Once Upon a Time the US fought for a Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Now it Pisses on it Every Damn Day

This may be ancient history to some, or even unknown history to others, but in 1948, after the deadliest war in world history, the United States of America, led by Eleanor Roosevelt, delegate to the UN appointed by President Truman, was the driving force behind the draft of a document unanimously adopted by all members of the United Nations General Assembly. It was called the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

Here are some of the most important provisions set forth in this landmark charter recognizing human rights among all peoples of the world:

Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. [...]

Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. [...]

Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. [...]

Article 25.
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

This document would not have been created without the active support of the US government, and the heroic efforts of Eleanor Roosevelt, widow to FDR. It was front page news when the UN adopted it in December 1948. Now I wonder how many Americans have even heard of it.

From the start, it was understood that this document was aspirational in nature. There is no mechanism to enforce its provisions. Nonetheless it remains one of the most pwerful statements for advancing the rights of all individual human beings and providing them the opportunities, economic and cultural to reach their full potential. These were the ideals that the United States advanced as justification for a "new world order," one in which the rights and privileges of human beings of all would take priority over the rights of nation states, governments and corporations.

Yet, here we stand today, less than seventy years later, and what do we see? The loss of many of the very rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Rights in our own country,and the destruction of the lives of billions of other people around the globe, thanks to the good, old USA.

Our nation has a sordid history since 1948 in taking actions that violated both the letter and the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our government since it "adopted" the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has regularly violated the human rights of people in other countries through the prosecution of aggressive wars (Korea, Vietnam, Panama, the First Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan and the multitude of nations in which the CIA and our covert special operations forces operate in secret today).

And our government, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, actively promoted and and gave military assistance to dictatorial and authoritarian regimes around the globe that oppressed and murdered their citizens so long as those regimes allied themselves with US interests. A short list would include despots from Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Pinochet in Chile, the Shah in Iran, the Saudi Royal Family, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, to just about every murderous junta in every nation in Latin America were all our pals. The US was also instrumental in creating and engineering an international economic order that preyed upon the most vulnerable people in the most vulnerable nations for the benefit of US banks, financial speculators and multinational corporations. An international economic order that is now strangling the lifeblood (and financial asssets) out of millions of people in the developed and developing world alike, including millions of Americans.

The actions of former President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the prior eight years in Guatemala, Columbia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc, continued this long series of outrages and violations of international law. George Bush once allegedly said that the US Constitution was just a goddamned piece of paper. Well, the United States government for decades has been wiping its ass with the international agreements and treaties that are set forth on paper, including the Universal Declaration of Human rights.

We now lead the world in the electronic surveillance of people around the world, including our own citizens. We have adopted torture, assassination and undeclared wars as official US government policies. We have meddled and influenced so-called democratic elections in far too many countries to count, including the nation states of Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, Indonesia, probably every nation in Latin America and who knows how many many in Africa and Asia. We have hundreds of military bases around the world to insure we can intimidate both our friends and allies with the threat of an attack by our armed forces if they "get out of line." We routinely ignore human rights violations in countries with which we have strong economic ties while denouncing the human rights violations of our enemies and rivals.

Meanwhile, the US leads the world in the incarceration of our own people, and the detention of foreign nationals, political refugees and other immigrants, often using brutal methods to arrest them and keep them detained without due process of law in what are effectively concentration camps. Us law enforcement agencies assault and beat peaceful protestors asserting their first amendment rights, often in defense of corporate interests.

We have the worst social safety net among the developed nations of the world, and it's about to get even worse, if the Republicans get their way. But the stripping of our rights, the redistribution of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the wealthiest among us, and the divisive nature of our politics this has been a bi-partisan effort. Thank you, Bill Clinton, and thank you, Barack Obama, and all your little neo-liberal conserva-dems, too. The GOP couldn't have managed it without you.

And to think that once upon a time, prominent national leaders, progressive leaders in both parties, dreamed of a better world for all people, one in which governments served the interests of all citizens, and not just the greed of a few. Call me a purist of you like, but it seems to me that our current state of affairs has been the project of lesser, weaker, greedier and more corrupt political leaders than the ones we had not so long ago.

Whatever ideals and progress we achieved after the conclusion of the Second World War have been eroded and, in many cases, outright dismantled by a corrupt and hypocritical political class that cares nothing for the human rights of anyone other than themselves and their donors. The election campaign of Senator Sanders last year, the election of Trump as President and the ongoing phony hysteria generated by the propaganda organs of the deep state (otherwise known as our traditional news media) has exposed that corruption and hypocrisy in all its bloated and malicious immoral glory. At least to anyone who uses a modicum of critical thing to see that that the news we are fed on a 24 hour basis and told is true is a collection of lies and bullshit.

How far we have fallen as a nation in the eyes of the world, and in the eyes of those who know their history. Benjamin Franklin famously answered, when asked the question “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?", "A republic, if you can keep it." Well, we have no republic, no democracy and no freedoms that are worth a tinker's damn. Perhaps, we never did, but at least we had the dream that one could be realized. Now even that illusion has been shattered. God Bless America? If you have a corporate logo or a large investment portfolio, yes, yes he has. Anyone else, though, has experienced the "blessing" God bestowed upon Job, without the "happy ending" of that mythical tale.

Human rights just aren't worth the paper they're written on it seems. Not in today;s America, anyway.

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rather than the more traditional "oath of office", it would save them any embarrassment later on.

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mhagle's picture

Thank you for bringing it to our attention! It should be our rallying cry.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

divineorder's picture

@mhagle with our high school students years ago and that's when I learned about it.
Subsequently learned how the US has been a bad actor in re it for many many years.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Lily O Lady's picture

tell people what they stood for. Turns out they don't stand for anything.

I remember learning about the UN and the declaration. Apparently it was repealed when I wasn't looking.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

detroitmechworks's picture

is directly proportional to the amount of funds you've donated to political campaigns.

Hence, corporations are human, my friend.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

divineorder's picture

attempts to lead humanity on a different path. Hopefully those of us who care can revive the work for this.

Daunting work ahead...

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture

Almost every thing you wrote about here was derided on DK this afternoon. People like us are being called the Alt Left because we still value the same things that Elenor Roosevelt stood for. And the things that the democrats used to stand for before they decided that it would be more important to get money from corporations and bank CEOs.
They will not listen to anyone who has a different opinion on the election and why Hillary lost the election. A few people did write that she was a shitty candidate who had too much baggage and that the polls showed that Bernie would have beaten Trump.
And a few people said that she spent over a billion dollars and still lost to Trump, but they won't admit that she should have never been the candidate.
We heard the silence from so called progressives during the 8 years of Obamas's terms while he expanded Bush's wars and dropped over 72 bombs a day last year alone and no one asked to us to march to protest his actions or asked us to write letters, sign petitions or call our senators and tell him to stop killing innocent civilians in countries where he had no right to be doing those things.
And now we are being bombarded with bullshit about how the Russians hacked the DNC's website and gave the information to Wikileaks to release so Hillary's and the DNC's attempt to derail Bernie's campaign.
I went to dinner at my aunt and uncle's tonight and Rachel was on spreading more manure about how Russia was able to hack the DNC and interfere with the election. The bullshit that she was saying made me wonder how anyone could believe her.
She has totally gone around the bend.
Had anyone been paying attention to the democrats who have voted to confirm Trump's appointees?
Why the Hell would Bernie vote to confirm Mattis who is a huge warmonger
And why are the democrats even allowing a hearing on Trump's Supreme Court pick instead of blocking him like the republicans did Garland? And why didn't Obama appoint Garland when he had the chance even if he would have only been there for a few years?
Good lord, I'm tired of reading about stupid people who should know better.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

@snoopydawg I'm so glad to never again associate with asshat D "thinkers"(LOL!) like armando, what a dick. Royally inhuman is how they sound to me now, just like Milo whatshisname. wtf? Ew, it's gonna be a big wallop when their karma catches up.

Thanks for all your great comments snoopydawg, and your avatar. I grew up collecting Peanuts paperbacks, Charles Schultz is from around here. Love those characters, especially Pig-Pen. Smile dirt worshipper. Oh yeah, and I have heard a beagle sing, no kidding. There's probably a youtube somewhere similar, those dogs have great voices, and bassets too. Love hounds.


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snoopydawg's picture

@eyo @eyo
And Armando thinks he's a big boy going after Taibi on twitter and deconstructing one of his articles. That was the diary I read yesterday after Taibi wrote an article about something. I didn't have time to read it..

I too have been a Snoopy fan since I was a kid. I have a huge collection of Shultz's books, a lot of stuffed Snoopys,hats, clothing... and even a snoopy and Woodstock tattoo.
Are you talking about the Snoopy museum in Santa Rosa? If so, I went there too and they let me bring me dog in.
I am on my third Beagle and they are just like Snoopy Smile
Every time she hears a siren, she sings. My others bayed or howled but Charlie Brown's song is soft and low. Unless my other dog starts howling too and then she sounds more like she got kicked in the ribs. That's the noise they make when they smell a rabbit. The first time I heard it I thought my dog had gotten injured. And instead of watching where the rabbit is running, they put their noses to the ground and lose track of them.
I have always wanted to name one Snoopy but what happens when Snoopy dies? Just can't do it.
But one has to know what they are getting when they get one. They are famous for running away and not listening. It's because they have two brains. One is connected to the ears and the other to their noses and when the nose brain is engaged they won't hear you.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Thank you Rachel Madcow for revealing how stupid you are. Too stupid to read even a two-page document. There is a vacant place waiting for you in Al Capone's currently unused safe. Perhaps you can stash your loot in there.

Jimmy Dore has the perfect squelch to those who still pine for Shillary. Thanks for the video, Mr. Dawg.

Rachel has learned lots from Hillary:

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed
I haven't watched her in years and only do if I'm at my uncle's house. He thinks she walks on water and never misses her show.
Last night she was covering the FBI hearings and just kept going on and on and.......
It's sad how far she has fallen from reporting the truth.

And pssst, it's Ms. Dawg

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

karl pearson's picture

Found this puff piece stating that Eleanor Roosevelt was Hillary Clinton's personal hero. During Clinton's time in politics, she would periodically refer to Eleanor as her role model. If Eleanor Roosevelt were alive and knew this, she would certainly have asked Clinton what the heck happened!

Roosevelt herself declined to run for political office. “Eleanor was asked to run for Senate, and asked to run for vice president, and indeed asked to run for president. Each time she said, ‘I would rather be chloroformed than run for office,’” Cook said.

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snoopydawg's picture

Remember how many times we were told that we had to vote on the LOTEs because if the republicans won they would get to put their candidate on the Supreme Court and the world would burn down.
The republicans wouldn't let Garland get a vote because Obama was a lame duck president and for some reason, he didn't use a time that was available for him to just go around them and put him on the court anyway.
So now we have Gorsuch nominated for it and it looks like the democrats are just going to roll over and confirm him without a fight or filibuster him because......
I will let Jimmy adore explain it to you.
On a lot of websites I have seen people writing that the democrats need to stand up for us and fight the republicans and use the filibuster and everything they can to block his nomination, or they need to speak out against what they want to do to us. How many years have we been telling them to do this and grow a damned spine? I have been saying it since 2006 but after Obamas's was elected and he saw who he put in his cabinet.
I now realize that the democrats aren't going to fight for us. Ever. They aren't going to do anything that will go against their corporate masters.
And this is why they are going to confirm Gorsuch and let the republicans pass whatever legislation they want to and make huge cuts to our social safety nets.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lily O Lady's picture


awful things that Congress does on the GOP. Of course we understand that both parties serve the 1%. It's all an act to keep us baffled and instil a sense helplessness.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

never recover if Gorsuch is confirmed.
Skip the part about Russia's interference with the election and read about the precedent this will set.

On Monday, when Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing is scheduled to begin, the Republicans will attempt to complete their cynical political takeover of the US supreme court, launched last year when they failed to confirm or to even give a hearing to Judge Merrick Garland.

Confirming Gorsuch would endorse and normalize unconstitutional political games. It would encourage both parties to use and expand this strategy in the future, at the expense of our highest court and its critical role in our judicial system.

And it is not just the supreme court that will be affected, as the strategy will be used to block appointments to lower courts. This is a slippery slope that ends with decimating the legitimacy of an entire branch of government, and the resulting checks and balances on which our democracy depends.

The only thing I disagree with him is that the democrats would do the same things that the republicans do. They will continue to roll over and be the good doggies that they have been for decades.


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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Thanks and hugs Steven D speaks for me. This cuts off after three and half minutes, but peace corp, why not.
Eleanor Roosevelt interviews JFK

Not feeling much security of person right now, to be honest. Not much at all.
To paraphrase Lloyd Bentson "Madame Secretary, you're no Eleanor Roosevelt" Potato potatoe, go back to the woods.

Love & Peace
Peace & Love

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