#Clinton email

The HRC Apologia Making The Rounds "The Real Clinton Email Scandel Is That A Bullshit Story Has Dominated The Campaign" Is In Itself Bullshit

I guess some media are concerned enough about the consequences of the Clinton email story having an effect on the election outcome that they have dropped the circumspection of calling "BS" and reverted to its fully enunciated form - BULLSHIT, thus signalling the highest level of outrage they are capable of allowing themselves. They are manning the battle stations and doing their level best to continuing tamping the story and its consequences to it's most contained level.

At Its Core, Hillary's Emails Revolve Around One Question

Is the government of the United States "theirs" or "ours" ?

That's it. Pretty simple really. If the government is to truly be "of" the people, "for" the people, and "by" the people, i.e OUR government, run on our behalf and with our consent, then some safeguards have to be put in place to ensure that outcome. Principle among those safeguards are two major guidelines - Transparency and Accountability.