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Title and Post date Comments & New Comments Last commenter and time Edit Delete Add comment
Schumer to Clinton: "Don’t Blame Russia, Blame Yourself”
07/24/2017 - 6:23am
105 SnappleBC
07/25/2017 - 10:41pm
Throw Hillary from the Train.
05/06/2017 - 4:09pm
28 Hillbilly Dem
05/08/2017 - 11:12am
The Empire Strikes Back… and it's a foul ball!
04/10/2017 - 5:23am
14 ChezJfrey
04/10/2017 - 11:52pm
Do-it-yourself Diplomacy. Are you the "One"?
04/04/2017 - 6:11pm
11 mimi
04/05/2017 - 12:45pm
The Hunt for Red November
03/20/2017 - 6:09pm
42 janis b
03/21/2017 - 2:36pm
The Filthy US/Nazi Lie at the Heart of WWIII
01/02/2017 - 3:15pm
42 fakenews
01/07/2017 - 10:48am
The Twelve Days of Election Excuses. Ho Ho Ho!
12/10/2016 - 5:53am
29 Ellen North
12/10/2016 - 11:41pm
The Completely Inappropriate American Election of 2016 — A Timeline of Assumptions
11/19/2016 - 10:18pm
38 BruceMcF
11/29/2016 - 9:47am
And Just Like That — Everything Changed
10/20/2016 - 7:15pm
67 Wink
10/27/2016 - 9:14am
The 21st Century Voter — How to Deploy the Coalition Defense Vote
09/01/2016 - 6:27am
87 native
09/02/2016 - 3:26pm
