The Brits seem to be ahead of us at this point
Submitted by ThomM on Tue, 07/12/2016 - 11:35pm
I don't know much about the UK's politics, but it appears that their "Bernie" is not so willing to throw in the towel. I could be completely misunderstanding this, but it sounds to me like the MP's (super delegates?) have just been handed a defeat.

MP's are not "super delegates"
MP = Members of Parliament are ELECTED and serve. Definitely not like super delegates.
What Caerus said.
And the anger directed at Bernie by his "supporters" is such a let down. As though he hasn't said from day one that he'd support the Dem nominee, whoever that might be.
This is why the "left" looses - we constantly eat our own. In this instance, I find the devouring of Sanders' long career to be grotesque.
I find his actions yesterday to be grotesque.
Yes, he said he said he'd support the dem nominee. But we don't have a dem nominee yet. It hasn't happened.
Bernie also repeatedly said he'd take his campaign to the convention. He lied. He's done as a candidate whether he said the word 'concede' or not.
They even took his protection away.
I didn't eat anybody. He succumbed to bullies. I did not.
Were you bullied by the full political & MSM establishment, too?
All people are saying is that it's a little unfair to judge someone's choices when you have not walked in their shoes.
He obviously found his own actions to be grotesque, too, as you could tell simply by looking at him. Doesn't that tell you something? I don't know the reasons for the endorsement coming at that time. But I do know it was under pressure and probably done for a reason, so as not to lose something he feels is important - whether it be the platform concessions or something else.
Give me a break: You really think he didn't
have the intention of going to the convention all along?
Yeah, you and Clintonites have been right all along: He's just a shuckster.
Sometimes one has to think on their feet and change direction - that's the very definition of progressivism.
If you want absolute predictability, become a conservative - and then continue to feel betrayed by a life filled with contingencies.
The overblown hysteria over it
here and elsewhere is starting to smack of Clinton Trolling. So if we really want a revolution, we'd best suck it up and quit spitting on Sanders. HE HASN'T SOLD OUT.
If he had sold out, he would have told Ed Rendell to go fuck himself yesterday when he was told to "Say the word Endorse or lose your delegates and your slot at the convention". Which DNC rules allow him to do.
Not only are MPs not anything like super delegates, Corbyn WON the Labour Leadership last year.
Sanders LOST the nomination.
There's all kinds of reasons to be both angry and disappointed in this outcome. But the amount of hate being directed at Sanders from the "left" is a far greater disappointment as it shows the "left" can not get its' shit together even in the face of the greatest victory the "left" has seen in decades.
The hate directed at Sanders by the "left" is far more worrisome and grotesque than the hate expressed by Clintons' camp in my opinion.
I am so incredibly angry by all these folks who pretend that Sanders hasn't always said he'd support Hill so as not to concede to Trump.
The accusations that Sanders has "betrayed us", etc... is just gross. And only confirms the rights' views of the "left" as being stupid and naive and hateful to not only others but their own.
Yeah, Katie, it's pissing me off a bit now
The man who has done more than anyone in a generation to get this conversation into the national spotlight. A 74-year old man traveling the country and giving multiple rallies a day when he could be retired.
The man who has been fighting for the same things for 40 years (basically alone) is being criticized by people sitting on their butts in their houses who have no idea what kinds of pressures were being brought to bear on him. You could tell he was very unhappy about the endorsement. So obviously it was done under pressure.
Feel disappointed? Of course. I wish he could have held out until the convention. But for people to immediately say "it's betrayal, he's just another liar" - look at his record. And then think just maybe you don't know everything that's going on behind the scenes and what his reasons were for giving the endorsement. The one reason I can pretty much guarantee it is NOT is that after 40 years, he suddenly decided to sell out and become a 1%-er. That's just idiotic.
Get off your asses and go out and do what he did or shut up about it.
He was routinely being crucified in the media, having to meet with establishment Dems, being booed by his colleagues - all so they could force him to endorse the front-runner prior to the GOP convention. All these armchair critics can get back to me once they've actually been through that themselves.
Sorry, venting. But the shortsightedness of people grates on me. Bernie isn't a savior. But he's also not a fake.
Whatever he's doing he's doing for real reasons, not to cash in - or he'd already be a multimillionaire like Clinton is.
Nicely put. Thanks.
Oh, what pressures?
That's just an excuse. I've always admired him. I've listened to him on Thom Hartmann for about ten years. I've watched and listened to many of his campaign speeches. I watched his filibuster on the floor. I think I 'know' him pretty well.
I don't recognize the man from yesterday. It was not called for to do what he did yesterday.
I should thank him, though, because he proved to me once again that politicians cannot be believed and it's definitely time for me to leave the dem party after being a member my whole life.
I will never vote for Hillary.
Bernie always said it wasn't about him. He's so right.
And to address what's going on behind the scenes, what could they possibly have on him? I always thought he couldn't be bought.
He should have told us what was going on behind the scenes.
No, Bernie is not a fake. He's a disappointment.
I'm not an armchair critic. I'm a real live person with feelings and problems like most other people. I won't shut up. My money and time helped get him to where he was on monday. I DO have a say in his actions yesterday.
You don't run the DNC
so you really don't have the kind of say you think you do about "his actions yesterday". You have a right to your opinion, but your emotion is getting the better of you here and you're not thinking through this.
Did you want Sanders to tell Rendell to fuck off, and forfeit all his delegates and his slot in prime time at the convention?
No? Then please chill out and let this play out.
made their decision a long time ago and Bernie was never gonna be the nominee and he will never be the nominee. The Play is over,his spot at the convention will be pointless.Telling Rendell to fuck off would have been better than being bullied to get nothing.
Under what DNC rule or regulation can Candidate
Sanders be forced to forfeit his delegates. Link that, please, or else I'll have no choice but to say you don't know what you're talking about.
DNC does not believe in rules!
Were you paying ANY attention AT ALL to all their fast-and-loose and shady-as-hell maneuvers? It's been "Screw the rules, screw the voters, we are going to crown Hillary and anyone who doesn't like it can get stuffed!"
They will do whatever it takes - no matter what that is - "rules" be damned.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I, for one, want Sanders to tell Rendell to fuck off.
Who cares about a speech at a convention when you're 74 years old.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Good explanation on the real news
by John Weeks in London. Economist John Weeks says pro-austerity forces were defeated in the decision of the Labour Party leadership to allow him on the ballot. 7 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yesterday I read
about the secret vote to kick him off the ballot. It was happening about the time that Bernie and The Mad Bomber were on stage in NH. Thanks for the essay. Although the Blairite New Labour MP's are not super delegates it was internecine Labour leadership fight, an effort to kick him off the ballot. The neoliberal Labour MP's have been backstabbing Corbyn since we won. He like Bernie has brought a huge amount of new member voters into the Labour party. 500,000 according to the article.
They like the Democratic establishment with Bernie want him gone. This is a defeat for the New Labour austerity MP's. He may have been elected head of the L party but they were trying to get him off the ballot for the election of PM. Like Bernie the media has been doing a number on him also. Corbyn is a fighter and is not going to throw in the towel. I think the Brexist vote brought all this to a head and the austerity Labour MP's faction made their move.
I hope Labour can defeat the Tories who seem to be imploding. Congratulations to the real Labour party and Corbyn. Too bad our electoral process has become such a anti-democratic farce. The battle is not over and the austerity loving faction say they will beat him fair and square. There was nothing fair and square about the Democratic primary.
Here's an editorial Corbyn wrote last week at the Guardian after the Brexist passed.
dogged Hillarists at TOP still haven't given up trolling
anything or anyone still seen as a Berner, or more disturbing, anything remotely anti-HRC
analogies between Bernie and Corbyn have been obvious
to us Progressives this side of the Pond for months. Two anti-establishment candidates shaking things up in grand style. Both are receiving the same kind of establishment crap by their own parties. Tony Blair is the effing alter-ego of Wild Willie Clinton--f-him and the horse he rode in on. Brexit is the icing on the cake--the Genie is out of the bottle for better or worse. We should make the TTPexit (Trexit?) are reality. f-you, BooHoo and the war criminal you endorse (not that you have such a great record on that score--and to think some effing genius in Oslo gave him the Peace Price--or is it spelled "piece" as in a piece of this country and a piece of that country?
Hillary for Prison
Bernie or Bust