Getting up to speed before Ryan Trump Try To Push Granny Over
Have you had family member or friend whose life has been saved by Medicare or Medicaid?
My mother had a quintiple bypass and would not be alive today without these important safety nets.
.@FoxNews .@SpeakerRyan announces he's ending seniors Medicare health insurance program in 2017 via @YouTube
— RiskyLiberal (@RiskyLiberal) November 14, 2016
Yesterday I quoted Dr. Himmelstein who co-founded Physicians for A National Health Plan (PNHP) who said changes to health laws being talked about by Paul Ryan and others may have a serious chance of passing, and that this could mean 20,000 extra deaths a year among left without coverage:
Healthcare Action Daily: Ryan Repubadems to let 20,000 die
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Ryan has been introducing bills and budgets for several years designed to restructure the safety net in this country for the benefit of the super wealthy so some rightly think its just more of the same from him and will get nowhere. That doc, who is an adovcate on healthcare issues for years thinks this time Ryan may get away with it so we must act now imo.
HuffPo ran a story today, that as of now has had 3100 reads and 231 comments, and is one that those interested in these developments might find interesting.
Not Just Obamacare: Medicaid, Medicare Also On GOP’s Chopping Block
The health care safety net as we know it could be bound for extinction.
11/15/2016 11:50 am ET | Updated 1 hour ago
It’s difficult to be precise about the real-world effects, because the Republican plans for replacing existing government insurance programs remain so undefined. Ryan’s “A Better Way” proposal is a broad, 37-page outline without dollar figures, and Senate Republican leaders have never produced an actual Obamacare “replacement” plan.
But the Republican plans in circulation, along with the vague ― and shifting ― health care principles Trump endorsed during the campaign, have common themes. And from those it’s possible to glean a big-picture idea of what a fully realized version of the Republican health care agenda would mean.
The authors go on to write about the changes to Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare being proposed. Worth the read IMO for debating about this with others.
Trump & GOP won't stop at just repealing Obamacare.! Say Good Bye to Medicare & Medicaid Paul Ryan.! @HuffPo
— Thomas J. Colatrella (@TJWoodstockNY) November 15, 2016
This deserves to be stopped. With Trump's win fresh on our minds it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ryan et al will attempt to change and succeed.
Calling Congresspersons, writing letters to the editor, getting your favorite activist groups to call out the fail are indicated imo, stat
People, we are NOT powerless. We can stop Paul Ryan. Most Trump voters do not want Medicare or Social Security messed with either.
— Annabelle Leigh (@annableigh) November 11, 2016
Edited and Updated for typos and clarity.

What ideas do you have for putting a stop to this?
We are not powerless.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
... you ACTUALLY BELIEVE that PAUL F**KIN RYAN reads (or considers) petitions from the hoi & the ploi?
You must be a Trump voter --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
You must be talking to the person who tweeted that
about the petition.
Perhaps you didn't understand that I didn't author those tweets, merely put them in as examples of whow people responding to this new situation of Trump President/Republican Senate/ Republican House?
And just FYI, most people here know I voted for Jill Stein the last two elections.
Sorry putting a copy of that tweet in set you off so. Have a nice day and thanks for your contribution to the discussion.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
A group that calls itself FamiliesUSA
might actually get somewhere with the GOP, until they realize it's not the Family Research Council.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Hi ec yes unless they had their aides do the research
and find out how committed to the safety net they are!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
That's unacceptable.
Please apologize to divineorder. Your comment was way out of line.
I wouldn't address the petition to Ryan,
fuck him. Maybe address it to the "Ruling Elite". Or the "Aristocrats" or the "Oligarchy".
"Dear Ruling Elite/Aristocrats/Oligarchy,
We the Serfs are tired of your shit. It ends now. Here's the deal.
You've got thirty days to clean out your offices and get the fuck out of town".
50 Million American Citizens
Haha good one BigAl, and hey, go for it! I'll sign!
What we do know is that petitions themselves are important for mainly for gathering emails and following up with action items and information for those who have affinity for the issue.
Millions of signatures were gathered up to slap Obama and Dems over Chained CPI and that alongside other efforts worked.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Correlation is not causation. Imagining petitions work in
modern government is not realistic, to put it mildly.
Is is a tool of how modern dissenters and political
action is organized.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
How does signing a petitition with a bunch of people you have
no clue about a way to organize for action? Online petitions seem like much more of be a tool to get email addresses and to allow people to feel they have done something to change the world without leaving their computers. And because of the last part, I find them a hindrance to actual change.
That. Is. Brilliant. :)
I don't bother much with online petitions anymore, but I like the addressing of our politicians as such..
I think I'll use Dear Elitist Sociopathic Warmongering Moochers:.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
When do we admit that the elites
are doing depopulation? They have contaminated our water supplies in so many poor people's neighborhoods, contaminated their air by putting cancer causing byproducts like the huge petcho (sp) mounds in south Chicago and other areas.

The wars in the Middle East have killed close to or more than One Million people and hundreds more are being killed every day.
How many countries are under economic sanctions where people are dying from lack of medicine and food?
I have seen pictures of the people in Yemen who are starving to death because of the sanctions.
Sanctions never hurt the leaders of the countries and as Albright admitted, they know that.
Now if they dismantle the ACA and offer no other affordable insurance 20,000 people might die each year.
Then there's the poor people who have been living under everyone's radar where kids don't get decent nourishment or any health care because of the states that didn't expand Medicaid and keep gutting the food stamps program.
In my opinion, 2+2=4.
The bottom part of this picture tells how many people die each year from various things.
That study was done 15 years ago. What are the numbers today?
Meanwhile, people in our government get their meals and housing paid for them by us and I bet that they spend more money on one meal then most people get for food stamps all month.
They have no problem giving tax breaks to people who don't need them, tax breaks and subsidies to corporations who also don't need them, let them get away with not paying taxes because they buy a small company in another country.
Trillions for wars so that the corporations can steal those country's resources, especially the Syrian war. We are paying and creating the terrorist to help us overthrow Assad so that Saudi Arabia and Qatar can build a pipeline.
How insane is that?
So yeah, I think their goal is depopulation.
How to stop it? I have no idea because we don't have a representative government.
They don't care what we want. They have proven that!
And the lists go on and on.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There are certainly elements of the ruling class that are
into depopulation and eugenics. That's well documented. What we have at the top is a criminal class responsible for premeditated mass murder and genocide among countless other crimes. A frigging mafia that blackmails, threatens, sanctions, murders, whatever it takes to keep and increase their power and wealth.
How do we stop it? I think we have to try to change the political and media systems. I've come to believe this two party representative political system and associated institutions, like the Corporate Media, Supreme Court and the Federal Reserve, is how the ruling elite maintains their power. As you said, there is no way to challenge their power with this system.
Outside of getting a petition with 100 million signatures, I'm not sure what else can stop these people except putting the decisions into the hands of the people instead of bought and paid for politicians within a bought and paid for political system.
Thanks,Big Al
I was afraid people would think I was nuts for writing this.
I was going to write genocide too and have in other comments.
Yes that's exactly what it is. Mass murder and there are so many people and companies involved in it.
Remember Operation Paperclip when our government brought the Nazis scientists from the concentration camps to America. It wasn't only to help boost the space program, they brought the scientists who were working on the various viruses that were funded by IBM (?) and other companies.
I should have included what Monsanto is doing with seeds and genetically altered foods.
Third world countries don't have the protection agencies that others do and corporations are free to contaminate at will and it takes decades for the lawsuits to work their ways through the courts.
Look at what Chevron did to the Nigerian people.
Look at what BP did to the people in the Gulf coast states after spraying corexit over the ocean, land and waterways. I don't know how many people have already died heinous deaths from that but people are still suffering horrible illnesses.
Our government even kills the troops that they send to fight their wars.
From the Tuskegee airmen experiment, Agent Orange, the experimental vaccine cocktails that caused Gulf War Syndrome and the burn pits in Afghanistan and Iraq and gawd knows where else.
Then after they get sick they have to fight to get it first acknowledged and then to get treatment.
I don't know what to call the people who make these decisions or how they can so blithely send men and women off to fight and die so that the corporations can make obscene money.
And that goes to the people in this country that support our illegal war of aggression. And the mercenaries who join to go into countries knowing that they are going to be killing innocent people who are no threat to our country.
Why can't the corporations ask the leaders of countries if they can pay them to drill for oil or to build pipelines instead of having our military invade and destroy the countries?
China doesn't invade countries or overthrow elected leaders and install brutal puppet dictators like the USA does and then sits back and watch when they torture and murder their citizens.
But if they did that then the defense industries wouldn't make their obscene profits either.
There is a reason why they militarized the police. There will come a day that enough people rise up against our corrupt government and they will be ready for them. But I don't think that is going to happen in my lifetime.
Most of the comments I read about any protest are against the protesters.
The usual comments,
"Don't these people have jobs? They drove their cars and trucks to the protests against the oil pipelines, what about black on black killings" and the other ones we've all read
Too bad that most of them will be dead when the effects of climate change hits, all drinking water is contaminated and our air looks like China's.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hey SD thoughtful comments, thanks. They are sick
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
The corporations and governments are being run by sociopaths; that's what they are.
This shit is bananas.
Yet, that is not how most of them view the population
Generally, our elites are devoted, ideologically, to the principle that endless geometric economic growth is not only possible, but necessary. Part and parcel of that insane ideology is the "belief" that there is no limit to the number of human beings that can be bred and subsequently exploited. For the most part, they are not interested in exterminating us, any more than a cattleman is interested in exterminating his herd. Culling, yes; harvesting, yes; diminishing?. no.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Great description/analysis.
I've been thinking the same thing, but I couldn't think of the correct word. Depopulation. I have made this argument myself. Why the stand your ground laws? So we can murder one another without consequence, or if there is a consequence, oh well, one more bites the dust.
I see it in our education system; job safety- union protection; our water supply; our crumbling infrastructure (oh, well, so a bridge collapses and a few hundred die, meh); on and on.
Depopulation. Makes sense.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Only one party, the party of the greedy killers
They don't care about people, only money. Sure they want us gone. We are just the gum on their shoes.
I mean really... Obama lives in a $20K (EDIT: 20k a month) rental.
And as my son is reminding me... Obama didn't rescue a dog he bought a breed. As funny as that seems to some of us, it was a huge tell to my son.
They are all just filthy rich bastards. May they all rot.
oh and great post, thank you Snoopster ;0
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thanks Janet
And Raggedy Ann
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Kissinger's report to President Ford
Now, google images of Hillary (loving on) Henry Kissinger, who she called a mentor.
I rest your case.
The elites force us, the 99%, to live under “economic sanctions”
The elites are made up of Madeleine Albrights — they think that the hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths are “worth it“
To them it's always "worth it".
Seems to be in how you look at it.
I've been thinking the same thing for quite a while, really.
It seemed really odd to me that overpopulation, which was discussed as a real problem in the 60's/70's (we all learned about Malthus) - dropped off the face of any discussions whatsoever. Meanwhile, during my lifetime the population of the planet more than tripled.
Knowing that capitalism requires constant growth to survive, it made sense that the capitalists couldn't afford a diminishing or steady population - they needed an ever-increasing demand base, which meant more and more people to consume.
It was then that I realized the powers that be absolutely know with the same certainty I have that capitalism cannot last forever. And I believe that is why we are not only experiencing an ever more rapacious, cheating, parasitical behavior from the PTB - it is also WHY we are seeing depopulation - they know the party is over. At this point, these excess people are making things all less pleasant and besides, they don't have much to offer except real cheap labor. They sure can't buy much.
The canadian immigration site might have crashed on election night, but it seems to me that Bolivia would be much better. Evo has a good plan.
I'm with RA in thanking you for giving it a name: depopulation. Very good.
I believe that overpopulation
I believe that overpopulation dropped off the radar because the neolibs very effectively attributed all discussion of it to racism.
I mean, it's not just because population growth helps drive profit for the billionaires...nah, that explanation would be too simple.
Yes, gustogirl
I remember when Zero Population Growth (ZPG) was a major campaign back then. It was all about replacing yourself and having no more children than that. Considering climate change related droughts that also limit food production, more and more jobs being mechanized and a general depletion of natural resources, we're having a hard time providing a living for the population at its current level. I would not be surprised at all to find TPTB are working at depopulation - have also been wondering if the latest big Zika virus scare isn't a way of scaring people into stopping reproducing.
The wealthy just got carried away taking advantage of us with our capitalist, debt based economy that made them even richer and now want to toss us in the trash (graveyard).
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
And I forgot to mention in my post, above,
that I've always considered overpopulation to be at least one of the primary problems, that many other problems were merely symptomatic of overpopulation - useless to fight without that understanding. Finding the root of the problem is always the trick, and I think many other than myself also pinpointed overpopulation as a root problem.
But TPTB could not let go of growth just then. As a result we have a steaming planet full of drought and famine and wildfires and floods and rising sea levels and tainted water and air and earth.
The extent of the callousness that not only allows, but forces such things to happen is so beyond any normal healthy person's understanding. It provokes disbelief far more frequently than it does the more appropriate outrage.
I have no idea really how to help my fellow planeteers understand just how bad it really is. And I wonder, if we could help them see - what then? We all have to see before we can force change, and the longer it takes the more violent the change will inevitably be.
My despair has but one consolation: I never had children. A choice (the first generation to have that choice) mostly because the world was overpopulated already. The majority of my female friends made that same choice for various reasons. But the oblivious and the religious friends and acquaintances - two or three families - not only erased our sacrifice but made things even worse by overpopulating by far more than we didn't populate.
Sorry, I'm a bit down tonight. I'm usually much more optimistic but tonight I am filled with terrible forebodings about the fate of humanity. Moreso by my absolute impotence to have made a difference.
Late reply, gg
Am in complete agreement that overpopulation is a root problem. I suspect that a combination of an increasingly hostile environment, dwindling natural resources and unavailable humane work opportunities create the stress that makes people turn on each other in aggressive competition - of course couple that with the social emphasis on consumerism and the stress levels are amped up even more.
Am sorry it's taken a while to respond, have also been feeling much despair, but kudos to you for your repro-choice. I chose to have one child (who's now 37) and am now wholly supporting his choice to not have children. Though then I think about the movie Idiocracy and think , "oh shit, what are we ZPGers doing?" Har har...
Btw, thanks for this essay divineorder - I was forced into disability retirement with a spinal cord injury at age 55, ten years ago, and am mighty concerned regarding the potential looming cliff dive in the future. Will at least work on Olympic competitor-form in my descent if that's the only option before me.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
gotdamn because I wasnt depressed enough already, lol
and also because I believe youre right. Its the ONE and ONLY explanation I can come up with that even begins to explain why they are hell bent on denying and delaying on Climate Change at least for the sake of their own children and grands.
We know goddamned well TPTB
have far more information than we do. They promote delusion but work off the reality they get from their scientists and our governmental sources.
It has always been the case that TPTB know more than we do, exploit that knowledge and work to create vulnerabilities in order to strike while the iron is hot. But all this time, most of us have not known this.
This election has allowed my dear, but Fox-conservative friend to actually agree with one another on many things. My rejection of Hillary's third way was the beginning of our ability to talk about political matters without it actually threatening our friendship. There is a sea change going on.
I hope all of us talk with those conservatives in our family or frienship trees now. I know the past 10 years or so have caused great rifts in our populace, in our families, with our friends. Time to bring them all on board.
It's not just the dreaded Republicans
who by the way the Democrat's empowered by declaring 60= a majority and blew off their real majority by 2010. The Bush tax cuts, the Heritage Foundation's healthcare plan, expanding the War on Terra, privatizing education, austerity forever, you name it they played powerless and cut by-partisan dirty deals and blamed the obstructionist RW lunatics. 'Victories for compromise', Cat Food Commissions, more bloody wars, more deregulation/privatization, more militarization of our police, austerity and privatizing SS, were all part of The Mad Bomber's agenda. Read the wikileaks e-mails and the bankster speeches where she let loose with her 'private' agenda. They make it quite clear what the 'New Democratic' party is about.
About Obamacare. Personally were not rich enough or poor enough to afford the so called insurance pools. Now the healthcare industry whining about losing money and are pulling out of Obamacare. If we had insurance under Obamacare it would cost more then our mortgage, property tax and home insurance combined. We own and operate a self proprietorship business to business. We're boot strappers, free lancers who exist in a twilight area where we qualify for nothing. We would be totally broke loose our home and our business which we operate from our home, so we do not have health insurance.
As far as Medicare goes it's already privatized, affordable maybe, but if you want anything other then catastrophic coverage you still have to deal with the too big insurance monopoly. Sign up now with Humana or Kaiser for your Medicare plan A,B, or C. So to wave around more fear about healthcare in America is just falling on deaf and broke ears. Sorry devineorder but I've had more then enough distracting partisan fear from both fake sides of the trans-nationally owned duopoly. Both sides R and D's are complicit and all we the voters and ordinary people get is unbelievable kabuki from both sides of the aisle
I guess if your doing okay in this 'economy' and can afford to pay the insurance vig or are poor enough to actually get some 'healthcare' then this prospect is horrifying. Welcome to my world. Believe me the Democratic party under Obama or Clinton has done nothing except to open my eyes and be aware that fear of the Republicans is nothing compared to what the Democratic party envisions as a global agenda.
I'm saying that if Clinton had won we would still be facing the same horror show. Do you think the Democrat's we elect will obstruct and stop this madness? I doubt it not with Schumer and his ilk firmly implanted and calling on the fake progressives to now run the DNC. Yeah right that will fix it. Healthcare for profit is an oxymoron and where the fuck is my habeas corpus?
Brilliant comment, sharazade
Hell yes the democrats are just as complicit as the republicans. It doesn't matter that they aren't the ones bringing up these bills and the activities you mentioned because they don't fight against the republicans when they do.
In 2006 they ran on telling us that if we put them in power then they would roll back the Bush abuses so we did.
And what was the first thing out of Pelosi's mouth?
Impeachment is off the table and we are keeping our powder dry.
Dry for what and when did she think things would get bad enough to use it?
The democrats fight the republicans on social issues only because they don't inconvenience the 1%.
They are lock step on everything else that you wrote, but people don't see that.
The people on websites like DK think that Obama has been the best president since FDR.
God, how can they be so blinded to the things he has done?
He has continued everything that Reagan started and especially the things that Bush and Cheney did.
I keep reading that Obama hasn't started any new wars and has ended the Iraq and Afghanistan war.
A friend of mine wrote that to me yesterday but included that he has kept people safe.
Not the people in the Middle East, the number of unarmed people murdered by the cops or the people protesting against the DAPL pipeline.
Nor did he protect the millions of people who lost their homes and pensions.
He might have saved the auto industry but at a high cost to the workers who had to accept many concessions.
Income inequality has risen since he was elected and there are hundreds of thousands of people on social programs because they can't find jobs or jobs that pay a decent wage.
My parents were living comfortably on their pensions and SS
Mom died earlier this year but her husband is still living comfortably
There generation built up the corporations and they were repayed by the corporations shutting down their factories and moving them offshore and their kids are having a hard time finding decent paying jobs.
How can those people not see what we see and when we tell them we are told to quit spreading right wing talking points.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Love to get some ideas of how we go forward
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
If I was Trump and the republicans, I'd want to get this
done ASAP while his popularity among his base is still high. They'll be able to play if off to them as a good thing, "modernization, market based, etc." which his base will fall for because they're mostly republicans, they're trained to like the market based bullshit, and they love them some Trump, for now.
One option is to start a letter factory, churn out mass mailings of letters to every rep based on some kind of organized effort at listing people who support single payer and non corporate medicare. Need to get it in the millions. In effect, the people have got to have a say in this, not via their representatives but what the people really want. This is too big. This should be like direct democracy practiced in the states with initiatives and referendums, not something driven by Donald fucking Trump. Sorry, pisses me off. When I get pissed, I swear.
I am pissed off too, no apologies needed.
Agree we should get after this.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
"Health Care - Let the People Decide!"
No need to apologize to me since in the post yesterday
I held both accountable for bipartisanism fail. See 'Grand Bargainism.'
Where we differ is when we get down to the record Alan Grayson, Lloyd Doggett, Bernie Sanders and a handful of other Dems this does not apply to re healthcare. Their records....
Thanks for sharing about your own personal situation. As I wrote in the post yesterday we are among the lucky that we had insurance as we each had illnesses that ran up bills of $100,000 plus which would have bankrupted us had we had to pay it all. That does not even hold a candle to the amount my mother's quintiple bypass cost and now years later her Medicaid covered nursing home care.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
A handful of real Democratic
congress people will not do anything but symbolically oppose this. Grayson's healthcare rant in congress was a thing of beauty. Schumer, Wall Street personified as the minority leader does not bode well for any reform. As I said will the Democrat's we have elected obstruct the Republicans on gutting Medicare, SS, or affordable healthcare in either branch of congress? I guess I'm being pessimistic but no matter how many petitions, letters or even demonstrations directed at the congress critters by citizens they will do what the owners of the place want. Wall street wants everything privatized and wall street runs and owns the Democratic party. All of it from progressives to 'centrist's' do not represent 'we the people' as our common good is a profit loss.
Sure 'progressives' Bernie or Grayson will get up to an empty floor and talk about healthcare for all but they will fold like cheap tents and call it a victory for com[promise. What is democratic about compromises with the likes of Trump or Schumer or the Clinton's. As far as demonstrations go where these Oh No Trump! people when the Dems. rigged/stole the primary? Where were they when the Obama administration screwed us royally and Obamba would come out and say 'Don't be sanctimonious, they were patriotic torturers'. I'm sorry to be so pissed off but our system is so broken and corrupt that even the so called Dem. 'progressives' are willing and able to do nothing but harm people and the planet. This is not what democracy looks like. Any reform is up to people hitting the streets and figuring out how circumvent the system in their communities. Their records mean nothing if they cannot stop this shit. Sorry to get so vehement but I no longer believe any of these pols are progressive or willing to fight for us.
Hear you. Do what you gotta do. I will continue to
support the few Dems whose record shows they walk the talk on issues I care about.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thanks devineorder
I appreciate what humanistic people like you work for within the current system. I just can't wrap my mind around having any faith or rational belief in the duopoly that owns and runs both parties. Too many years spent being a political junkie online to believe that the Dems. have any interest in walking the talk or the lines drawn. We may differ in our approach of how to implement change but still I think we are working for the same goal. Seems to me that all of us need to come together right now. Inside or out lets work together.
I Am The Elder In My Family Tree
I will be the one pushed over the cliff.
I blame the Clintons for opening the doors and letting the "conservatives" in to take power, and Obama for bending over for the corporatists who want everything for themselves, leaving nothing for anyone else, after lying to us for our votes. TWICE.
Ever since Ronald Reagan, the goal of the Republican Party has been overt and the methods to be used expressed explicitly. While vile and evil, it has not been done stealthily. They aren't lying about their plans or their methods.
The same cannot be said of the Democrats, whose desire to be more GOP than the Republicans caused them to be far less subversive than their potential success demanded. They proceeded to anger what should have been their base after many years of lies, thanks to Wikileaks and other sources which revealed their "private personae" truths for all to see.
I doubt there is time to derail the Republicans from Ayn Randing us all. But in any case, everyone should remember to credit the Democrats with the destruction of the Middle Class and all of the benefits citizens once enjoyed. The Republicans couldn't have done it without them.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I blame Obama for Trump winning
He was elected with a huge mandate and spent 6 months on the ACA which is a give away to the insurance companies while there were other things he should have been working on.
Saving people's homes should have been a priority after he found out that the banks were continuing to screw people. His HAMP program didn't go far enough to help people, especially when the banks were making it so difficult for people to refinance their mortgages.
His job was to protect the banks and that became clear when he appointed Holder to head the DOJ. Holder came from a law firm that protects the banks so was he really the best person for the job? Nope.
Then he put the same people in his cabinet that were responsible for crashing the global economy in the first place.
If Obama hadn't done such a shitty job then people wouldn't have looked twice at Trump who was basically telling people the same things Obama told people.
"Im going to help you get your lives back together " while doing everything but helping them.
And the only person who was trying to help people was Bernie when he said that someone should run against Obama in 2012.
Yes the rest of the democrats are just as complicit but they took their lead from him.
After the disaster of the mid term elections DWS should have been fired and it's quite telling why she wasn't.
Having the republicans block any legislation he put forward was a great defense for why he couldn't.
And if the democrats were in power of both houses they would have to produce.
Kabuki bullshit anyway you look at it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Obama tried, but failed, to accomplish what Ryan wants.
Had the President Elect been Hillary, she would have succeeded.
Let's see how effectively Democrats oppose Trump and Ryan. They will probably put on a bit of a show but that's all. It's about all they do when Republicans are in power and they can puff up their chests and pretend to be liberal, knowing they will be defeated.
I think
I'll wait and see what Trump does.
He's a conflicted man at this point. But all this hyperventilation on what's going to happen is tiring. Nobody knows.
Let's all take a very short break in the scheme of things and just watch for a bit.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Me? Though not participating in the #NotMyPresident protests, I do tend to empathize more with the folks who say he has no credibility, should be locked up, and deserves no honeymoon period.
Ryan has a record, and there is absolutely no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt about anything.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Did Clinton
have credibility?
Should she be locked up?
Some dems would work with Ryan.
I care for him not. I cared for her not. I live with the cards that are dealt.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Count Hillary among the Democrat who would work with Ryan.
We know that for a certainty.
Considering who he's appointed for his cabinet so far
it won't be anything good.
This shit is bananas.
Obama was way dumber than we
Obama was way dumber than we thought- Just Yer average Boomer Stoner.
Heh. He's that and more.
Trump used some of the same ploys in his campaign. Did he study BO? Who's the bigger liar. Which one will have the greatest impact on our health care and safety net?
From tonight's 'The Evening Blues'
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Obama was way dumber than we
Obama was way dumber than we thought- Just Yer average Boomer Stoner.
Sorry for the double post
Haha don't worry you are not the only one to experience
deux et machina and the dreaded double post here at caucus99.
I have learned to practice patience after I send a comment, give it plenty of time to upload. At times adding comments are slower than the rest of the site.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thank You- I recognize your
Thank You- I recognize your name-
The AARP has a very active political arm.
I imagine they'll be all over this. If they aren't, we should ask them why not.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
AARP is now captured. By insurance companies.
Not our friends, although they play that on TV, I hear. I get a dummy plastic card test from them several times a year. Those make good pot-scrapers. A pile in my kitchen. Re-use.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Fully agree about AARP, riverlover.
I forget why I first became disillusioned with them, but it must have been over a decade ago when they started sending me membership cards without my request or permission.
There are a lot of reasons to distrust AARP.
Let's be clear: New Democrats want "entitlements" gone, too.
what saved Social Security and Medicare during the Obama administration was"
1. the Cat Food Commission did not give him the political cover he had appointed them for
2. Republicans refused to work with Obama, even on things they both wanted
3. with an eye toward 2012 elections, the like unconstitutional Grand Bargain Committee, one of whose members was Paul Ryan either failed to go in the direction Obama wanted or was actually there to fail, so that Obama's sequester could kick in.
4. When negotiating to avoid government shut down, Cantor and Boehner knew better than to bite when Obama put Social Security and Medicare on the table. (See number 2, above)
So, if you think things would be different if President-Elect Clinton were huddling with Ryan, think again. Remember, while campaigning, Hillary said that Bill would be her chief guy on the economy (after her minions instructing us for two years not to dare link them)? Well, in the days of the Grand Bargain, a hot mike caught Bubba offering to help Ryan wreck Medicare.
See also:
Nope, I agree with that but what now?
Are you unable to discuss what to do with what we've got? That's what I was asking for. Big AL gave some suggestions.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Hold on a sec, it's all good.
Now the progressive Dem leadership has some real work to do, that's all.
I am ready to see them stop grandstanding and start earning their salaries.
Deal with it, nitwits. Own it and deal with it.
Feel better now. thx.