Highway 1806

Standing Rock Update: Why Is the Highway 1806 Bridge Still Blockaded?

New video of the militarized, fortified blockade of a public highway near Cannonball was published on December 11. The vid below is 39 minutes long, but you should watch at least the first 15 minutes. In addition to the concrete barriers that were dropped onto the bridge several weeks ago, new coils of razor wire have been added, and the razor wire now extends hundreds of yards in both directions perpendicular to the bridge and also up the hill on both sides.

Standing Rock: Three Things for Supporters to Do Now. Today.

1. Send money. The Oceti Sakowin camp has been really stretched to the limit, first with the influx of veterans and other folks last weekend, and now dealing with the intense weather. Delivery trucks are having a hard time getting through, so donations of money are the best right now.