
Our Leadership

Cuomo, Schumer, CNN

Oh yeah it's about the Big Dog..

CUOMO: What Bill Clinton said about Me Too, a lot of controversy. Your take?
SCHUMER: Not getting into that.
CUOMO: Because?
SCHUMER: I think it's irrelevant to what we need to talk about.

Nuff Said

PS Nice chyron: "Democratic Party remains totally united...."

Bill - an anchor, or an asset?

I've been trying to keep track of Clinton's appearances of late and came to two conclusions.

1. He really is not the same man. His choice of words, his mannerisms, even his demeanor aren't what they used to be.

2. The media is studiously ignoring or refusing to comment on it.

In an AOL article, the purported topic was his inability to deal with current technology, but the real gem was right there to be read:

There is a Bronx based news/opinion site that you should see

It really does a great job of covering Billery Clintons.

The Yang part of the equation is reportedly having billy goat tantrums because the Yin boss (Huma) is limiting his access to his worse half, especially when he calls to bitch about poor decisions by Hill's top aides. Like Huma.