Open Casket 08/13/16

I don't feel like writing anything because I'm sad that Johnny feels the need to sell the place.
Many people over many years talked about building a place like this. But none of them did it. Until Johnny did. He built the site himself. With hundreds of hours of volunteer labor. For which he has never been reimbursed. You can read some about that here.
Now, today, as he says here, the donations that come in, they "are not even meeting minimum wage scale, not even close." The donations generally come in sporadically, as a result of fundraisers, which are sparked by other people on the site, not him, and, as he says here, "only a relatively small portion of the membership respond to the fundraisers, over and over, the same ones, and many quite generously. But it's not fair that just a few bear the burden of funding this site, especially when I know that eventually these folks will tire of donating." He further notes that "someone a couple of months ago did the math and figured out that if enough members signed up for a monthly installment plan at $5.00 per month that it would possibly generate enough funds. There was a fundraiser to get folks to do just that. We had about 10 people sign up for that plan." What is actually needed, he says, is "$4,000.00 a month or $50,000.00 per year to come even close to what I can knock down with my business."
Because, you see, he does have a business. And a marriage. And a life. But he is not at present permitted to attend to these things, as "I sit at my computer from the time I get up in the morning to the time I go to bed at night, seven days a week. Tending this site is more than a full time job."
For, besides the money problem, there is the time factor. The time consumed by "the headaches and grief I'm subjected to." Which involves keeping the site up and operational, as more people stream in; and, as more people stream in, keeping watch on the ever-increasing number of toddlers engaging in fisticuffs in the sandboxes.
I am hardly here all the time, and so, in the recent 72-hour period of "headaches and grief" I review below, I no doubt miss some fisticuffing. And that is the point. Johnny can't miss any of it. Whenever there is a dust-up, it is he who has to be there. You, personally, may be observing some people grappling, somewhere on the site, and think that's all there is; but no, generally, there is one or more other World Federation Of Wrestling event, also occurring, somewhere else, at the same time. And Johnny, he has to be there, too.
Anyway, in this recent 72-hour period, there was first a piece wherein the essayist, to the applause of dozens of recs, damned the 11th person ever to register to this site as "a paid corporate shill." This was only the first of several pieces in the days to follow in which people proceeded to freely sling the word "shill" this way and that—"shill" now used here more often, per capita, than is "troll" on Daliy Kos. Because so many people here just can't seem to live or breathe without loudly maligning other site-users' motives or allegiances. Then occurred some fierce credentialing combat in the Fristian craniotomy pieces. And finally someone felt it right and meet to throw up a post explicitly calling for the murder of a presidential candidate.
This last has never been a good idea, but is especially not so now. When the authorities are in no mood for such stuff, given that most of the Americans are jittery, angry, and/or batshit crazy, and way too many of them have guns. Johnny, he will be the man who gets up, some early Sunday morning, to answer a knock at the door, and finds there, standing on his porch, two men with wires in their ears, one saying "I'm Agent Flournoy, and this is Agent Crabtree; we are from the United States Secret Service, and we need to speak with Johnny The Conqueroo."
Yeehaw. Such fun.
(I hasten to add that I hardly exempt myself from this J'accuse, as, in my time here, I have caused Johnny more than my share of "headaches and grief," through being a hothead, a baby, a meddler, and/or an abuser of Medicine.)
The situtation here at present is akin to that in the true-life documentary film 101 Dalmations, where Roger is expected to compose music in a house aroil with more than a hundred rather large canines, howling and baying and biting and fighting and snarling and shitting all over. The film may show Roger apparently pulling this off, but that is a Lie. The reels end before what, in truth, happened next: Roger could neither cope nor deal, went on the spike, lost everything, and ended up in a Shelter.
I am reminded of when peeder got sick of Daily Kos, banned himself there, and then set up pff (Political Flesh Feast), a site devoted to the noble idea that there anyone could say whatever they wanted. From the very get-go, arrived people determined but to push, and push, and push, and push, until finally they arrived at something peeder would not let them post. Eventually, they succeeded—and peeder promptly removed the site from the tubes, and went off to cook.
The people, they just won't be nice. And that is why the people, they can't have nice things. Like this place. With Johnny.

I noticed you seem to like
The word "Fristian".
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
i notice
the word "Fristian," it appears once in the piece. Whereas the word "nice," that appears twice.
Actually I've seen the word
Show up in your comments of late as well. It's an unusual word. That's why it caught my eye.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
an unusual practice. And one wholly discredited. People thought it had been retired with Mr. Frist. Apparently, alas, not.
Considering the origins
Of the word, I think many may see your liberal use of it here misplaced.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
i think
you may be confusing "many," with yourself. A common problem.
In truth, this current wave of Fristing is even worse than the original, in the sense that Frist could demonstrate that he had once been a doctor, whereas most of these people peering into tubes, and thereby ululating medical diagnoses of The Hairball, or The Mad Bomber, they cannot.
I think not being able to have discussions where people disagree without being disagreeable is why I left TOP. What about you?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Your goal is "being able to have discussions where people disagree without being disagreeable"?
Physician, check thy own comment history. ; )
People at TOP also had
A myopic view of their own contribution in tone. Hate to see it replicated here. Thoughts?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
my thought
is that this conversation is boring. ; )
As for "TOP," that's an acronym, and acronyms I detest. Are you referencing Daily Kos? I haven't been there in years. That door's closed.
You seem like a pretty opinionated fellow
I guess we all are. That's why we are here, eh?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
as it says
in the bible, a.k.a. Lonesome Dove: "People got opinions. That's all they've got." ; )
Loved the Lonesome Dove.
Good quote. I'll bet you have an opinion of the movie version of the book
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Hallelujah hecate and to zoebear
what's wrong with you who ever you are zoebear? Why denigrate what this site is about with your dkos sickness. I too used to think like you after years of being on dkos and the useless cage fights of the net. Listen to what hecate and others here are saying were not perfect but we strive here to work beyond the empty politics were all dealing with. I too detest acronyms and I detest the online cage fights of ego disguised as politics. This is not even politics it's just one up man ship . Kindly park the chip on your shoulder at the door here. Your pissing me off and that is not what this site is about .You might just find you get what you need. I have learned here that getting all bully bully is detrimental to what this site is about. If you can't figure out what cc99% is about maybe you should just fuck off or fade away.
As the Who said why don't you all just fade away. Regardless of what generation you come from. Taking on hecate is like trying to catch the wind. Who the fuck do you think you are with your pretty tree and your nasty point of view.
Thank you
there is definitely some of that seeping in underneath the floorboards, from time to time. The myopia is vaguely amusing when I'm not ignoring it outright.
I hear there are glasses
you can wear to avert that if you don't mind a Groucho Marx nose attached to them.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I don't think I've ever seen you in myopic-mode. I definitely wasn't talking about my own, though I suppose we could if you'd like
I remember you from TOP
And you're cool
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I am
CRANKY! LOL! I admit it regularly, though DBAA certainly still applies to me.
But thank you; you get it, and I am glad to see you here, too
so glad you remember
this poster as cool. She is cool. Although there are many cool voices here who are not socked into the game of partisan politics but rather look to promote dialog that goes beyond Bernie is god and the politics are just dust in the wind.
"Fristian" is a perfect new word
My autocorrect keeps changing it it to Christian, which is a funny coincidence since the original Fristian "diagnosis" was made by watching a brief video through a belief-based lens and making assumptions about the patient which supported his beliefs, in lieu of actual medical examination or information about said patient. It was widely derided as irresponsible and unprofessional. For good reason.
at least used to come in physical contact with the people that they quacked. Today's Fristians just lay hands on some tubes.
LOL!! Clone synthetic demon eyes! I'm convinced!
It's so obvious, I can't believe I missed it before! Hecate, thank you for opening my eyes ... which are not clone synthetic demon eyes. I promise.
Only when applied to actual "doctors", is it
a perfect word, IMO. Otherwise, it seems destined to be used against others as an insult of sorts, any time they dare to speculate about anything here.
Boy, do I hope I'm wrong about that...
definitely, you're wrong.
Pretty much a steady state.
Do you have anything to contribute here about compensating Johnny, and reducing his headaches and grief? Or do you just want to fret about playing doctor?
I said what I had to say about it
in the appeal by the man himself. Am I required to do so here, as well?
We're talking about how to keep this site going and maybe
give Johnny fewer headaches, and you want to argue over Fristian? Methinks maybe you miss the point.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
is the point.
Is that the only reason it's a big problem now?
I can see it putting him over the edge.
And yes, of course, we can all behave better. But let's not invent new memes so we can club others over the head with them down the road, either.
I DO like the word, "fisticuffs" and "sandbox" is good.
I agree we are in crazytime, venting anger, angst, frustration, betrayal----how Shakespearian!
I also see how significant changes to this site would cause anger, angst, frustration and betrayal.
So I, as others, are unwilling to let this little gem of discourse and sunshine and music fail, or morph into Ad City. I get Sat. delivery of Ad City in my postal box.
Now I have Post-concussion syndrome, severe drought, initiating a $200K lawsuit for fraud. It's overwhelming me. --what IS the definition of whelm?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There is one!
So if it's already surging, man, overwhelm is like being wiped out by an ocean wave.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Whelm is never used by itself?
Over/under-whelm, yes. There are many words that we only use modified. The root is gone to history.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"Whelm" is a Middle English word,
which is now obsolete, according to the philologists at grammarphobia. Although the OED suggests it might even have its root in Old English.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
We could bring it back.
When you're not quite overwhelmed, tell someone you're whelmed. Hey, Spellcheck didn't even flag that! It's still in the regular dictionary, apparently.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
What will it
take to keep this place going hecate? Monthly dues? The more that participate the lower the dues. There are some very good writers here, it would be a shame to have them scatter in the wind. I'm open for about anything...
in the
piece above I attempted to briefly summarize his thoughts on the matter, as expressed last night in his comments scattered throughout this essay. To get the best sense of what he feels is necessary, probably best to go there and view and reflect upon those comments directly.
In our society
Nothing is "free". It's a pound sterling or a pound of flesh.
I used to be in the recording industry. It had lots of evil little parasites, lawyers, financiers, art experts etc. I often thought it was horrible, and "what was I doing" ? Me with my noble ideas about helping spread an artform I loved as a career, and seeing so many artists damaged in the machine. Then, along came the internet - FREE music ! WRONG. That business that provided musicians with a tiny stream of money was turned to a downloaded drop.
So now I am the one guilty of thinking C99 is free...shame one me. I kicked $10 into the kitty a few times but never genuinely supported it. My apologies to you JTC for my complacency. Whatever happens here, I now appreciate all the work that must have gone into something that I assumed stood on its own.
can be an interesting concept. Back in the day, the Grateful Dead used to go out on Haight Street, or over to the park, and play music. Because they felt like it. Then, over the years, pressure built for them to perform more of these "free" concerts. All the time. Garcia said:
it all rolls into one
and nothing comes for free
there's nothing you can hold
for very long
An arms length buddy
of mine (meaning we know each other but don't hang out) is a bass player / singer (not so much) that's been "in the biz" locally here for forever. Music DLs virtually killed his CD sales until, instead of posting a $10 sign for the cost of his homemade CDs (GarageBand) at his live gigs he put up a sign that said "Tips." Sales went thru the roof where they now support him, making more money than he ever did before DLs. And, not for nuthin', but "The Music Biz" fucked themselves re. music DLs. Many of us just got sick'n'tired of paying Top Dollar for the next format that Abbey Road manifested itself. "Jeebus, I bought it on vinyl, I bought it on 8 Track, I bought it on Cassette, and I bought it on CD. How many fucking times I gotta buy this mofo before I OWN it?"
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I never contributed anything, but that's because I have nothing to contribute. I've been on the edge of survival for a long time, and I budget my money very carefully. I get 730 a month from social security, and they take 675 of that for my rent at the assisted living facility. I'm going to need a new chair soon and I can't afford it.
The guy who lives next to me has a wheelchair with an aging battery. The battery is so old now that it hardly lasts any period of time at all between recharges before he is stranded. A new battery would cost a hundred dollars and he can't afford it. Literally ever.
They fix my meals, but the food they serve here isn't that great, and I feel pressured to buy fresh food and cut down on salt, or I face side effects from medication.
I wish I could have helped more.
lots of people
don't have money, Martian, and he recognizes that, which is one of the reasons he has always been loathe to go there. But everybody can behave decently. Even if they're rich. ; )
We could have dues plus a "scholarship fund".
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
No worries, you contribute in other ways.
You give your time and content. I'm busted myself, hope to donate after I get paid, but it won't be much. But time counts as much as money. Together we'll make it all happen.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Some can and are willing to give more than others. It's not
Necessary to be egalitarian on this topic. Some can afford nothing but contribute wonderful content. It's all of a piece.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
German daily newspaper "taz" has 3 different subscription rates
A lower one for people on limited incomes
The standard one
A "political" one, higher, for people who can afford to subsidize availability to others
Politics is a full time job
I was actually thinking about this yesterday when JtC's announcement came through.
One of the things that I learned this year from the Sanders campaign was just how much damn money it takes to run a national campaign in this country. This is my biggest problem with the Greens (who I am supporting) - they are under the delusion that we can all network, do a group hug and the problem will magically vanish. No, the problem is you need to get out of the matching funds ghetto and kick some ass. But it's a chicken and egg problem: How do you raise money without exposure, and how do you get exposure without money? And my "money" I mean "resources to provide a livelihood for the full time work required." I am heartened that they are manipulating the media now to get exposure - and Bernie certainly helped set this up - but it's going to take a lot of labour to make something of the moment, and they need to set up the infrastructure to continue through non-election years.
Our opponents are under no such delusion. They have super-PACs, think tanks, tax-exempt foundations and they know how to get free media coverage. They can pay armies of shills to pollute social media. And quite frankly, their supporters make more than most and therefore can give more. Here is the breakdown as of June 30th of reportable (> $250) contributions to the current candidates (and Bernie for context):
Bernie and Jill have much smaller average contributions that the corporate candidates.
JtC is in the same bind. He has to do this full time, and full time means salary. So am I - I have a job, two teenagers and failing parents, so I can't really work on the site. Heck, I'd like to find the time to go to the Greens CNN party next Wednesday!
News reporting is similarly constrained: Here is a John Oliver piece on how local papers are unable to pay reporters to cover city hall any more:
This is why I subscribe to the New York Times, buy books by world class reporters like Naomi Klein and have a monthly contribution to this site: I want to pay to have the news investigated by people who can give it their full attention. I'm not happy with the NYT these days, but they do in fact pay their reporters - even if they twist that reporting editorially.
So I don't know what the solution is, but we have been suckered over the last 20 years into thinking that politics and news are free. We went along with it because our wages were stagnant, but we have been played.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
So all we have to do is make this the site where all the news
and politics somehow concerns cats, and we're golden!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
With an avatar like that
I think we need to put you in charge of the transition!
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Well, no matter what, the meetup's still happening...
Next week on the 20th.
Worst case scenario, it's a wrap party. I'm still hoping that's not necessary tho.
So, apologies for those who hate southern rock, but this song comes to mind.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks, hecate, from all of us. It is incumbent uon all of us
to make this work, not merely for ourselves, but for Johnny, and it is not only not working for him, it is sadly in arrears in that respect.
Jerry once said:
But that was in an entirely different context. In this case, it is a privilege and honor to get to do it, to be called upon to do it, because not a whole lot of folks have the opportunity to bask in this site's wonderfulness or the corresponding obligation to try to make it work, not just for ourselves, but for Johnny, so we need to make that a larger focus, just as you have just done here.
Thanks again.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I like this place, would rather see it remain intact.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I'm guilty of being
sporadic with donations and occasionally go off the rails and cause JtC headaches and grief. I cleared out my do gooder monthly automatic donations at the bank. They were not doing much good but instead were lobbying or some other nonsense. If there was someway other then paypal to directly contribute monthly I would gladly contribute the 50$ a month that has been coming out of my bank account for years. Could we make it easier to subscribe auromatically monthly without involving pay pal. I no longer donate to pols or Act Blue as I think the politics are just a con and a useless money suck.
Could someone here take this off JtC's head and help set up the financial end so the there was a steady stream instead of sporadic donations? If 500 people gave monthly at 25$ according to my faulty math it would come to 25,000$ a year. Not Johnny's required salary but a base to count on. Those who cannot do this could contribute 5.00$ a month. Or make contributions when they had the extra bucks.
Go Fund Me seems like a good idea. A kick start not a final solution. We know a lot of musicians and artists who have raised enough to get their music recorded and pressed on vinyl. I don't like ads but if that's what it came too I think it would be worth it to keep afloat. I do not want anything to do with Amazon or google. They are the monkey's paw no sence in selling your site to the devils.
Isn't there an internet ad placement vehicle that's liberal? I see ad's on common dreams and truthdig that are not offensive or don't tell you how to get rid of your wrinkles or refi nance your mortgage If we had a base of monthly subscribers and some ads and a yearly or twice a year pledge drive or auction that was organized and consistent I think there is no reason we could not come up with 40, 000 a year. I would like us to hire JtC.
To JtC. while I understand this is your baby and a fine baby it is, I do think you need help. Too much time even if your being paid is just not going to work for you or your family or your health. Perhaps you could find trustworthy people to help on the front end? I also think as in all things endless growth is not a good idea. I don't tweet and have no interest in a site that includes fb or twitter. A tower of Babylon. It would definitely turn this place into a partisan, pol central madhouse and change it's nature to something else entirely. I do face book but it is a whole different beast as far as politics goes. It's a stream of endless 'drivel' as one of my friends calls it.
We own our own business and cash flow is a bitch. If you grow to fast you can't handle the work as you need to hire another person but in order to pay them you lose some of your inconsistant income. I cannot thank you enough as I've been blogging for 12 years and cc99% is by far the best experience I've had. It's the best community on line.
Just my 2 cents on this wall you've hit. I love this site. I love blogging non-partisan where I can read and write about something other than us vs. them and the poltic's of persona. I love the community that's building. I think we could pull this off. It's doable. I trust and believe in JtC's vision of a site that's not partisan or a platform for electoral politics. I will talk to my CU about setting up automated payments and in the short term send you a donation.
let's do the math re: $25 each per month
5 people sending in $25 per month would be $125
50 people would be $1250
500 people would be $12,500...per month! That'd be a good living!
But let's go back to what we think is needed, $4,000 per month. That's 160 people. Still a lot. How many of our 2000+ members are here often? I think I'll wander over to the other discussion and see what ideas are coming up...
there could be obtained commitments from 160 people to sally forth with $25 per month.
I could do that. Could you and shaz? Of course you could. ; ) So, that makes three.
157 to go.
Oh, 4 & 5, and DD is 6 thru 9, but 160 is a goodly few, so it
also makes sense to try to garner as many as possible in the 5 & 10 range.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks Shah
You do the numbers. I had not had my coffee yet and as you know my human calculator was not around. So your numbers are better. Surely there are 150-160 people on the site that can donate 25$ a month. If people are broke or can't afford 25$ per month they might be able to kick in 5$ a mo. or 10$. It seems a percentage of us are steady users and some just come here sporadically to read or write essays. Out of 2010+ members is 150-60 a month at 25$ realistic? I don't know but surely between all of us we can get Johnny an income and some relief. I know a lot of people are having a hard time in this austerity economy but 5$ a month or 25 $ quarterly or whenever or whatever they can afford to contribute would surely get JtC some relief.
Don't know what was already out there before, but we're up
a tad over 10% right now in DallasDoc's essay. One can view that as either a promising start or a hellacious shortfall, depending upon perspective.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Your bank appears to permit monthly recurring donations, so
all that is needed is for Johnny to set up a dedicated bank account that can be used as a target/recipient for said transfers. It should probably be a DBA, and maybe he has one since my PayPay donations go to a c99p account of some sort.
I've been giving ad hoc & haven't gone automonthly yet but it is on the agenda, and, of course, bank to bank would probably be the best way to go.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks, hecate
We can have nice things, if that is the intent.
pretty much anybody
can say nice things.
intent and intonation are two different things.
Like NPR
those Nice Polite Republican, neoliberals who sound so civilized with fake BBC intones while doin their numbers or discussing kill, kill, kill, how to get ahead with your yuppie life style, and the good of greed.
as we experience here
every day. ; )
Over and above the basic problem that 80% of the information imparted in face-to-face communication is communicated non-verbally. Which means that when you are in a tube, 4/5ths of what you're trying to get across, is just not going to travel. : /
I believe that more than 4/5ths
will translate, after some time and consistency observed.
that's because
you're an optimistic, and kind, person. Or so it seems to me. Gazing through a tube, darkly. : /
Hey hecate,
open the aperture up at least one stop. It lets in more light. Maybe then the darkness will be illuminated.
last words: "Open the second shutter, so that more light may come in."
; )
lol, I want a link with that, please. /nt
you think I just made it up? ; )
Here's one purporting to provide the original German; in that way you will far better know than I, what he actually said/meant, as I have no German, and you do.
oh, lol, he was referring to the folding shutters of windows,
so he really meant what you said in English. I didn't connect shutters with those folding shutters of windows, I was thinking of a camera.
And no, I would believe you make anything up. You are just too funny in the way you talk and I am too lousy in the way I lack understanding.
i like it
better when the identity of the shutter remains mysterious. ; )
I actually make up stuff here all the time. But I endeavor to make it obvious when I do. The Hairball burning a million Mexicans in a victory bonfire. The Mad Bomber claiming to have carried Martin Luther King's love-child. George Orwell and H. G. Wells dying in my house while watching the politics on the television, and having to bury them in the yard with a backhoe. Etc.
Did somebody say "I like it"?
there was this Honeymooners episode where Ralph Kramden was going to go on a game show similar to Name that Tune. Norton would play song after song on the piano so Ralph would know them all. Norton always played this introduction...Way down upon the Swanee River... and Ralph got pretty sick of it.
Well, the night of the show that was the very first song they asked him. And he didn't know it! "Who wrote this song?" they asked and Ralph stammered and said meekly "Ed Norton?"
As they led him offstage the emcee said "I'm sorry" and Ralph was answering him like "I'm Sorry" was the song he needed to identify. "No, it's too late now" the emcee said and Ralph started naming the composer of a song called that...
Well, similarly (hope I didn't take too long to get here), that's how I feel a lot of the time. So, in that vein...
Hey, I remember that episode!
DuMont television network !
(From on a bus in the Czech countryside headed to Prague)
for the story. And the Merseybeat.
Every piece, should have a little Merseybeat.
oh no, don't say it ain't the truth, I believed it all.
... hecate have mercy with those faithful to you ....
ok, time to go to bed.
Good night.
The Orwell/Wells thing, that was true.
; )
I can do $15 or possibly $20 a month. Sorry it can't be more.
Auto debit from my checking account works best, but if I need to send checks, I can. Where do I start?
First thing every time I used to get on the computer, I'd go to DailyKos & Rachel & Chris & Lawrence & Ed... so many once-great ones that now just make me sad. For a while now my new go-to sites have been c99%, truthout & commondreams, in that order. I really don't want to lose this site.
Come on over to my essay
And help us out with your pledge!
Please help support caucus99percent!
Running out the door for a fun evening
with my wonderful 86 yr old mom, but will do as soon as I come back. Thanks!
Way off topic, BTW, but if you still thank that the price of
Oil you see talked about in the papers has anything to do with the price of gasoline, go read my essay on it:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Not off topic
but another example of why we need this place to continue and develop. i learn so much about what is really going down in this mad world. Let it flow.