Abby martin

Abby Martin shedding light on the Venezuelan coup

Abby Martin has been rocking her journalism creds, one of the few journalists actually reporting the truth about Venezuela. First off, let's see what she has to report on the downtrodden Venezuelans who need saving, those starving, miserable masses being exploited by the evil president Maduro:

Reasons For Hope: Bernie's Town Hall, Jill Stein's Upcoming Live Discussion with Glenn Greenwald and Abby Martin, and Matt Taibbi's Surgical Takedowns of Propaganda, Lies and Distraction

As the snow now steadily falls in NYC for perhaps the last winter storm of the season (always fine by me, the storms that is), I find myself ruminating a little on the flickers of hope within the darkness of despair of this bizarre time of media and government propaganda.

Does anyone know who Abby Martin Is? Whoever she is, I think I am

in love.


This short video is from an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast from over a year ago, I was catching up on some episodes I missed that sounded interesting and she was talking about all shit that is wrong with Clinton way before anyone else in the media was.

I don't know her, I don't know her politics, but I do know she frigging nailed it in this segment.