Because now I can stop paying attention to them for good. After all the rude comments I got on my GCBW diary, I'm glad it's over. Now they're just one step closer to becoming Orange State.
I'd have put your ID name in subject, but can't type all that with my thumb on a phone. (Copy/paste is way too much a pita on a phone too because link.)
When I wrote my last diary taking a long time-out (may be permanent, I haven't decided yet though the desire to go back for a bit of schadenfreude when Clinton takes us into another unnecessary war is tempting), a few commenters thought I should be banned for that -- the fact that I had a reputation as a low-drama individual with 12 years of participation under my belt helped me keep my status intact. I suppose I could have gone out in a blaze of glory, but I like to keep my options open; one reason I rejected Kos' edict and took my own time out before I could get banned.
Haven't spent much time there since leaving -- I removed the bookmark from my browsers so I have to type in the URL, and I'm generally lazy anyway. Went over there a couple of days ago to read Valtin's remarkable GBCW, and got out relatively quickly.
lead to my banning, but it won't be till after November.
I am trying to come up with a shorter version of, " Don't blame us or call us Naderites, We begged and pleaded with you to help us avoid this." for the title.
Then I figure I will spend a little time culling through all the diaries where we explained why Clinton was the worst choice for victory in November and accompanying each quote with some of the dismissive, derisive or outright hostile replies we had received for our efforts.
If I am gonna go out, I am gonna leave a big stinking pile of my opinion of them on the floor before doing so.
0 users have voted.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
in Syria or North Korea or someplace, my comment will probably be something like, "If youda asked me, I coulda told ya." Which will probably get more flags than the graves at Arlington today.
I was a loyal community member since 2004, but most diaries were for the WAYWO group(What Are You Working On?) and I did a number of craft tutorials that are sometimes linked at other sites. (Like, if you google how to do a craft, one of my diaries might turn up.) I would like to delete them to decrease the traffic.
You are welcome to stay here among the friendlies. I did not get banned, just ghosted.
Were you the diarist who posted about the labyrinths and gave instructions on how to make a couple of different types?
I glommed onto that diary and stuffed it into my hard drive's Craft folder. Loved it! And making one is practically a meditation all in itself. It even got me started next on the Mandela "coloring" books...!
I did a recent demo of using a stencil and spray bleach on black tee shirt to make a design. I had done others with dyes. One I found linked to DIY sites was an intro to Tunisian crochet. They were small, unimportant diaries, community builders, not action diaries. My biggest diary was when I helped organize a bake sale for Ms.Spentyouth to highlight lack of affordable health care. We handed out small moon pies with stickers than said, "we are not asking for the moon - just affordable health care."
Wonder if we'd be allowed to have a thread for crafts here?
Love the Moon quote: reminds me of one of my all time favorites, from Ms. Avedon ( can't remember her first name, married to photographer Richard Avedon, way back when)
"War is not healthy for children and other living things."
Wish I still had that button.
I avoid the place so thought I would ask first before making the trip. It is really sad for me to think of the friends I made there that I will not see online but if they are there, it is just too bad a part of internet-town for me to visit.
And left breadcrumbs behind, leading our friends and comrades to This Place.
Grateful for this place every day. When I first joined in Sept, I had no idea where C99 was headed, just that many of the people I most liked and respected were posting here. And, it just keeps getting better
0 users have voted.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
We exchanged new sites of hangout. If you can still get on...
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I only had 25 of them. I actually posted them when I wrote them to both sites. I never trusted DK and had put many hours into each post. I read many of your diaries. I hope we can have a craft one here. Once people know you are posting again they will find you.
I'm reminded of an Art Buchwald column about the time Nixon's "Enemies list" became public. Buchwald was apoplectic he hadn't made the list. If he were around today, I'm pretty confident he'd be happy to make a Clinton or Markos enemies list, or "banned" list, too.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
BNR and other Bernie diaries, but it was becoming too much of an unpleasant chore so I stopped.
But anyway I went over there today and, oh my, just when you think that place couldn't get any worse, it goes and does just that.
What a cesspool of ill will, top to bottom.
Exactly how they think all of that ill will helps their chosen candidate, I cannot fathom. But apparently they truly believe that insults, piles ons, and banishment are the path forward to victory.
Good luck with that approach, Boss Koss, you created that mob and now you can sit there with them in your stinking shithole of a site.
0 users have voted.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
My last real visit there was the day of the New York primary. I knew, when Hillary was declared the winner, that is would be too nasty to wade in there.
Somebody should write a book called "You Can't Home Again" because when home changes it's not "home" any more.
I still go once in a blue moon (I know, maybe I am a masochist, lol!) and the vitrolic hate is horrific.
What is kinda funny is many of them are already laying the groundwork for blame for when Clinton loses. (The usual Bernie Bro/Naderites, etc. are gonna cost Hillary her crown.)
It would be laughable if the stakes were not so damn severe.
I wonder if my Finnish friends would sponsor me as a political refugee, lol! (J/K too damn cold there for me, lol!)
0 users have voted.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
and while I am cross-posting here, it is disturbing that such fractures have occurred over there.
I am not a Hillarist by any means since she will legitimate the neoliberal idiocy that continues to destroy the nation (OTOH would we have wanted McGrumpy or rMoney as POTUS) but since the Ides of March, it is discouraging that what seems to be a population of PUMAs and the usual institutional bullies and / or sockpuppets has held sway over there much to the detriment of a community, but then again I only joined over there after the 2008 DNC
I agree with you, but I think the top of TOP is more concerned with $$$$ than with democrats.
The hilleryites, however, are the Pumas writ large. I swear, they've been stuck in idol worshiping mode for nearly a decade.
Seeing how things were setting up for the election, I assumed anyone who challenged Hill for the nomination would fall upon the wrath of the Pumas. And I was actually afraid after having nearly a decade to marinate in all those feelings of loss/theft/anger, etc., of what they would do to anyone who stood in "their" candidate's way this time. So far, they've not disappointed me in that assumption.
I totally agree with you. In 2008 we got to see how the PUMAs behave when their candidate loses, and this year, we see how PUMAs behave when their candidate wins.
Dkos is first and foremost a partisan site for the Democratic Party. Everything else is secondary and must serve the party's priority. This happened in 2008. It's moderation system is immature and willfully abused. Lord of the flies best describes kos and his community. I was there regularly since 2094 2004, and I don't miss the place one bit.
As an Independent, I could care less about party. If the party wants my vote, they'll earn it and that will never happen with Hillary. If they don't nominate Bernie, I will vote third party. If that elects Trump, too bad. They should have picked a better candidate. If Hillary pisses me off enough, I might even vote for Trump and get even instead of mad. I can't think of anything worse for the country and my grandkids futures than another Clinton in the WH. Dems will fight a President Trump. Which of those sold out cowards will stand up to the Clintons when the want to privatize SS or pass another TPP?
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
that I was leaning towards voting for Jill Stein -- fortunately here in California I have that option. And if Hillary Clinton is in so much trouble in California that my one vote can lose her the election, she's in deep shit indeed. It's either that or leave the selection blank, which I did in 2012 when DiFi ran for re-election.
I have reached a point I don't care if I get banned or not, but not so much I will actually try to, since I like being to inject a little reality into the bubble from time to time.
Truth is I was banned before, a number of years ago, from a witch hunt, but only to appease the witch hunters since it was agreed by the admins I could return just not under that name. I actually didn't re-sign up for years until Bernie announced and I could easy go back to not posting there again now that its Blue State.
I like it much better than TOP. Hope it catches on.
0 users have voted.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
would migrate here. I know OPOL has an acccount here, but I've only "seen" him a time or two, I think. I miss his diaries, and quarkstompers. Haven't seen him voice a favorite, one way or another. And he does such an excellent series of stories from the Old Testament, in particular with a Jewish understanding of them. But... come to think of it... I haven't seen him on TOS for quite a while, either!
He hasn't been writing diaries but I know he recced a couple comments of mine over the weekend so hes around, I think like many of us his time there is declining, the place just drains the soul with all the lying hate and spinning, but old habits die hard.
I expect we will be seeing many others continue to drift this way as Blue State gets more and more bubblish.
We have an excellent series going here on the Old Testament with a Jewish understanding. This is the only reason I haven't abandoned TOP being an Administrator at Street Prophets. The writers we have here are truly amazing.
0 users have voted.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
i used to hang out quite a lot over at Street Prophets when they first started under Kos' wing. With there being only 24 hours in a day, I stayed on TOP and caught the highlights that were cross-posted from there.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
the end of the world
[video: width:640 height:480]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
1 of my favorite songs EVAH!
I'd have put your ID name in subject, but can't type all that with my thumb on a phone. (Copy/paste is way too much a pita on a phone too because link.)
Anywho, love the song!
Wear That Badge With Pride
After all, how many can say they have been converted into non-existence by the Great Orange Soviet?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Arrrrrrr A pirates life for ye!
Fly that jolly dodger proudly.
I want a Pony!
Banned over a month ago until this week
Won't ever bother to go back: only forward Liepar's diaries to facebook. Markos is an operative for something obscene.
P.S. I consider that I stood up for my nation
and got banned for being an honorable person and a person who stands with humanity against obscenity and lies.
me too
Beware the bullshit factories.
"... I stood up for My People" --
... these days, the idea of a "Nation" seems to be a problem --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Been banned from other sites you care to share with us? /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Nothing I would know. nt
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Aspie Corner- what did you get banned for?
Just curious. I don't recognize your name from GOS.
I still go there to support LD's BNR. He's starting a new site soon. Looking forward to it.
My name at Orange State was Homer177.
I was banned because I used a GBCW tag in my diary. And probably because I said I wouldn't support Hillary or Trump.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
GBCWs typically lead to banning
per previous Edict.
When I wrote my last diary taking a long time-out (may be permanent, I haven't decided yet though the desire to go back for a bit of schadenfreude when Clinton takes us into another unnecessary war is tempting), a few commenters thought I should be banned for that -- the fact that I had a reputation as a low-drama individual with 12 years of participation under my belt helped me keep my status intact. I suppose I could have gone out in a blaze of glory, but I like to keep my options open; one reason I rejected Kos' edict and took my own time out before I could get banned.
Haven't spent much time there since leaving -- I removed the bookmark from my browsers so I have to type in the URL, and I'm generally lazy anyway. Went over there a couple of days ago to read Valtin's remarkable GBCW, and got out relatively quickly.
Same here, I am already composing the Diary that will probably
lead to my banning, but it won't be till after November.
I am trying to come up with a shorter version of, " Don't blame us or call us Naderites, We begged and pleaded with you to help us avoid this." for the title.
Then I figure I will spend a little time culling through all the diaries where we explained why Clinton was the worst choice for victory in November and accompanying each quote with some of the dismissive, derisive or outright hostile replies we had received for our efforts.
If I am gonna go out, I am gonna leave a big stinking pile of my opinion of them on the floor before doing so.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
When Clinton puts boots on the ground
in Syria or North Korea or someplace, my comment will probably be something like, "If youda asked me, I coulda told ya." Which will probably get more flags than the graves at Arlington today.
Does anyone know how to delete one's diaries there?
I was a loyal community member since 2004, but most diaries were for the WAYWO group(What Are You Working On?) and I did a number of craft tutorials that are sometimes linked at other sites. (Like, if you google how to do a craft, one of my diaries might turn up.) I would like to delete them to decrease the traffic.
You are welcome to stay here among the friendlies. I did not get banned, just ghosted.
See my reply below.
Peace out, tmp.
Were you the diarist who posted about the labyrinths and gave instructions on how to make a couple of different types?
I glommed onto that diary and stuffed it into my hard drive's Craft folder. Loved it! And making one is practically a meditation all in itself. It even got me started next on the Mandela "coloring" books...!
that was not my craft
I did a recent demo of using a stencil and spray bleach on black tee shirt to make a design. I had done others with dyes. One I found linked to DIY sites was an intro to Tunisian crochet. They were small, unimportant diaries, community builders, not action diaries. My biggest diary was when I helped organize a bake sale for Ms.Spentyouth to highlight lack of affordable health care. We handed out small moon pies with stickers than said, "we are not asking for the moon - just affordable health care."
Yeah, crafts :)
Wonder if we'd be allowed to have a thread for crafts here?
Love the Moon quote: reminds me of one of my all time favorites, from Ms. Avedon ( can't remember her first name, married to photographer Richard Avedon, way back when)
"War is not healthy for children and other living things."
Wish I still had that button.
Go to diary and click edit. in the upper right corner click on "the lines in a box". Choose delete diary.
good luck!
Peace out, tmp.
I avoid the place so thought I would ask first before making the trip. It is really sad for me to think of the friends I made there that I will not see online but if they are there, it is just too bad a part of internet-town for me to visit.
Post them elsewhere so they won't disappear forever?
Or copy them to your hard drive before deleting?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Some of us have deleted our diaries at TOP,
And left breadcrumbs behind, leading our friends and comrades to This Place.
Grateful for this place every day. When I first joined in Sept, I had no idea where C99 was headed, just that many of the people I most liked and respected were posting here. And, it just keeps getting better
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I did a summer camp letter to friends there.
We exchanged new sites of hangout. If you can still get on...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I posted all my quilt diaries to another site.
I only had 25 of them. I actually posted them when I wrote them to both sites. I never trusted DK and had put many hours into each post. I read many of your diaries. I hope we can have a craft one here. Once people know you are posting again they will find you.
What an honor! Congratulations! Seriously.
I'm reminded of an Art Buchwald column about the time Nixon's "Enemies list" became public. Buchwald was apoplectic he hadn't made the list. If he were around today, I'm pretty confident he'd be happy to make a Clinton or Markos enemies list, or "banned" list, too.
Twain Disciple
hunter thompson was also furious to have been overlooked.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I had forgotten that.
I shouldn't have. We're so proud that Hunter Thompson is a local boy.
Twain Disciple
Don't go there much anymore. Used to go once a day to rec
BNR and other Bernie diaries, but it was becoming too much of an unpleasant chore so I stopped.
But anyway I went over there today and, oh my, just when you think that place couldn't get any worse, it goes and does just that.
What a cesspool of ill will, top to bottom.
Exactly how they think all of that ill will helps their chosen candidate, I cannot fathom. But apparently they truly believe that insults, piles ons, and banishment are the path forward to victory.
Good luck with that approach, Boss Koss, you created that mob and now you can sit there with them in your stinking shithole of a site.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
interesting mob mentality there
it's like they're all going "get 'em! get 'em!!"
My last real visit there was the day of the New York primary. I knew, when Hillary was declared the winner, that is would be too nasty to wade in there.
Somebody should write a book called "You Can't Home Again" because when home changes it's not "home" any more.
I do feel bad about not rec'ing BNR, but the place actually
makes me sick to my stomach, and just seeing the rec list anymore is nauseating.
Don't know how LD can stands it, but I do give him credit for all the hard work he does.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I skip the front door &
I skip the front door & bookmarked
If you haven't been there since NY you are lucky.
I still go once in a blue moon (I know, maybe I am a masochist, lol!) and the vitrolic hate is horrific.
What is kinda funny is many of them are already laying the groundwork for blame for when Clinton loses. (The usual Bernie Bro/Naderites, etc. are gonna cost Hillary her crown.)
It would be laughable if the stakes were not so damn severe.
I wonder if my Finnish friends would sponsor me as a political refugee, lol! (J/K too damn cold there for me, lol!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The mob mentality creates group cohesion.
Kos has the Hillary supporters. In time, he will try to sell them on his project (more and better).
You need an enemy to bond together there and Trump is not enough. The real hate is saved for Bernie.
It's an interesting dynamic, but not that interesting.
It seems interesting that both TOP and T-Rump
enourage mobbing behavior.
guessing that
and while I am cross-posting here, it is disturbing that such fractures have occurred over there.
I am not a Hillarist by any means since she will legitimate the neoliberal idiocy that continues to destroy the nation (OTOH would we have wanted McGrumpy or rMoney as POTUS) but since the Ides of March, it is discouraging that what seems to be a population of PUMAs and the usual institutional bullies and / or sockpuppets has held sway over there much to the detriment of a community, but then again I only joined over there after the 2008 DNC
It starts at the top of TOP.
I agree...
It starts at the top of TOP.
I agree with you, but I think the top of TOP is more concerned with $$$$ than with democrats.
The hilleryites, however, are the Pumas writ large. I swear, they've been stuck in idol worshiping mode for nearly a decade.
Seeing how things were setting up for the election, I assumed anyone who challenged Hill for the nomination would fall upon the wrath of the Pumas. And I was actually afraid after having nearly a decade to marinate in all those feelings of loss/theft/anger, etc., of what they would do to anyone who stood in "their" candidate's way this time. So far, they've not disappointed me in that assumption.
Talk about feelings of entitlement!!!
PUMAS ---2008/2016
I totally agree with you. In 2008 we got to see how the PUMAs behave when their candidate loses, and this year, we see how PUMAs behave when their candidate wins.
Wait, who're "Mr Grumpy & rMoney"?
Just trying to clarify.
And yes, the place, well, sucks. Raises one's blood pressure. If that was Little Napoleon's plan, he certainly succeeded!
John McCain and Mitt Romney.
John McCain and Mitt Romney.
Here ya go--
McGrumpy = McCain
rMoney = Romney
I know, it's hard to keep up!
I would disagree with you.
Dkos is first and foremost a partisan site for the Democratic Party. Everything else is secondary and must serve the party's priority. This happened in 2008. It's moderation system is immature and willfully abused. Lord of the flies best describes kos and his community. I was there regularly since
20942004, and I don't miss the place one bit.As an Independent, I could care less about party. If the party wants my vote, they'll earn it and that will never happen with Hillary. If they don't nominate Bernie, I will vote third party. If that elects Trump, too bad. They should have picked a better candidate. If Hillary pisses me off enough, I might even vote for Trump and get even instead of mad. I can't think of anything worse for the country and my grandkids futures than another Clinton in the WH. Dems will fight a President Trump. Which of those sold out cowards will stand up to the Clintons when the want to privatize SS or pass another TPP?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"I was there regularly since 2094, and I don't miss the place
one bit."
WOW! I am impressed. How'd you do that???
Just messing with you. (Unless you really can time travel, in which case...)
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Maybe it was B.C.?
Some of us are pretty old...

"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
There are times I feel that old. n.t
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Some days I feel like a stone
Some days I feel like a stone tool, does that count?
lol - thanks.... corrected it. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Told Mr. Scribe
that I was leaning towards voting for Jill Stein -- fortunately here in California I have that option. And if Hillary Clinton is in so much trouble in California that my one vote can lose her the election, she's in deep shit indeed. It's either that or leave the selection blank, which I did in 2012 when DiFi ran for re-election.
Congratulations on your banning!
Sort of like being arrested at a sit-in.
I have reached a point I don
I have reached a point I don't care if I get banned or not, but not so much I will actually try to, since I like being to inject a little reality into the bubble from time to time.
Truth is I was banned before, a number of years ago, from a witch hunt, but only to appease the witch hunters since it was agreed by the admins I could return just not under that name. I actually didn't re-sign up for years until Bernie announced and I could easy go back to not posting there again now that its Blue State.
Blue State
I like it much better than TOP. Hope it catches on.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I just wish others of us from there
would migrate here. I know OPOL has an acccount here, but I've only "seen" him a time or two, I think. I miss his diaries, and quarkstompers. Haven't seen him voice a favorite, one way or another. And he does such an excellent series of stories from the Old Testament, in particular with a Jewish understanding of them. But... come to think of it... I haven't seen him on TOS for quite a while, either!
He hasn't been writing
He hasn't been writing diaries but I know he recced a couple comments of mine over the weekend so hes around, I think like many of us his time there is declining, the place just drains the soul with all the lying hate and spinning, but old habits die hard.
I expect we will be seeing many others continue to drift this way as Blue State gets more and more bubblish.
Street Prophets
We have an excellent series going here on the Old Testament with a Jewish understanding. This is the only reason I haven't abandoned TOP being an Administrator at Street Prophets. The writers we have here are truly amazing.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
Cool, michele... thanks for the info!
i used to hang out quite a lot over at Street Prophets when they first started under Kos' wing. With there being only 24 hours in a day, I stayed on TOP and caught the highlights that were cross-posted from there.
Congrats and welcome home!!! n/t
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN