
Nightowl223's picture
Real Name: 
Mary Ann Bittle
A smartass riddle, wrapped in a stubborn mystery, inside an argumentative enigma. A tree-hugger who hunts, fishes, camps. A gardener, chicken-herder, activist, recycler, repurposer; a tiny Blue dot of a family surrounded by a Red state, next door to another Red state. Married to soulmate for 3+ decades, 2 sons, multi-generational household like households were long ago. Tested further left than Gandhi (Mahatma, not Indira ;-)). Dark chocolate should be at the top of the food pyramid. Best advice? Never try to herd chickens without treats. It's as impossible as herding cats. I'm Nightowl223 on DKos, on FB @ /mabnightowl, @ +MaryAnnBittleSEEDs/ on G+ (does anyone even go there anymore? I still post, but... *shrug*), and @nightowl22366 on Twitter. I have a community page as well, on FB, for environmental activism, @ /SEEDsOfHopeNow, and a farm page there, too, @ /OwlCreekFarm/. I've also got a Pinterest, if anyone wants to learn even more about me, LOL! I'm nightowl223 there, too! Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Gandhi "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." ~ Frugal mantra "Still, we ravage the world that we love. And the millions cry out to be saved. Our endless maniacal appetite. Left us with another way to die." ~ Disturbed: Another Way to Die
7 miles from Nowhere, MO
Chicken treat dispenser
activism, recycling, repurposing, camping, conservation, biodiversity, science fact and fiction, learning
DailyKos (or other site) Username: 