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Title and Post date Comments & New Comments Last commenter and time Edit Delete Add comment
Hideouser© and Hideouser© fukkery waged against Julian Assange
07/16/2018 - 5:39pm
18 ggersh
07/19/2018 - 3:47pm
Working thread ahead of the putin-trump summit in helsinki on july 16 [Upated w/ almost surreal fallout]
07/14/2018 - 5:40pm
57 wendy davis
07/17/2018 - 11:37am
UK ambassador Craig Murray wants jack straw to be prosecuted at the Hague for his complicity in torture; blasts Theresa May’s whitewashing
07/02/2018 - 10:30am
7 wendy davis
07/02/2018 - 5:57pm
three dire tweets for Julian Assange’s safety and freedom
06/28/2018 - 5:46pm
54 wendy davis
07/01/2018 - 7:20pm
a current climate chaos compendium: Part III: water
06/27/2018 - 1:02pm
9 wendy davis
06/28/2018 - 2:35pm
From Island Bliss to Urban Hell: a vignette
06/25/2018 - 11:14am
7 wendy davis
06/26/2018 - 7:01pm
torturing latin immigrant children: a growth industry [Grisly updates]
06/22/2018 - 7:10pm
24 wendy davis
06/24/2018 - 11:13am
a current climate chaos compendium: Part II: geoengineering
06/21/2018 - 2:02pm
14 wendy davis
06/22/2018 - 2:05pm
today’s global #FreeAssange! vigils
06/19/2018 - 7:19pm
24 janis b
06/22/2018 - 10:31pm
a current climate chaos compendium: Part I
06/18/2018 - 4:48pm
34 wendy davis
06/19/2018 - 4:55pm
