Big Pharma

Big Pharma and Bill Gates here to help? A word from Robert Kennedy, Jr. on that for those waiting on a COVID-19 vaccine

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the agenda and track record of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Gates' ambition to leverage expanded and mandatory vaccine regimes with global biometric ID.

In an interview with RT - Kennedy expounds on the toxic revolving door relationship between Big Pharma, the CDC, WHO and other regulatory agencies - facilitating pharmaceutical companies getting away with (literal) murder and raking in billions in the process.

Big Pharma--like Clinton--has neither shame nor guilt

One of the selling points to us hopeful 2008 dupes was that that the ACA (now better known as A Crappy Arrangement) would increase the number of people covered. This indeed happened. But BooHoO signed away the power which he briefly held, to regulate insurance companies in the most effective manner (Public option) in order to appease the Dreaded Republicans (DRs), who at that time were the minority party in both Chambers.

New Study Explains Big Pharma’s Opposition to Relaxation of Marijuana Laws

In a new study from the University of Georgia, two researchers have come up with some mind numbing figures about the efficacy of medical marijuana and its opposition by pharmaceutical companies. As reported in the Washington Post:

Insurance industry-funded group paying Obama/Clinton-linked consultants to try to kill single-payer initiative in CO

Clintonesque greed now infects Medicine's Bible

Despite the title, HRC has nothing to do with the subject matter of this post--but she serves as a damn good role model for what is now infecting medical literature. Twin themes here are a) money buys influence and b) there is no end of sell-outs. This article isn't sexy but it is important.