This Weekend's Must-See TV: "The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta"
Submitted by bobswern on Sun, 11/06/2016 - 1:40am
Some things speak for themselves. But, when it comes to Washington D.C. fixer-extraordinaire John Podesta, Abby Martin has pulled it all together in a 23:50 exposé, just posted today over at YouTube. (Note: It's produced by TRNN's Paul Jay. It is, definitively, this weekend's must-see-tv, and it's not to be missed. Powerful stuff!)

The Corruption in DC is all embracing, the difference between
the parties is window dressing. The only thing that differentiates them are the wedge issues designed to motivate one base or the other, the real power players don't give a damn, it's something to amuse and deflect the masses from the reality.
It's a shell game of epic proportions designed to allow the political and financial elite to profit no matter which set of politicians is elected. Even if a few of the politicians are actually believers, it doesn't matter.
The biggest farce of all is "the lesser of two evils" used by both sides to justify seriously flawed and corrupt candidates. The elections have been reduced to a farce. Even SCOTUS has been reduced to a partisan court to give some semblance that elections matter, there is always an outcry by one side or the other with respect to a decision. Afterwards I notice how little work is done to change them, apart from the wedge issue game.
The whole system is designed to distract and manipulate to get on with the real game; asset stripping the planet.
Your post sums it up for me. The military/industrial/financial
complex is concentrated in the USA but has a worldwide reach. Despoilation and dispossession and death are what the 99% and the environment get while the 1% get the money. It's grand scale exploitation and both the establishment Republicans and Democrats are avid participants.
The main fear of the 1% is solidarity on the part of the 99% and wedge issues, racism, and xenophobia are tools used against us.
It doesn't have to be this way: Humans can make their own history.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Where do they think they will go, when everything is gone?
Or are they expecting the Rapture, after which "a new heaven and a new earth", so it doesn't matter how totally they ruin this one? (If I were God(dess), I would be royally pissed that these human locusts mistreated my creations so cruelly!)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Upload Their Consciousness Into a Computer or Android? nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Supposedly, they’re really working on it
Have to Change from LoTE to Something That Connotes the
corporate profitability of the two choices.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Trump has a >1:3 chance of winning, according to Nate Silver
1.) Yes, the comment headline's quite accurate. See HERE and HERE. (Nate Silver's analysis is pretty thorough, and I state that as someone who's never been a 538 fan. Check it out in the previous links.)
2.) The IBD/TTIP poll, widely considered to be among the most accurate of all, now has the race as a TOSS-UP.
3.) And Charlie Cook has just changed his mind, according to The Hill.
4.) Camp Clinton--and the Democratic Party's leadership, in general--is all but officially freaking out.
5.) I've never recalled of there ever being a US Presidential Election with more than 5%-6% undecided, this close to Election Day. Depending upon which pollsters you're reading (i.e.: See above links from Nate Silver, IBD/TTIP, etc.), the number of undecideds, just 72 hours before the results are in, is between 12%-15%, which is nothing less than stunning, from a historical standpoint.
This is what happens when this country's two major parties, with a big assist from the MSM, turn the entire thing into a total freakin' farce! When the Clinton campaign said they were going "scorched earth," this is what they're getting. Obviously, the Wikileaks of the past couple of weeks have taken their toll. Bigtime!
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Here's the problem
I have become extremely cynical. So when I say the following, I believe I am speaking for a lot of Americans.
I no longer believe in the integrity of our elections. The primaries convinced me that even if Clinton does not actually get the most votes cast, she will made President based upon votes counted. All that has to happen is for key precincts in key states to be "flipped" in her favor. With electronic vote counting, including optical scan, it is far too easy to flip the election by changing the programming on the central tabulator, even from a remote location. And guess who the voting machine companies support for President.
The whole damn system is completely rotten to the core. The oligarchs own our government and they will ensure Clinton "wins." This is exactly why I want to see the Clintons go down.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This was in Yves' links this morning:
Paul Craig Roberts: Can the Oligarchy Still Steal the Presidential Election?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I don't know
While the argument for abandoning Clinton seems plausible on the surface, I really doubt that the oligarchs will do so. They had to know that she had this kind of baggage already. Maybe not to the extent that is being publicized. But they chose to stick with corrupt Hillary and her equally corrupt and philandering husband.
Whatever happens, we the people are screwed. But in my mind, we are less screwed with Trump because I doubt that anyone in Congress will work with him and he does not seem hell bent to get into more wars with Iran and Russia.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
There is some evidence
that the Clinton campaign has rigged the polls using various methods. Now that the election is nigh, they need to make sure supporters aren't complacent and confident in her win. They need the best margins they can get legitimately because that hides the rigging better than a close race. So make them think it's razor thin to get them out to the polls. Voila! The polls are doing just that!
McClatchy-Marist Poll: Clinton and Trump Are Now "Deadlocked"
See the link right
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
I will *never* believe that Her is
That close.
She can't draw crowds unless Hollywood is sitting in with her. Trump is still pulling thousands, all by himself! So as far as I am concerned, these "polls" are setting us up for a rigging, and
that bitchHer Heinous and her team are still going to try and steal it.If we let Her do that, you can kiss this life we all have and know and love (to any degree) goodbye.
"If we let Her do that... "
I don't see how "we " could do anything about it, if they did steal it.
There might be impeachment later, on other stuff. But I bet they leave election fraud alone.
stein - baraka
Well, there is one thing
but most people don't want to do it. But "we" could do that if we really wanted.
Deadlocked? Fine, I hope both die peacefully
in their beds/s /nt
John Podesta e-mail hack...
Most of us know better...
John Podesta E-Mail Account:
E-Mail Address:
UserName: jpodesta
Password: p@ssw0rd
That is nothing short of amazing, and we want to let these people handle government secrets?
Most of us know a strong password would be something like g4Jwy39Q8Ys86=M$...
Are you so smart you could get hacked by a 3rd Grader?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
And, Madame President, this nuclear code here will
wipe Moscow off the face of the earth.
(a) “What, with a cloth or something?”
(b) “We came, we saw, they died . . . hahahahahaha”
Nineteen minutes
too crack Podesta's password with a library and brute force utility using an average home computer. ONE Trillion years to crack the one you suggested by the same method. You go John!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
You must be some kind of russian.
or smart, or something.
now is the time.
stein - baraka 2016
We are all Russians, now.
I can't glean much from Cyrillic, though. I can say Dah, Nyet, Vodka.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
My cover is blown!
Do svidaniya!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Once the queen mother is installed:
yop toyo matz! Will be a handy phrase...(not sure on my Cyrillic there)
Queen Mother reminds me of the creature from Alien
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
And they think themselves superior in intelligence
to the great unwashed 99%.
Yes, good video.
Thank you for posting. In all my cruzin the news, sometimes I forget to drop in on Abby. She's razor sharp.
Thanks, bobswern.
This video needs to be seen far and wide. I'll share it with my distribution group. We all need to realize what we are up against. This shows it in a powerful way. Let's drive it home.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Holy Sh%t!!!
Thank you for posting this, I had never heard about Abby before this, but she is not one that I will ignore now that I know about her. What a freaking mess we have for a government! Just when I didn't think I could be shocked - BOOM -
How do we stop this? Do we have to wait until we totally collapse? These are just rhetorical questions, but I so fear for my children and my grandbabies
What I love about Abby Martin
Abby Martin is whip smart. In nearly every video she does, she delves very deep into the relationships between the players. She is able to paint a very clear picture of how so much of what is going on in the world is interrelated and controlled by a relatively small group of people.
Thanks for sharing this video.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
GG do you remember War on Error from TOP?
She did some phenomenal work on unraveling the squid tentacles of the Koch political machine. Then she seemed to just drop off the edge of the earth. IIRC, she was having some financial problems but never asked for help.
I ruled Hillary out in 2008 and had no reason to change it.
As far as the rest of the candidates, I was undecided until yesterday.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Damn... This truly frightens me
I feel sick to my stomach. I knew of the influence many of these corps had on Wall St. Little did I know how the interconnected power structure is stacked with, and by these multinationals, and MIC players.
What sickens me the most??? is that as the corruption becomes more evident, and exposed, the more I feel I might do what I have sworn would never happen as long as the sun shines...and that is to vote for Donald Trump. If we survived two terms of GWB, we can certainly survive one term of Drumpf.
It is apparent that my choice to write in for Bernie, or a vote of conscience for Stein leaves us at greater risk of HRC turning our planet to nuclear dust, or choking us to death with methane, while pilfering our savings account, and privatizing Social Security.
There is no way our nation, or the world, can sustain the path these corporations and insiders are leading us environmentally. Trump denies climate change...while HRC actively supports the worst polluters and practices. Trump acknowledges that "Business" has an unseemly side.... Clinton speaks with a forked tongue about it, while she encourages polite dissent while KXL and DAPL are being foisted on the American Public, and endangering our water, and the indigenous peoples' rights, and sacred realm.
I can deal with a known opponent; I fear the evil hidden "UNDER HILLARY"S SKIRT". (Maybe that can become a new Hashtag for the ugly, hidden agenda of the Clinton Regime)
edited for paragraph break
As much as Trump spews idiocy,
like climate change denial, he strikes me as someone who can ultimately be reasoned with, and potentially changed on positions.
I can see him sitting down with anyone to discuss, in good faith, the issues. I can see Bernie succeeding more with Trump than HRC, because HRC (and her associates), seem very vindictive about political opponents (although Bernie clearly doesn't think so).
But maybe I'm full of s.
That makes a certain amount of sense
Given that Trump was once a Democrat, whatever that means. It seems like he's been a consistent hate-monger and abuser though.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Really, I just think he knows how to play a crowd.
He's far more marketeer than politician. I don't believe anything he says - he once defended Planned Parenthood, for example. But his term will be completely unpredictable.
dfarrah explains
just a few of the reasons I'm voting for President Trump.
Less dangerous. He is not the "character" he's playing to get the votes from his "base." Expect will have a one term administration, which gives us four years to get the Green Party better organized, and by mid term elections, more then 5% of vote.
May, just may, help us remove the Democratic Party from the clutches of the criminal Clintons and all their cronies. Any thing, IMHO, is better then the Clintons back in the White House.
thank you again, and again, bobswern for posting on C99%.
I was tired of GWB in 2008, and was supportive
of Obama's presidential run. I should have listened to my instincts back then, because the first doubt I had about Obama was when he said about the Iraq war and invasion "that it is a dumb war (others quote that as "stupid war").
Not knowing back then what the Clinton administration was about, just being very tired of GWBush, I thought hearing that speech that it is weird to say a war is "dumb". It's a very lax and lite weigh expression for what a war is really about. The future actions of the Obama administration could have been foreseen just by that expression.
Well, we are just dumb sheeps and don't listen to our first instinctive reactions.
Have now listened to the whole video and can only say, first class in depth reporting. And really totally awful to understand its meaning. The Podesta groups is toast and cooked and done in my books.
Thanks for the video...
But how did you think American Hegemony works? The Clinton "group" is just one shiny part of the scum that rises to the top of our whole global corruption/power cargo cult. A least we get some good stuff from their machinations. Railing against the beast or the deep state is fine but any logical person has to come to the conclusion and knows that there is only one way to stop this...of course we end up looking like Aleppo. "prairie fire" was and expression from another era. Practice resistance that's fine. As for me a marginal debt slave working for my share of the salt. I'll just watch and wait til overshoot, resource wars, and financial Ponzi brings it to ahead and the SHTF then I can go gray and find a good bolt hole to ride it out. Or become a little lamb chop sock puppet and say yes mam, yes Madame president.
What is the painting
that you use for your avatar SOL?
Poster boy for IT security
The Intercept has made Podesta the poster boy for IT security. He did everything wrong. Left his smart phone in a cab, forgot his password and had an aide e-mail it to him, used a too-simple password. "Runner4567" is now a Twitter hashtag. He was warned back in 2008 that he ought to encrypt his e-mails.
We have seen this before. The people at the top approve widespread surveillance of Americans, but they don't think it can happen to them. So much for "Washington experience."
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Hope Abby Martin doesn't
end up "suicided" by year's end, should Hillary and the House of Clinton take up residence in the White House (and never leave).
Thanks BobSwern. I had never seen the Empire Files before.
It would seem everyone in DC needs to go to prison. What a joke this country has become. Thank Dog for Wikileaks. I work for Boeing. Thankfully not in the death making department, but it still makes me uncomfortable. I have great fear for our country and the world. Next to climate change, I think Killary is probably the most dangerous thing there is to life on this planet. Sad that seeing as how the other major candidate doesn't even believe in climate change.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
That was some video
Who are Obama's handlers? Every American global corporation vis a vi John Podesta, Obama's personal trainer. And now on to Hillary Clinton. I suppose Podesta handles the Clinton ordered assassinations. Perhaps he does them himself?
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I think we all knew this,
but to have it laid out in this fashion helps tremendously. Unfortunately, for the $hillboughts, tl;dr is what you'll get.
Or, in the case of my wife,'I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!' Seriously, I told her point blank, when her starts a war with russia, it's on them! She's a cheerleader, go team go! If you vote for $hills, don't Ever complain when PROGRESSIVE values/ideals/policies don't get implemented, 'cause You ain't one!
Progressives don't vote for war.
Progressives don't vote to cut ss.
Progressives tax the wealthy for the benefit of the Country as a Whole.
You get the idea.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
clinton, Bush, Podesta
Saudi Arabia, clinton, Bush, Podesta, Saudi Arabia(Huma)
Who really runs our government, who is really in charge?
On every single issue Americans want the infrastructure, fixed, SS and Medicare to stay and be fixed, to have our Police be fixed, I can go on and on but TPTB don't want anything that the American people want, so does our vote even count.
Evil is winning
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thanks bobswern
I had no idea how powerful the Podesta's were. Everyone should watch this as well as the e-mails but many people do not want to connect the dots. Yesterday I posted a Jill Stein pic/poster on my fb feed that explained how if the Greens could get 5% of the vote they would qualify for federal funding and have ballot access. All my liberal 'friends' said vote for Jill and we get Trump. They do not want to read the e-mails and refuse to look at what the Clinton Machine really is. I knew that Obama was a ringer but seeing the extent of his Podesta/Clinton ties confirmed my gut feeling that he was just a talented PR marketer for the Clinton machine. A backup groomed candidate in case people were not ready for another Clinton term. So we got a three fer and tptb won regardless of the outcome in 2008. Bait and switch without the switch as Obama was always just a different face who worked for the same machine.. It's hard for people to look at the 'inevitable' reality that's pulling the strings.
Here's another You Tube
posted on November 5 that's a must see.
Thanks. I saw a "teaser" on this,
but not the full interview. Damning indeed. And largely ignored by the MSM and, therefore, most Americans.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Excellent video!
Does anyone have a way of getting in touch with Abby? If so, please PM me.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Here's a contact fo the show
Helga Malavé
Communication Director TeleSUR
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thx! n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The empire files
with Abby are great. Here's a menu of them:
or here if you don't youtube:
Thanks for posting this one bob!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
There is no dem vs. gop. No left vs. right.
Great video. There is only class war of the 1% and their servant classes against the rest of us.