open thread - ding dong the dems are dead
Submitted by Lookout on Tue, 12/27/2016 - 11:38am
I'm putting this up because I saw we didn't have a place for short comments or articles this morning.
Looks like the dems are lost. I caught this Jimmy Dore piece about the Michigan State DNC meeting. All I can say to the democratic party is "dumb is as dumb does". (7 min)
Hope your day is a good one. I'm glad it's raining here. All the best...
Chime in -

Doubling down on stupid
but the truth of the matter, they want all that dark money to keep rolling-in.
Money is the dividing line in the Democratic Party.
Progressive to the bone.
the corporate capture...
of the party and entire government is blatantly obvious - no more hiding. Hell, we even elect a corporation - T-rump inc - they are citizens, you know.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"Money talks and, baby, when you've been bought,
you pay attention when you hear money talk" - The Kinks "Money Talks"
When Clinton sold out to the Wall St speculators, he bought a one way ticket for the Democratic party to become Big Finance's permanent stooge. We've seen how Global Capital ruins peoples' quality of life including the environment and a safe place to work. Hell, under this regime, a person is lucky to have a place to work.
Obama wants $1Trillion for new nukes and wants to sell of the public schools to for-profit charters. Trump will no doubt be at least as bad. Money and democracy don't coexist, so guess which one will exit stage right.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Only if they win.
This is not the time to quit. (And I don't think you will, either.)
Thus, the enduring paradox
How can capitalism and democracy co-exist? There are options but there establishment doesn't want to hear them.
No, I don't think I will be quitting but I don't see a clear
path to even restoring some semblance of checks&balances much less gaining - and keeping - a humane society that follows the sentiments expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
Inherited great wealth is a societal evil which we need to correct quickly. And, the idea that corporations have rights like people needs to be overturned.
And, people, especially rich ones, need to be held accountable for their violations of law. Tax deductible corporate fines are a laughable substitute.
"Behind every fortune lies a great crime" - Balzac
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
did not think so.
Came to a divide in the road yesterday and made a choice. My comment is reply to shaharazade on this thread.
I say what little I can there.
Appreciate it if you take a look. Any comments welcome.
Orwell was an optimist. - anon
Fuck them to the very last breath I take.
I agree with you that Standing Rock is #1 right now and giving
what one can afford is very important. In addition to sending some money to the legal cooperative that BlazinAZ gives the address to, I am continuing to donate to Honor the Earth, who has a presence at Standing Rock and has fought for clean water in that tribes area of MN for years.
I think those active on social media should let people know of the ongoing actions of the Water Protectors because the for-profit media certainly will not.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
the information I needed.
Star Wars" Actress Carrie Fisher Dead At Age of 60
Yep, 2016 officially sucks.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
from star wars to star dust
the power of the force
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
George Michael, too
George Michael, too -- at only 52!
Like a Cat-damned black fucking hole!
At 12:01 AM on January 1, 2017, I'm going to take 10 yards of concrete and a fucking oaken stake to bury 2016. I do NOT want it coming back!!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
this was snark
But I daresay I'm going to chug a good strong drink at that point. Snoop's right: 2016 really did suck, in spades.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That hits way too close--George Michael, like Prince
Not that many years older than me. Prince was 10 years older than me. George only 5.
Too damned young.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Carrie Fisher
..... was only two years my senior. Gentlemen with whom I played "tackle" in the front yard in my childhood are/were her age.
You're right, CSTS. It does strike too close to home!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It feels like too many people have had to go
I was very sorry to hear that Carrie Fisher had passed away. I had heard that she had had a heart attack, but it sounded like she was out of the woods. I guess she wasn't. It's a real pity. NPR had a brief interview with her about her latest memoir, and she sounded really happy and... kind of at peace, I guess. I suppose it was a good note to go out on, but she didn't sound like she was done living yet. She was talking about the next Star Wars movie and her plans to be in it (they'll have to rewrite the script now), and she sounded excited about it. I was peripherally aware that at one time she had had very mixed feelings about her role as Princess Leia, perhaps similar to how Leonard Nimoy had mixed feelings about his role as Spock (the man wrote two memoirs titled "I Am Spock" and "I Am Not Spock," respectively). But it sounded as though Carrie Fisher had finally made peace with Princess Leia, and embraced the role. As she put it in the interview, Star Wars was a part of her life, and always would be -- "It's never going to go away," or something to that effect, were her words on the matter. The interviewer told her that she could quit being Princess Leia, and Carrie Fisher responded almost at once, "Could I? Could you? Would you?" She went on to say that quitting being Princess Leia would at once be a very brave thing and a very cowardly thing. At that point in her life, Fisher seemed to have decided to embrace it.
George Michael deserves to be well remembered. I forget where I read this, but apparently back in the 1980's, he held benefit concerts for the miners during their strikes. Back in those days, the miners were in a major struggle with Margaret Thatcher and the Tory Party, who wanted to crush them. Unfortunately, Thatcher seems to have wound up winning, though George Michael deserves credit for standing up and helping the miners out in their time of troubles. He seems to have been an early and consistent foe of Thatcherism. I honestly don't know anything about either the man or his music; from the sound of it, I'm missing out, and will have to see about remedying this problem.
Sometimes, it sure seems like the best of us end up leaving us far too soon. One example not from 2016, but from 2015, was the Russian-born singer Ol'ga Vital'evna Yakovleva (better known by her stage name, Origa), who died of lung cancer at the disappointingly young age of 44. She made beautiful music -- or at least, I found it such, and I know that many others found it such as well. She was a singer-songwriter, a musician (piano), and a composer. She visited Japan after graduating from music school at the age of 20, and decided to stay and make her career there. I don't know if the political and economic situation in Russia at the time had anything to do with her move to Japan, but if it did, then I don't blame her for wanting to get out; things were really bad in Russia during the 90's. Anyway, she had a career that lasted over 20 years, and made a lot of great music in that time.
Did not know about Michael and the coal miners. [RIP]
Some were more than I thought they were.
Many more have proved to be less.
Thanks lookout
I like the title it's music to my ears. People who support Hillary are right wingers. Great video. I just wish they were gone daddy gone. Alas they are not going to leave the stage. Jimmy is right Bernie got nothing for his sheep dogging. For all his righteous talk about the duopoly why does he still continue to veal pen those of who are done with this lesser evil right wing party? But enough about Bernie and as for the Demorat's don't touch them they are pure evil not lesser one bit.
I don't even like the Democratic progressives who we elected. What have they ever done but roll over when push comes to shove. I read a letter from my senator Merkley which was a reply to a letter she wrote about NAPL. It sounded just like Hillary's official word salad statement on the pipeline. Same wording about the rights of workers and protestors blab blab blab. We supported and campaigned for Merkley. While he is responsive to his constituents he too is just another symbolic good cop. He refuses to go the distance or disturb the powers that be and pecking order of the thoroughly rotten to the core New Democratic party. Why does the Democratic progressive rank and file even bother to show up to their bogus local, state or national level DNC meetings?
I wish they we're just dumb. Unfortunately they support and believe in the Democratic overlords and are working hard to keep the power right where it is. Why bother to show up? Thanks a lot you fake progressives like Bernie and Ellison and even you Merkley. There is nothing moderate about either party it once again boils down to do you want a vagina probe along with your endless bloody wars and austerity? Why prolong the death of a dead as a doornail political party that has no intention of becoming a viable vehicle for any democratic or just change.
Me I'm playing it as it lays and have no interest in reviving a right wing neoliberal/neocon party that refuses to even minimally stop representing the global elites who inevitably rule Axelrod's 'the world as we find it'. I put my faith in ordinary people globally who somehow manage to rein in these rat bastard 'oligarchical collectivist's' who always proclaim their NWO is inevitable and the only way forward that's allowed. They always go too far and it's up to us to stop them. Sometimes when things fall apart it's best to let them fall and fail.
Change is hard as it involves dealing in the unknown. This time around the Devil we know comes in red and blue with no other color available. BS. don't listen to them they are the monkey's paw. Fear and loathing do nothing to promote the self evident truths and inalienable rights that humans have used to keep the wolves from the door. We need to face the music and dance to a different tune, hopefully on the dead Democratic party's tombstone. Why rehash the latest farce of an election instead of finding solidarity and standing with with ordinary people all over the world and unite to pry this vampire squid off our and the planet face?
Here's a chart from Goldstein's Book in 1984. It looks remarkably like the reality we face that's not fictional.
all hail the corporations!
The party has failed. From my view the entire government has been purchased - bought and paid for. We even elected a corporation as president.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Absolutely right, in my opinion. (+++)
[On the side- I saw around here that the entire Chinese middle class is about 2% of the population. Orwell!]
Let me say this about that- not a lot of elaboration.
1. We can be the Party . This community comprises an impressive roster of talented and strong people. There is not a lot that, we as a group, don't know how to do. Leveraged by internet, c99 can be a force.
How many were with Castro in the mountains at first? [edit. 19 of 82 made it to the mountains.]
2. We can build an activist arm directed by the group and identified with the site if we chose to do it. People here know how to form such an organization. Dues collected to support site and to finance group actions, etc. The comment about the outlawing of sympathy strike made it plain to me that any effective tool we have will be made illegal. But smart opposition can work.
3. We might want to consider what to do first. I am for direct and sustained public support of the Native peoples in SD. That is my vote for first- they are out there in winter.
That is the only commitment I can make today without reservation. Other ideas will come if we start to move. If the natives can make it through winter then maybe for spring /summer solstic(s), we could get people out there and lend a hand. To the degree we are wanted. (When Jill Stein went to SD she painted a bulldozer blade with>" I approved this message." This seemed incorrect - it was not about her.
I will be out there somewhere on June 21, or know why not.
Thanks to the people who have made c99 the place to be. I was able to talk productively with Chitown Kev here!
That did not and could not happen at GOS. Thanks to Jtc and others , whom I may never know by name.
Dog bless Jimmy Gore!
Edit. If there ever is a vote for a name , I would vote for "Crazy Horse Wing" (c99), or some such thing. thx.
Hey. Corporations are people, too.
Do corporations have to be 35 to to be president?
How do we decide if they are US citizens?
Can we send corporations to prison if they screw with a non-consenting public?
Just askin'
Corporations are only people until ...
it benefits them to not be people. Then, suddenly, the rules are changed.
We can't hold corporations responsible...but people....
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
During the last decade,
I've seen Democratic posters pronounce the Republican Party dead quite a few times, especially 2006, 2008 and 2012. Heck, even the Republican Party pronounced the Republican Party dead and publicly announced performance of an auto-autopsy. Yet, the Republican Party is now more powerful than it has ever been in its 162 years of existence; and, except for the Presidency, has been quite powerful since 2010.
Given the re-districting of 2010, which is likely to see a repeat performance in 2020, I expect the Republican Party to remain a force for along time. So much for pronouncing either of the two largest political parties in the U.S. dead. However, the post-autopsy vigor of the zombie Republican Party does not equate to the Democratic Party's being dead.
If the left wants to get anywhere ever, one of the first things it needs to do is face reality: (Failing to acknowledge the existence of a problem greatly increases the odds that we won't fix it.) In my opinion, the first reality it needs to face is that neither of the two largest two U.S. political parties is dead; and, together, they have a carefully-crafted stranglehold on U.S. politics. They may go through cycles during which one loses to the other, but they are still Number One and Number Two in almost every election in the nation. That has been the case for a very long time, despite the fact that many, many new parties have formed during the last 162 years. And, for a very long time, Republicans and Democrats have worked together to ensure that they remain Number One and Number Two, freezing out newcomers (with the help of establishment media).
I am not saying that the facts stated above can never change. I am saying only that the first thing we need to do is acknowledge reality. That task that confronts anyone wanting to change the status quo is enormous and daunting.
If the Michigan disgrace described in the video in the opening post says anything to me, it illustrates the silliness of expecting to reform the Democratic Party from within. Michigan was clumsy in the way it went about it but I expect the rest of the Party to get much slicker about pretending to be a big tent again. In reality, the tent has no room for anything but the center right.
got to agree.
But one could say the Dem Party(even the concept of "Party" should be looked into) is dead to me now in a way they weren't last year.
They are not coming back to life over here, either.
I am not into sniffing around corpses.