#TeamRevolution or real revolution...depends on who you ask
Submitted by WindDancer13 on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 1:54am
Let Cenk Uygur explain it:
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The Sane Progressive says (paraphrased): #TeamRevolution...How Nike...it's a slogan. Revolution Now, not later.
Note: She announces in this video (in case you don't watch it) that the guy who filed the lawsuit regarding the elections frauds will be on her show tomorrow (Wednesday...guess that is today now)...June 15.
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Another take on revolution:
It takes courage.
. . .
An interesting follow up:

She's good. Taking on Cenk. She talks a little fast, but I
figured her out. She makes a lot of good points.
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I thought she hit a lot of high points also.
The kind of stuff that makes you stop and think...oh, yeah.
I have a problem listening to her sometimes, but thought she did such a good job on this one that I listened to the whole thing. = )
The guy on the third video sometimes goes over the top but most often makes he some really good points if you can listen to him. His wife in the fourth video had an interesting take on what will happen with/to Trump that I had not heard before.
Interesting times.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The Cenk video
Speaks to what c99 is all about. Issues, not parties and not personalities. Betty and FF should listen to it.
Mike Malloy is quite the character. I get his audio podcast and he is on iTunes Radio. He's been around forever.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I like TYT, but in the second video, she makes some good
points - mainly that we can't support politicians on the basis of what they SAY. They always sound good in order to get elected. In Hill's case, we know she lies, we particularly can't support her on the basis of what she says. Cenk says yes, we'll support you if you support our principles. But anyone can say they do.
I fell asleep sitting up, reading c99 on my laptop. While I was sleeping, Ginger the ginger cat took over my keyboard. The computer was going crazy when I woke up, I had to turn it off to stop it from loading new Web pages. If anyone received any weird messages from me, my apologies. It's the cat, she butt typed for I don't know how long before I woke up. Sigh.
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Ok, tell the truth now, was it really the cat?
Or did the thought of a Clinton Presidency drive you to the bottom of a Rum bottle?
(Either answer is acceptable in my opinion, lol!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Heh. When I woke up, the cat was washing on the keyboard.
The rocking back and forth on her butt was causing all kinds of Internet craziness. I rebooted, then hit "restore my Internet session," and a bunch of unfamiliar Web sites came up, then finally c99. So I'm pretty sure I was here last. I have no idea what I was doing at the time or what she might have butt typed. I am still concerned that she might have downloaded viruses or Trojans that will manifest later!
Which is not to say that the day won't come that I'll hit the bottom of the bottle at the prospect of a Clinton Presidency. I'm in Kentucky, though, so it has to be bourbon. This time of year, icy cold refreshing bourbon drinks!
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I have been on a bit of a Bourbon kick myself lately. New plan
for tonight though is I am gonna make some Moscow Mules.
Been thinking about them ever since I missed out on a deal on some Solid Copper ones with my initial for my last name on them.
I really gotta get out in the shop to make some side money so I can buy useless shit every once in a while. I kinda miss that, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Ooh, those look good. What does ginger beer taste like?
I've had bourbon ale, but never ginger beer. I might make the mule without that part.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Check your front door step for
unexpected deliveries of cat treats. I wonder if the FBI has your cat on some watch list now.
Cenk knows as well as anyone else that she lies, so I cannot trust his judgement on this one.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Heh. I do fully expect that she has been up to multiple
mischievouses. She's a purrorist, all right. She doesn't like to leave home, though, so it'll be okay with her if she's on the no-fly list.
It's hard, when you've been working your rump off for decades to change the Dem party, to say eff it, let's go independent. But we're getting there.
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Yup, now we only need
a few more million on board to have a party. Maybe a new door-to-door campaign?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
We'd have to do everything we've done again, at least as hard.
Phone bank, door to door, Facebook, write, twitter, reddit, GOTV, donate, etc., etc.
He has 45% of the Dems and we'd have to make sure they don't defect. Then he has a majority of Indies. He has Repubs for Bernie, people who want anti-establishment but not Trump. He has the disaffected voters from 2014 who stayed home because there's too little difference between Repub and Repub Lite. Then he has all the new voters we can register between now and November.
I won't go into a third party as a spoiler. We have to be in it to win it. That means more than 50% of electoral votes to Bernie, or it goes to the Republican Congress. It means IF Bern isn't the nom in July and agrees to a third party run, then we work our rumps off. Four more months.
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It is too late for a 3rd party run.
I was thinking in terms of the revolution. We need at least one more party. Door-to-door education of the citizenry was what I had in mind. The majority of people still get their news from TV. Most people on the Internet do not do research on topics but just accept what their preferred source tells them. It is time to show them what they are not seeing.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Not sure why that would be, but I'm not the expert. But
for a longer term plan, what about concentrating on fundraising, then buying TV time - raise awareness of issues by buying ads during the major network news programs? Would that reach the biggest audience?
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Uh, why would we support MSM?
How about fundraising and paying for flyers and people to pass them out? In areas where it is not feasible to do door-to-door, then snail mail flyers. Say one (or even more) a week on various topics that concern citizens of all stripes (e.g., the true unemployment rates) and what it means for them. Make it personal. Make them easily digestible. Make them graphically appealing. Marketing 101.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Hmm, let's re-pass the Fairness Doctrine instead so we get free
air time! It would take a LOT of people to reach door to door! Snail mail won't work, I don't think - most will throw away without reading. Although I would rather support the PO than the MSM.
I canvassed for Bernie, most people were not home. Went back repeatedly, kept a log. Still didn't find everybody. Do most people just refuse to answer the door if they see a stranger? Nobody yelled at me to go away, at least!
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Somehow I don't think that the MSM even if they followed
the precepts of allowing public service announcements (PSA) would agree that calling for revolution fit their guidelines. Besides, if they did run the ads, they would put them on at the least favorable time. So how many people are reached that way?
I specified using flyers on a door-to-door basis, not stopping for a chat, so people being home is moot. Keep in mind that marketers are still using this method so it apparently works for them. If the capitalist are making a profit off flyers and snail mail, then somebody is reading this stuff and performing in a manner that benefits the product being marketed.
There is also the factor that just like Mabel might tell John that milk is on sale at such-and-such market based on mail she got, she may also mention that the cost of this week's war would have been enough to rebuild her neighborhood school and provide quality teachers. Like I said, make it personal. It gets people thinking about things they won't normally see mentioned.
Using capitalist marketing strategies will work. Besides, it has a rather ironic flavor to it. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You're right, we'd have to be able to pick our time, and connect
it to promotion of a candidate, since I don't think they ever had to present both sides of an issue otherwise.
To me, going door to door means knocking on the door. But okay, leave the flyer. Much less labor intensive, for sure. Or snail mail.
Problem is, average response rate is about 1-2%! http://www.mccarthyandking.com/direct-marketing-tutorials/learning-direc... and http://paperjay.com/2014/05/how-many-flyers-do-you-need/
We're trying to move at least half the population. Businesses don't need to do that to be successful. While I do think we'd get some conversation started and I am a big fan of irony, I think we will need to do substantially more.
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If there was a 2% response rate from the
approximately 25 million who voted in the Democratic primary alone that would be half a million responses. How is that not a good start? There will also be a ripple effect with this type of flyer also so that one person who is responsive will tell another who will tell another, so the number of people who could be reached using this one simple method could be exponential.
Targeted marketing could also improve that rate. What are the major concerns of a particular area? Target those specific concerns. Each flyer will need to include relevant resources that are not MSM to educate people in other ways to look for facts that effect them.
Flyers with vouchers or coupons get a significantly higher response rate--around 4-8% so figuring out how and what kind of voucher to add would make a huge difference. A voucher could be for something as simple as an eBook that explains how someone can make a change in the targeted issue or a free teleconference.
Yes, more will be needed, but this is a low key effort that will be relatively inexpensive with a decent rate of return. flyers can also be handed out and discussed at booths at local events or even a table set up outside of a local place that gets a lot of traffic. Hell, sell candy bars (or something a bit healthier) at the same time to promote justice, freedom, equality, etc. (not to mention fund the activities).
Change comes from the bottom up, so getting the bottom educated on issues and where to find information is a start.
By the way, this is similar to how our country disseminated information (and it was effective) before telephones and the Internet, so going really grassroots here. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
First, to use the hackneyed formula, there is much more that unites Cenk and Debbie than divides them.
I think we're all at a point where we think, what's next? For many (most?) of us, we at least know we're not falling in line to vote Hillary in the fall.
The same thing caught my ear in Cenk's video that caught Debbie's: at 3:22, Cenk talks about Hillary "at this point" not offering real change. The implication (intended or no) is that at some later point Hillary could convincingly make the case to progressives and Bernie voters that she is for real change. But Debbie is so right. Hillary is who she is. Her word is worth nothing. She lies. She lies easily and often. Her surrogates are even worse, and that reflects back on her. Her actual record is crystal clear. She could go out and repeat Bernie's stump speech verbatim, but it wouldn't mean a thing. So, as Debbie says, that ship has sailed. The idea that Hillary could genuinely, honestly, and truly transform herself in a flash of lightning into a progressive warrior is a fantasy, a dangerous fantasy. I don't think Cenk is naive enough to be won over in the end by a lefty-sounding speech from Hillary, but that means we don't need to play the influence-the-corrupt-nominee game any more.
I find myself in the same place as Debbie. You have to play hardball, and contest the phony primary election "process" (or whatever that was). If Bernie can't get the nomination, then we're not falling in line. For me, it would be Jill Stein. I think she could grow and evolve as a candidate much more convincingly than Hillary, that's for sure.
If Bernie will run with her, I'll vote for Jill Stein. But just
in case, as the process proceeds, we see we're not getting organized and it looks like a complete election fail so Hill becomes our best hope (ugh), before we go third party I think we need to push as hard as possible at the convention. Have a seriously progressive platform that is what the Dems are supposed to be about. It gives us principles as a basis for protest during her Presidency. Maybe she'll even make the mistake of giving a rousing speech about how wonderful the new Dem party platform is. We won't entirely be able to hold her to it. But we can press hard.
We have time before then, though, absolutely, to fight the vote counts in every state we lost. That's priority one.
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I do not think I would ever use the words
HRC and hope in the same sentence (other than this one). Hope would entail getting a progressive Democratic paltform in the event that Sanders wins the nomination. Otherwise it is not worth the copy paper it is printed on.
I do NOT care what happens, IF HRC is the nominee, I will NOT vote for her. Period. And I am certainly not going to listen to any speech she makes.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
We'lll cross that bridge at the time. Hopefully it will never
come to that. Go, lawsuit!
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I just recently discovered Mike Malloy and
haven't watched a great many of his videos yet. What I have heard has been quite interesting, though.
Cenk has used all rationalizations in his arguments which is good up to a point. I am not sure it will be enough. Sane Progressive, I think, hit most of the reasons why not.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Name of Malloy's podcast?
I used to hear him on Air America. Did a search, but it showed his last podcast in 2015. Is he still doing them?
Lol. Smart cat. N.t
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Too smart by half and thoroughly spoiled! eom
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The system can't be fixed.
And the Democratic party can't be fixed.
We need a new political system and we need an accounting for the crimes and misdeeds the oligarchy has committed.
I think those that go down this road of reform are going to be sorely disappointed.
I think the second and third
videos share that view, as do I. Yes, we can make efforts in the direction Cenk suggests, but we need to be planning and initiating the changes to be made more in keeping with the other speakers. Cenk has several times now shown that he is willing to fold, so I take him with a grain of salt nowadays.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
"Time for a Cleansing"
Ya, like that. That's why I'm railing on these efforts to reform the democratic party and the issues lists with fifteen bucks an hour and expanded medicare. We need much more than that and it is time for a cleansing. The systems and power are so entrenched that trying to reform them is just not going to happen. We'll get endless "Dodd-Frank" bullshit from our Congress while we wait for the next election and the next one after that.
We can't achieve what we really need if we don't demand it.
I think I agree with you
A power base (leverage) has to built outside of the current system. Only then can we attempt to take over the system. Attempting it from the inside is putting the cart before the horse.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Do we take over the system and
eventually become equally corrupted or do we tear down the system and build something with checks and balances that actually work? I do not see how it is possible to keep a system balanced in a two-party system. It is the old black-white, good-bad, true-false dichotomy that only serves to keep the people in check, not the system.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I vote to tear it down, not work from within.
In regard to the old adage of history repeating itself,
has there ever been a case of an entrenched system that corrected itself? That reformed itself from within? Right off hand, I cannot think of one...maybe with some time, lots of time, I can, but not now. If anyone has a good example, I would really like to see it.
The Sane Progressive's point of waiting for elections to make the corrections when it has been proven that the elections are stolen is a very strong indicator that the wait and see game is not going to work.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I've got one...
I know that Bernie has said repeatedly from the stump that significant change never occurs from the top-down, but rather it propagates from the bottom-up, but there is [at least] one glaring exception we can point to in political history.
Contrary to what everyone expected/predicted re: the collapse of the old-style Soviet Union, when change came, it was from the top-down and not from the bottom-up.
It was the Communist Party's Central Committee that chose Mikhail Gorbachev as the CP leader. They wanted reform and they wanted to avoid nuclear war and they believed Gorbachev had the kind of 'authentic' personality that might enable him to lessen nuclear tensions via personal encounters with America's nut-case President, Ronald Reagan.
Fortunately for the world, they were right. And yes, the CP leadership was actually willing to take the risk of losing their monopoly control over the country's political power, which was a ringing testament to the fact that they were not the power-obsessed dictators bent on world conquest that they were frequently made out to be by Reagan.
Lucky for us all that MG surfaced when he did. Reagan deserves no credit whatsoever for ending The Cold War. It ended in spite of him and his deranged fantasies re: Armageddon on the horizon.
I'm not sure that there's ever been another such extraordinary example of profound change occurring from the top-down, but it does prove that Bernie was only 'mostly right' when he observed that significant change almost always is ushered in by pressure exerted from the bottom-up.

James Kroeger
I completely agree that the pause in the Cold War
was not an achievement that can be attributed to Reagan. Cannot call it an end when HRC is determined to get it going again.
With Gorbachev, though, a few details are missing about how he got the top to make changes. As he moved up within the Communist Party, he replaced a lot of the old guard with younger people with whom he could form a consensus. This, I think, would be the equivalent of replacing the current Congress with those more in line with change. When he became the leader, he replaced even more people.
Meanwhile, due to economic and other issues, the people had begun to call for greater independence and numerous demonstrations and riots broke out. While Gorbachev deserves huge amounts of gratitude for the reforms he instituted, the changes were not strictly from the top down as he began building his coalition during his rise to the top and the people were in revolutionary mode well before the changes were made that brought about the dissolution of the USSR. it would be more like he capitulated to the people's will even though for the most part he appears to have agreed with it.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I can't say I recall hearing about demonstrations and strikes occurring in Russia (Poland, yeah, but not Russia). I would think that they would have been headline fodder in this country.
Surely when change from the top-down occurs (and you might want to include some of Britain's revolutionary changes---replacing the King's power with Parliament's---occurred from the top-down) it arises from the ruling class's recognition that the middle/lower classes are getting restless. The fact that they set out to 'address the concerns' is an effort to get out in front of the issue and take credit for their efforts in the name of the people.
I always have to give the leadership class credit when they realize that they can do good things for the peasants that won't actually harm them in any way and will indeed make them more secure/popular. It's rare, but it does happen and it always involves a lot less blood.
James Kroeger
Kings/Queens do not give up their power willingly,
even if they try to make it look like they did. They move over in order to survive and in the hopes of regaining power.
I am not denying that Gorbachev had a great effect as the policies that he put in place allowed the revolution to fully flower. However, the seeds and offshoots were already there.
The Communist bloc had massive riots during the period before the break up, some due to food shortages but most for reforms. This article gives a good break down of some: Revolutions of 1989
From the linked article:
What Gorbachev accomplished with glasnost and perestroika was to loosen the noose. What is happening in the US currently is a tightening of the noose.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
All make good points, all are important
I like Cenk's idea. The revolution can be carried forward based on issues. It requires everyone to become a citizen lobbyist, something most people are unfamiliar with. It requires a coordinated effort to bring public pressure on elected officials to enact good policies. That's entirely realistic, it just hasn't been done in a long time, so most voters aren't familiar with how successful it can be.
Social media makes it much easier to do. A good example is the pressure brought to bear on behalf of net neutrality. Obama made everyone think they had no power over government once elections were over. Wrong. Power is there to be exercised every day, make them change, make them do what we want. The news media seldom reports on Congressional activity, for a reason. Social media should reconnect people with those processes and put them in their MOC's office, right in the chair next to the lobbyists.
As for the Sane Progressive, there are good reasons to pursue election fraud, but it's a very slow moving process. The legal battle will take months, if not years. It's definitely worth following, but not to the exclusion of other activities.
Mike Molloy - haven't seen him in years. OMG, he has white hair now. Oops, so do I. When did we all get old? So good to see so many familiar faces out here still fighting the good fight. This is like a homecoming for the old leftists. I'm still open to his idea of not voting to send a message. I hope Establishment Dems don't push us that far, but I'm keeping it on the table as an option.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
I once told a college instructor that I considered 60 to
be middle aged--at the time was close to 40. He said that baby boomers would probably redefine middle age. So while we might have white hair, we are not old. = )
I disagree with the not voting. I think there needs to be a massive turnout with NO ONE voting for the presidential candidates put forward by the Democrats (unless somehow Sanders gets the nomination) or the Republicans. Vote, Green, other third party, do write ins, whatever, but stand up and say "Yes, we are here." Not voting tells them they have won the war against democracy.
Social media is a great tool which is why, particularly if HRC is elected, that it will be regulated just like much of free speech has been regulated over the past 20 or so years. It won't be of much use if the only thing we can post is cat pictures.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Switched my registration to Green after the media crowned
the queen. Sent "unsubscribe" notes to all the Dem candidates in my email. I'd kinda like to send more contributions the progressives Bernie has supported, but, no. No more involvement with either major party for me. At some point, the painful choices have to be made and reinforced. I don't hear Cenk throwing his support to Hillary in that clip, he's just sending the message that voters shouldn't let themselves be take for granted and that political parties are not justified in making assumptions. People need to vote for who they think is the best choice and make that choice stick to their hope-y/change-y promises, and not doing that has resulted in the mess we have now. Anyone who would believe promises from Hillary Clinton and would actually switch to supporting her is not going to have an audience for their progressive internet show.
Cenk has said on TYT
that people need to vote for HRC cuz Trump scary. So, while he knows she lies and knows that she will not do anything progressive and knows she will get us into more wars and knows she will not do anything about climate change, he chooses to tell his audience that they should vote for her. While not a ringing endorsement, it is support.
Jimmy Dore energetically disagrees with him. I believe that Ana (sp?) does now also. She said the Nevada convention sealed it for her.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I switched to Green, too.
Dr. Stein has invited Bernie to be on a ticket w/ her (she says she'll slide to VP). I've emailed his campaign to ask him to take her up. Their convention is Aug. 7, so it'll be after Dem convention.
Sane Debbie and la revolucion
Debbie's video is the one that's raised many of the concerns I've had as well. I don't think that Bernie's meeting with Hillary would have made anything clearer for him. As Debbie has stated, "she lies, look at the OIG report". Hell, Hill's lied repeatedly to Obama, so why would she suddenly tell Bernie the truth? You'd think that Bernie would be more "burned" about having the primary stolen from him. That's what's made me so uneasy since last week.
I think that Bernie and his advisors didn't think beyond winning "big" last Tuesday and taking his case for getting the nom before the superdelegates at the convention. Bern and his team don't seem to have a real Plan B beyond Plan A. Perhaps he doesn't recognize that this is war? Hill, Obama, Biden, Schumer, Reid and maybe even Warren planned the preemptive strike against Bernie last week and he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. He should have anticipated dirty tricks to derail his campaign because they've been playing them ever since he started winning. He's also been giving away his game plan to Dems for months, giving them enough time and information to subvert him.
If by some miracle he doesn't go all kumbayah with Hillary and the DNC and decides to run third party with Jill and stage huge protests in Philadelphia, I would like to see him consult with French labor protest leaders on tactics. The French know a thing or two about taking back power from elites for the people.
I think there is something going on that we
are not seeing. He is a pretty smart fella and he knows HRC and he knows what happened with the votes. Maybe he knows a lot more. Maybe her gave her 48 hours (Tuesday to Thursday) to step out of the race or he would spill the beans. She actually cancelled a fundraiser the other day. Who knows? I will wait to see what he has to say.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
An interesting and related conversation
about Bernie potentially running as a third-party between Paul Jay and Abby Martin here:
Abby Martin and Paul Jay - Should Sanders Run for a Third Party?
Love is my religion.
That really was interesting;
thank you for sharing it (especially since I did not, beforehand, know anything about Abby Martin or Empire Files-- Great find!).
I thought Paul Jay had an interesting take on how Hillary- and the Dem party- would become the face of corporate corruption and wars abroad (in the event of her winning the election) and therefore the Revolution would flourish better than in the case of a Trump win, wherein the Repubs would become the face of villainy and the Dem party would still be perceived as 'fighting the good fight.'
Martin made the point that that is not what happened under Obama, but I think two things about that: 1. I think it took many years of only-lightly-engaged Americans to realize what was going on (and not being done) under Obama-- they had to see a pattern before starting to make serious critique. 2. The right-wing criticism of Obama from out-of-the-gate was overt racism, beyond a doubt. (Most of it still is, I believe, because they're sure not tagging him on Wall St. cronyism) So it became difficult to make substantial criticisms w/out being accused of being a right winger.
But I agree, ultimately, w/ Martin-- that Bernie should run Green and, if not win, make the strongest showing of a third party candidate ever in U.S. history. I think a lot of Americans who feel helpless and hopeless might become more engaged. Plus I think he'd have a real shot.
Paul Jay interview
Paul Jay is actually interviewing himself, not letting Abby Martin get a word in edgewise. Pulling a Charlie Rose. Actually interrupting and arguing with Martin after asking her a question. Plus, he's an uninformed idiot.