: c99p has been very slow, was DOWN twice
according to IsItDown when I
checked right after noon CT.
Don't know how your vacation is
going (I hope well), but looks
like the site needs some TLC.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I went to
google and searched "California election stolen" and "California election rigged" and several other variations. You get about 2 or 3 current hits then it goes to Prop 8 stuff. Bing and yahoo the same way. Then I typed in "kentucky democratic primary election stolen". Now I remember reading tons of stuff on this after the primary. Literally nothing when you search it now. Looks like they're in on the fix too.
Hey, gg, sorry the vigil came to an end, but they say all
things must. Sounds like you guys had a good run.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
EL, you understand
It was a great run and one that benefited me far more than I benefited them. It made me a better person, and that is not in the activist or political sense. It made me a better human being in my interactions with other human beings. Thank you for your comment.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy