Album of the Week

Album of the Week 8-20-22

Afternoon folks!

This week there's some great blues, albums by Freddie King, Little Richard and a compilation of blues singles from Stax. There's also a few cuts from a Screamin' Jay Hawkins album that weren't axed by the gods of copyright. In the blues-rock category there are albums from Rory Gallagher and Savoy Brown.


Album of the Week 8-6-22

Afternoon folks!

I've got some great blues for you. There's a live album from Buddy Guy & Jr. Wells and a nice 60's compilation from BB King. There's some blues rock from some of the usual suspects, Rory Gallagher and Ten Years After - I know that I've been posting a lot of their stuff, but I'm just working my way through the box that they were in. For a little variety, there's a live Flying Burrito Brothers album and some cool old jazz-blues with Leon Redbone.


Album of the Week - 7-30-22

Afternoon folks!

This week I've uploaded a Roosevelt Sykes album and a whole bunch of blues-rock from some usual suspects: Savoy Brown, Rory Gallagher & Vinegar Joe. There's also some basic rock and roll from The (early) Small Faces and finally, a bluegrass masterpiece from Norman Blake, Tut Taylor, Sam Bush, Butch Robins, Vassar Clements, David Holland & Jethro Burns.

Check it out and have a great weekend!

Album of the Week 7-16-22

Afternoon folks!

There's some great stuff for you all this week. There's a live album by Robert Jr. Lockwood with the Aces, a Clarence Gatemouth Brown album and Professor Longhair (with Clarence Gatemouth Brown). There's some blues rock with The Climax Blues Band, Rory Gallagher and a few tracks from a 1968 Traffic album (there might be more tracks in this playlist later).


Album of the Week 7-2-22

Afternoon folks!

There's a bunch of cool stuff, or stuff to cool off by here to listen to. There's some of Chicago harmonica player Big Walter Horton and some Hank Crawford. There's a bunch of blues rock with Canned Heat, a live album from The Animals and The Pirates. I've uploaded part of an album by Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee, which I'll upload the rest of later tonight.

Enjoy and have a great holiday!

Album of the Week - 6-25-22

Afternoon folks!

This week there's more great stuff. There's a Muddy Waters live album, an album by a fairly obscure Texas blues artist, Weldon "Juke Boy" Bonner and another Mississippi John Hurt album recorded after his "rediscovery" by folk music enthusiasts. There's an album by harmonica player Charlie Musselwhite, two Savoy Brown albums and a late 70's album by Peter Green.


Album of the Week 6-18-22

Afternoon folks!

There's a whole mess of great blues here today. There's a compilation of Chess records artists including Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Little Walter. There's also a Chuck Berry album and a Magic Sam album. There's plenty of blues-rock from Rory Gallagher's Taste, recorded live at the Isle of Wight Festival to Link Wray and Dave Edmunds. Rounding out the selection is a Doc & Merle Watson album.


Album of the Week - 6-11-22

Afternoon folks!

More great stuff! Muddy Waters. Sonny Boy Williamson with Jimmy Page - recorded in 1965 when Page was mostly working as a studio sideman, there are only hints of his later style, but Sonny Boy is great of course. Jimmy Reed and Charlie Musselwhite for a little more harmonica goodness. There's John Mayall's transition album to a more jazz-infused style, a mid-70's Savoy Brown album and some bluegrass with the Doug Dillard Band and fiddler Byron Berline.

