Billy Preston

Sunday Open Thread: September 2 is Liliuokalani's Birthday, Damnit!

The US recognizes but no longer really celebrates JV Day, and recognizes National Blueberry Popsicle Day, but not the queen we overthrew (by proxy) in order to seize Hawai'i.

and it is also Setting Orange, Bureaucracy 26, 3184 YOLD
(for you Discordians out there)

Open Thread for June 6, D-Day Anniversary

June 6 is the 157th day of the year, there are 208 days left in 2016

6 is the sum of its proper divisors (1, 2, & 3), which makes it a perfect number. It is the smallest perfect number,

6 is the only number that is both the sum and the product of three consecutive positive numbers.