
Okay, I'll come clean on who I was at ToP.

"Hillary Windsock Clinton" (skip to "I digress" if you want the meat of this) was mine; I was user Occulus on ToP. I was banned after a drunk post in which I stated baldly that Clinton's supporters were my political enemies; IIRC this was actually prior to the Ides Decree. Truth being at the bottom of every wine bottle, I was handed my keys, shown the door, and had to surrender my Echo Chamber Membership Card (and store savings key, natch).

Labeling Hillary - or As the Windsock Turns

My wife and I watched the debate last night. It was a very unsettling experience. Bernie missed many opportunities to really nail Clinton. What's worse, he got a little wrapped up in the back and forth jabs and showed himself to be a little rattled. I think scoring debates is pretty much a useless exercise but what a debater/candidate can do, is build on the experience and refocus the message.