Did anyone else notice Hillary's call for invading Syria?
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sat, 10/22/2016 - 1:27pm
I said a few months ago that A vote for Hillary is a vote for war in Syria. I based this on the statements of virtually all her advisors.
During the last debate, Hillary made it clear that invading Syria was her top foreign policy agenda item.
"We can take back Mosul and move on into Syria,” Clinton said. At another point in the debate, she said “the goal here is to take back Mosul. .... And then continue to press into Syria to begin to take back and move on Raqqa,” the second-largest city held by the group.
I don't know how that can be any more clear. All she left out is the continued build-up of American forces necessary for the invasion, and an understanding of geography.
“What's really important here is to understand all the interplay. Mosul is a Sunni city. Mosul is on the border of Syria,” the Democratic nominee told a domestic audience of about 70 million during the debate made memorable by bitter barbs and insults.
Mosul is not directly on the border with Syria, which is about 100 miles to the west or 75 miles northwest to the nearest border crossing. Ireland is closer to Wales. Montreal is nearer to New York state and Damascus, Syria’s capital, is closer to Israel – either its de facto or internationally recognized borders.
“The obvious response is there is a very hypocritical double standard here,” Johnson tells U.S. News. “If anyone ought to know geographic locations, it’s Hillary.”
Invading Syria to eliminate ISIS is one thing, but Hillary's war agenda goes far beyond that.
"I am going to continue to push for a no-fly zone and safe havens within Syria," Clinton said Wednesday night. Totally separate from the fight against ISIS, Clinton's "no-fly zones and safe havens" are U.S. military intervention in the bloody and many-sided conflict between Syria's brutal government, terrorist groups, and rebel groups.
Enforcing a no-fly zone is "basically an act of war," Michael Knights, a no-fly-zone expert at the Washington Institute told me in the run up to the Libyan war. Air Force Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified before the Senate that a no-fly zone created "the potential of a direct conflict with the Syrian integrated air defense system or Syrian forces or, by corollary, a confrontation with the Russians."
Of course, instead of spreading and escalating the war in Syria, Hillary sold this idea as the opposite of what it will do.
The most consequential statement by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Wednesday night’s debate was her pronouncement that a no-fly zone over Syria could “save lives and hasten the end of the conflict,” that a no-fly zone would provide “safe zones on the ground” was in “the best interests of the people on the ground in Syria” and would “help us with our fight against ISIS.”
It would do none of the above. A U.S. attempt to impose a no-fly zone in Syria would, as Secretary Clinton once cautioned a Goldman Sachs audience, “kill a lot of Syrians,” and, according to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Dunford, lead to a war with Russia. If the U.S. has not been invited into a country to establish a “no-fly zone” such an action is, in fact, an invasion, an act of war.
She knows it's a lie. That's just plain evil.

Here are a couple essays that back this up.
Hillary Clinton’s Strategic Ambition in a Nutshell
The Aleppo / Mosul Riddle
We're going to be at war for the rest of this century at this rate. The neoliberalcon agenda writ large.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Don't worry
We'll run out of stuff you need to wage a war like materiel, fuel, and a functioning economy way before the end of then century. It will be m=over much sooner.
It's loud and clear and if it wasn't Clinton coming up,
Obama would take the next step. They've never had any intention of abandoning their regime change/country balkanization operation. I remember telling people that in 2013 when Obama's red line was supposedly crossed, he and Biden were accusing Assad of the chem weapons attack and threatening war, but pulled back. Many thought it was prudence on Obama's part. It wasn't, the timing wasn't there yet and they were caught in their lies.
Obama is campaigning for Clinton after all.
But Clinton has spelled it out and those that vote for her are accessories to and supporters of illegal war, that has to be made clear.
This cannot be emphasized enough
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Four or five times the local Dems have called me...
...and each time they do the same pitch: "We can count on you supporting Hillary & Russ, right?" To which I answer, "We don't support war. We support peace. We'll vote for Russ - heck I'll canvass for him, we've been donating to him - but we will not support, canvass nor vote for the former secretary. We will never vote for war."
The first time they pretended hillz is not a war monger so we briefly argued. Second time same thing. 3, 4 & 5 they got the message and just said thanks for supporting Russ and left it at that.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Millions of people
swarmed the phone lines to Congress as well, McConnell's calls were running 100 to 1 against intervention. They were caught in their lies about cause, but also they realized that everyone knew it, and were adamantly against intervention.
Hillary will probably try a soft intervention, either a slow, unannounced ramping up of US forces, or possibly just increased support to her terrorist allies. I'm not certain that American troops would even be necessary, that would depend upon the goal. If they can just "re-brand" ISIS, then they wouldn't need to conquer Raqqa.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Taken down,
Guess some people can't tell the difference between an idea and a "threat."
Think it's funny - and happy to play the game!!!! :-))))))))))))
Donald Trump for POTUS
Yep, I'm voting Donald too,
it cancels out one Hillary vote.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I noticed that HuffPo noticed it,
so I passed that on (via FB) to my well-meaning-but-ill-informed family members there, who would at least be slightly more receptive to something coming from HuffPo. We'll see if they disown me.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
If Trump wins,
he will finish off the Republican Party, and they will make sure he never gets a second term. If Hillary wins, nobody who is somebody will stand in her way.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Obama and the Clintons
have finished off the Democratic Party... as a party that stands for anything or anybody. We are witnessing the death of the two party system. The Dems may stumble along as a zombie party for another cycle or two, but without a heart or a brain.
She's been out saber rattling again. There needs to a
warning every time she opens her mouth...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
She's for permawar
and most people support her, so permawar is pretty much what we'll get. About the only thing that could stop it would be the collapse of the dollar, then we wouldn't be able to afford the permawar.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
While this is perfectly true,
it is perfectly clear that Hillary will not hesitate to do exactly that, regardless. She doesn't care whether it's an act of war or not. And she'll have plenty of support from within the ranks of the US foreign policy establishment. From an article in WaPo:
And further,
A bit about this Martin Indyk here:
like Albright it's all about whether or not it's "worth it"
and we all know what "worth" is to her heinous.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
It would be difficult for her to do so.
Who is she going to negotiate with to implement the no-fly zone? The Assad regime? The Russians? They're just gonna roll over because she said so? This is a no-go situation right here, unless it's a deliberate plan to start WWIII. I doubt that the MIC would go for that. Whilst war is good for maintaining the profits of the MIC, blowing up the world would ensure that no one gets paid.
"I don't know how that can be any more clear --"
"...All she left out is the continued build-up of American forces necessary for the invasion, and an understanding of geography ..."
Actually, it appears to me that the only thing The $hill left out is the date certain --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I am beginning to question
... the western propaganda which constantly repeats that "Assad is a brutal dictator" over and over and over and over and over to where even the anti-war activists parrot it. This is especially so because the western media also paints our President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, as a "brutal dictator" over and over and over. Which I know as a citizen is inverted "truth".
Absolutely anything and everything parroted by the main stream media and USA/European corporate police state politicians is not only suspect, but most often an inversion of truth.
1. The Syrian Army holds broad national support or else it would have collapsed years ago.
2. Most Syrians have fled from the USA sponsored jihadists to seek protection in Syrian controlled areas. That is particularly clear in Aleppo where the Syrian half has well over a million people (many of whom are refugees), and the eastern half less than 100,000 civilians, many of who are the families of jihadists. Nobody sees people fleeing Syrian Army controlled areas to the jihadi controlled areas. And no one in the Syrian Army is refusing to let them head there if they want.
3. Most of the atrocities allegedly committed by Assad have turned out to be false, such as the sarin gas attack. It was, according to Seymour Hersch and others most likely committed by Saudi backed FSA group Liwa al-Islam. Human Rights Watch is often full of corporate bullshit...
4. Polls show Assad has a 70% popularity rating within Syria controlled areas. Compare that to the popularity of Hillary Clinton. in June 2014, Assad received almost 88 percent of votes with a high participation rate of 73 percent.
5. The other atrocities committed by the FSA and other jihadists are either ignored by western media or blamed on Assad. Just today, for example, are films showing the jihadists bombing the corridor the Syrian Army opened for 48 hours as a safe route for civilians out of jihadi controlled Aleppo. On the other hand refugees in the jihadi areas are being threatened to death if they try and leave. Today, we have also seen the Turks bombing Kurd villages in Syria (near Aleppo), and the USA making a "mistake" and bombing Kurdish civilians near Mosul in Iraq.
6. There is something to be said about a secular government where hospitals, schools and infrastructure were a priority before the USA armed any number of jihadi groups who are the same ones pusing the story that Assad is a "brutal, ruthless dictator" who "bombs his own people" when one can easily see that the jihadis and corporate police states of the west pushing this repetitively, over and over and are guilty of what they say Assad is doing.
I am not saying Assad is some kind of angel, but given the fact that the same powers claim Evo Morales and Maduro are a "brutal regime" when I know as a citizen of Bolivia is NOT TRUE, and given the other inverted Orwellian "truths" in western media... I for one will no longer spread this sort of demonizing Assad.
From the Light House.
Where did ISIS get all those new $50,000 Toyotas
The tip of the iceberg, folks.
We all know by now that the traffic between Turkey and ISIS is an open border for trade (unlike the Turkey/Rosava border which is closed). We all saw the ISIS oil caravans were blown up by Russian air strikes. We alls see how so-called "moderate" rebels are actually jihadis in disguise. And we all see how "non-lethal" aid is turned into lethal weapons (check the video of the Al-Nusra gang suicide bombing the cancer hospital in Aleppo).
How to bring peace? Stop supplying weapons or things like Toyota trucks which are used as weapons. Aid should consist of tfour things: water, food, medicine and hygiene needs, shelter and internationally controlled use of equipment for distribution logistics to civilians only. If ISIS and Al Nusra or the Syrian Army et al don't like the terms they stand responsible for the crimes against humanity they have committed.
From the Light House.
Clinton will do something involving mass violence.
Some worrisome things. In a position paper that Hillary sent to her staff, the claim was made that the Russians were essentially paper tigers and would back down if Assad's troops directly attacked by the US. Now this was in about 2012 before the Russian intervention happened and the historical pointer for Russians being paper tigers happened under Yeltsin. To show off how tough she is to her generals, she may do something that immediately confronts Russia and will probably lead to a full fire fight in Syria.
One point of disagreement Gates made to the bombing of Libya was that it was essentially over-extending the US military. His comment was something like "let's finish one war before starting another". Given Clinton's lack of judgement and her hubris, I fully expect her to over-extend the military. She could attack Iran with some flimsy excuse and that way she can have us fight Iran in Iran and in Syria. Maybe a shoot out with Russia inside Ukraine?
But a silver lining of sorts. My impressions is that Hillary will surround herself with total female civilian military and state department leadership. Hillary will show that women can start wars, bomb, invade better than the men.
Phony war with real death
As aptly described above by many commentators, this is a phony war. Fighting ISIS in Iraq but supporting radical jihadists (Al-Nusra et. al., in Syria. Using Peshmerga fighters in Iraq and bombing them in Syria. Allowing trucks convertible into battle wagons to "moderate" jihadists (whatever that is). Encouraging Erdogan to go after Syria's legitimate-if-cruel- government but Erdogan won't play along because he's picking at softer targets than western Syria. No wonder Obummer wanted a coup against him. People die in these cruel but meaningless power games--power games that have two co-dependent reasons to exist: further entrenchment of our corrupt government and further enrichment of the MCI.