Thank Goodness For Republicans (Sort Of)
It's no secret I think that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is the worst "trade" deal ever representing a complete corporate take over of the United States government and the end of democracy as we know it (oh, it's also bad economically and excuses actual factual 18th and 19th Century style slavery).
All 4 Presidential Campaigns (Green, Libertarian, Republican, and Democratic) have rejected it (Deez Nuts is silent on the issue). Of the two major parties, one candidate has been completely opposed from the start (though given that it's Trump he's probably lying) and one (after a too close for comfort Primary) has changed her mind and currently says "I oppose it now, I'll oppose it after the election and I'll oppose it as president." Clinton is reluctant to directly call on Obama to withdraw the pact or to lobby Congressional Democrats against it because it would be "disrespectful" to the President (let me show you some disrespect- Barack Obama is a murderer and a War Criminal).
Fortunately the decision has been taken out of their hands by none other than Human/Turtle Hybrid Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader.
McConnell: Senate won't take up TPP this year
By Jordain Carney, The Hill
August 25, 2016, 02:36 pm
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) appeared to close the door Thursday on the Senate taking up the Obama administration's signature Asia-Pacific trade deal during what's left of the president's term.
"The current agreement, the Trans-Pacific [Partnership], which has some serious flaws, will not be acted upon this year," McConnell said at the Kentucky State Farm Bureau (Big Tobacco) breakfast Thursday.
Is he doing it for all the wrong reasons? Of course. This deal is not obsequious and deferential enough to the whims and desires of Mega-Corporations, particularly Big Tobacco, Big Media, and Big Pharma, not all of whom are even U.S. based (they don't want to pay taxes, they just want us to be their Thugs).
Also too, legacy for Barack Obama? Hahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhah!
And it's not unmitigated good news-
McConnell said that while the trade agreement won't get approved in its current form, it could pass next year with some changes.
"It will still be around. It can be massaged, changed, worked on during the next administration," he said.
But this flat rejection is likely to be quite effective. With certain restrictions the Majority Leader has absolute control of which matters are considered by the Senate. Yes there are loopholes, but none that can be implemented procedurally in the limited amount of time between November 9th and January 3rd (and if you think they're going to work through Thanksgiving or Christmas, think again).
Is this odd? Well, a little.
McConnell helped spearhead the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) through the Senate last year. The law allows any future trade deal to be fast-tracked through Congress without changes. The Kentucky Republican joked Thursday that passing the TPA was a "rather unusual experience."
"I was aligned with Barack Obama against [Sen.] Harry Reid [D-Nev.] and [House Minority Leader] Nancy Pelosi [D-Calif.]," he said. "Almost an out-of-body experience, now that I think about it."
House Speaker Paul Ryan (who's procedural control is even tighter) says that the votes for passage are not there, but it's unlikely to come to that now.
The danger ahead is that insubstantial cosmetic changes will be made and the pact resubmitted in the next Congress.
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to turn out on November 8th and vote for candidates opposed to this treasonous fiasco root and branch.
(Advance copy. This will appear on The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma at 2 pm in keeping with our regular publishing schedule.- ek)

Vent Hole
It's wars against us all, all of the time.
I could care less about dick-swinging in Congress vs. President. What about us, who have to (we are told) pay all the bills that "we" incur? The US is now a two-, three-, five-headed bull rampaging through the world taking what some corporations want. On our dime(s). We are Told.
The good news is that there are showers popping up here, a drought-stricken area not used to drought. I can probably pick some little tomatoes. My eyes check out fine, no AMD or vision changes. Still post-concussion syndrome, don't ask me to bend over right now. I see my orthopedic surgeon about an 8-month Titanium implant which Must be Removed. I am a rare birdie who does not agree with Ti implants. Special snowflake, me. Sky is changing from black to grey here, crickets are still trilling.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Not in Stars Hollow at the moment...
Where it is hot and oppressive, supposed to rain last night- haven't checked. Here we were expecting rain all day, but the latest forecast is for a sunny and muggy (96% humidity, yuck) afternoon.
We don't really have to pay it off. MMT explains that "money" is a fiction to facilitate commerce, we'll always have as much as we need, taxes or no.
Of course taxes (the paying of) is what give money its value (exchange for direct service to the sovereign). Everything else is just a by-product.
And sorry about the health issues.
I'm partly bionic too. Never had a problem with Ti.
My bionic (lens implants post-cataract) are good!
Ti sensitivity may be in my head, but being able to see screw-heads and feel the implant means it must go.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Repubs have saved us from Obama many times
Obama's Christmas attack of SocSec comes immediately to mind.
But of course they are not saving us because they give a shit about The Commoners.
Only b/c
1) They don't want Obama to have any successes.
2) They would rather screw us with another approach that benefits them instead of benefiting the Dems.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Obama appointed the Catfood Comission preordained to come
up with a particular set of recommendations and they still couldn't meet the deadline so nothing the commission says is official. Yet that didn't stop the for-profit press from having the two ring leaders quoted extensively and for a long period of time.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
ODS is not always a bad thing...
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
It's surreal for me to be standing aside the Tea Baggers
opposing "ObamaTrade".
I'm tired of being lied to. I'm tired of the condescension. I'm tired of having the choice between a frothing, hatemonger and a corporate lackey to vote for. Our country needs another choice between republicants and corporate democrats. Let's go Green this November and begin building an alternative to what is being forced upon us. History will thank you.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
How To Reconcile This
As I recall things, this was the case:
Yet McConnell declares
Now maybe it's that my recent absence from the Caucus has left my cognitive functions a bit rusty, or that maybe my morning caffeine fix hasn't hit yet, but doesn't "massaged, changed, worked on" mean changes that the TPA supposedly doesn't "allow"? Is there an expiration date that I (and the corporatist media) failed to notice? A "do it or drop dead" moment?
I don't know at this time. What I do know is that this tells me one of two things. Either everything Congress does isn't worth the paper it isn't written upon, and changes based on the day of the week, the phase of the moon, and the height of the tide (DUH!), or there were lots of loopholes embedded in the TPA which are now being exploited. If the latter, might this not indicate that the Congress was gaming the corporatists who drool over the power TPP will give them? Were the 30 pieces of silver suddenly not enough to betray us all?
I am loathe to believe that the Congressional Republicans suddenly discovered patriotism and remembered their oaths of office. I am much more inclined to think they see a chance Hillary will lose (it does remain possible in the realm of possibility no matter that the chances aren't great) and that they see Trump as much more malleable to give their patrons even more power over the nation and the world.
But in any case, we now have an opportunity to end this abomination of all that the nation stands for. We need to not waste it.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Well, you're right about this-
Is the U.S. Missing the TPP Train?
by Bruce Einhorn, BusinessWeek
August 25, 2016 — 7:00 PM EDT
Of course Republicans haven't re-discovered patriotism. They just hate Obama more than they love their donors. Also, don't disregard the fact that much of their activist base loathe trade agreements and rightly so. The Teabaggers are not going to bend on this issue.
I have a sneaking suspicion
I have a sneaking suspicion that this could also be a strategy to take attention off this unconstitutional global disaster so that it can be quietly passed without public notice while the Coronation sideshow (and corporate media) distracts attention.
Previously, the TPP agreement was to collapse, saving everyone involved, at least for the moment, if any one country pulled out of it prior to it being enforced against us, but I've read that the version currently out states that 6 months notice allows for whatever remains of one country to pull out, (while probably still liable for all sorts of abuses long past this period,) while the others are all still trapped unless they can get a sane politician in office past whatever electoral rigging. But the damage done would be dreadful and likely irreparable, not to mention that this would be following the pretense - making a precedent - that anyone has any right to betray their country and people in this manner, when selling them out to hostile powers defines the term 'traitor'.
The law of the land, intended to protect the public good, cannot be over-ridden in any country by any self interest to 'legalize' harm done for profit or to make the public of any country 'legally' liable for supplying the 'anticipated maximized profits' of any corporation or billionaire, never mind thousands of them. And we, the people of any country, cannot be bound by the secretive private agreements of traitors.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I Still Expect TPP to Pass in Lame Duck Session
In the end, the "bad guys" always win these trade votes. Both McConnell and Ryan swear they dont have the votes to pass this, but after the election, Obama will lobby hard for it, as will the Chamber of Commerce, and their allies in the Republican Congressional leadership. Hillary will be silent. The key vote (TPA) has already been taken. I dont see any way that a member of congress would support the first measure but then vote against the actual trade bill.
They could just be waiting
until all of this election "hoopla" and controversy passes through and the electorate is recovering from Christmas, hoping people will be too stressed out and at least somewhat relieved that the election circus is over...
I do believe The Turtle will do anything he thinks is possible to thwart Obama, but his corporate backers must have assurance he'll not hurt THEM one little bit. I also think the idea of TPA itself having hidden loopholes is highly possible.
Whatever they do, it won't be to ultimately help us, but them. All about them now, and they've betrayed their own Bagger base enough times to think they'll get away with that again. And they can probably find a way to blame Shillary for it anyway, their base will eat that up. We know she'll sign it and this could play for HER too - "well, we changed it, it's all better now."
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
First reply...
And Baggers are believers, even the ones in Congress and there are a lot of them. Unlike Democrats they won't sell out their base.
Recovering from Christmas?
January 2nd, January 3rd, end of session.
Real times- November 9 - 22. November 28 - December 23.