
Thursday Open Thread 7-19-2018

This week and focusing more on contemporary events and performances in China. Still using the resilience tag. Any culture that can survive several thousand years has a resilience about it we can learn from. One of its strengths is the continuity of a written language that allows us to peer into the past and see how other humans lived through the challenges of their times.

Thursday Open Thread 7-5-2018

Morning. Came across an interesting article in The Atlantic last week, The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy The class divide is already toxic, and is fast becoming unbridgeable. You’re probably part of the problem. To reach more policy makers or circumvent them, we need to understand this societal group.

The article and facts presented is worth a stand-alone diary. Maybe someone has the time to break it apart into digestible chunks.

audio recording about an hour and half.

Thursday Open Thread 6-7-2018

Good Morning - I plan on continuing to write on Chinese culture for a few threads. The culture has lasted for several thousand years and has been extensively documented by its citizens. Looking back can teach us, life can be rich and complex without modern conveniences. We just need to have the knowledge of the methods and tools to live a different life style. Suspending judgement on if China is/was a better society than Western provides multiple case studies on development of human civilizations, agriculture and politics.

A modern animation of Along the River During the Qingming Festival painting from the Song Dynasty originally created by Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145 AD) shows a rich urban culture based on trade and small businesses. Multiple versions have been painted in the following centuries showing everyday people and activities,
