Why Clinton Will Win Easily - "Fraction Magic" Election Fraud
The polls say the race between Clinton and Trump is narrowing. But as we all learned this year in the Democratic primary, the polls mean nothing when you vote in states that have electronic voting a/k/a e-voting machines and the manner in which those votes are tabulated.
So I feel safe in predicting that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency by a margin larger than the polls currently indicate, and will win in states that currently show the race to be even. Why? Because of the ability to hack the vote using something called "Fraction Magic." Watch this video where Mimi Kennedy, Board Chair of Progressive Democrats of America explains how this works to Thom Hartmann.
For those of you who couldn't view the video, here is how Fraction Magic works to subvert an election and change the vote count. About 25% of all votes in America are counted on GEMS vote counting systems. GEMS stands for Global Election Management System, a software system operated by at least five different e-voting companies. Here is how the one ESS uses is described:
GEMS™ is a Microsoft Windows®-based election management and tabulation software. It allows election administrators to easily and completely control every step of the election process, from ballot layout to election reporting, all in one proven application.
GEMS automates the complete election cycle from precinct/district setup, to race definition, tabulation and reporting. One-step ballot layout for electronic and paper ballots. Double ballot layout eliminated—an industry exclusive! The multilingual capabilities support numerous languages in both standard and ADA modes. Eleven languages already used in actual elections.
And here is how "fraction magic" works to change the votes that are counted on e-voting machines. First the vote is fractionalized, i.e., "[i]nstead of “1” the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a whole number." What does this do? It removes the one person equals one vote. Then the fractionalized votes can be manipulated as follows.
[Fractionalized votes] allow “weighting” of races. Weighting a race removes the principle of “one person-one vote” to allow some votes to be counted as less than one or more than one. Regardless of what the real votes are, candidates can receive a set percentage of votes. Results can be controlled. For example, Candidate A can be assigned 44% of the votes, Candidate B 51%, and Candidate C the rest.
In short, Clinton votes can be counted in one district, lets say 1.7 as an example, while Trump, Stein and Gary Johnson votes can be counted as fractions totaling less than one. In this way, when the votes are counted you end up with a greater percentage of the votes counted for Clinton, even though the actual number cast for her is much less.
This seems crazy you might say. How can one have fractions of votes? It's simple really. The tabulator adjusts the vote fractions up or down using a rounding algorithm so that the vote counts come out on whole numbers. And this proprietary software is privately owned and controlled by the companies that sell these systems to local election boards and/or states who often provide the keys and the individuals who use them that are used to "tabulate" the votes. And guess who has donated to Hillary Clinton's campaign directly, through SuperPacs or the Clinton Foundation that work for her? E-voting machine companies. Specifically ...
Interestingly, much information has recently come to light about the Clinton candidacy. Notably, the hacker Guccifer 2.0 released documents which he took from the computer network of the Democratic National Committee. Among these files, one tabulated a list of big-money donors to the Clinton Foundation. One fact has gone unreported in the media: Two of the three companies that control the electronic voting market, namely Dominion Voting and H.I.G. Capital (i.e. Hart Intercivic), are in this list of big-money donors.
The same machines that have been pushed on us since that HAVA Act was passed by Congress.
Mimi Kennedy specifically claimed that there Bev Harris and her collaborators found evidence of election fraud using e-voting machines in the last race between former Alabama Governor Donald Siegelman to flip the vote to his Republican opponent Bob Riley back in 2002. Evidence the use ofof "fractionalized voting" tabulation has been discovered in court documents of the testimony of Melinda Meek regarding court documents in Ft. Bend TX in which e-voting executives discussed the problem of what to do if votes came up showing fractions.
Ms. Kennedy produced the documentary for Bev Harris and her organization, Black Box Voting, which you can find on YouTube and at this website. Here is the You Tube version:
And this is how I can confidently predict Hillary Clinton will win the election Tuesday by a larger margin than the current polls show. A margin in many states and districts that use GEMS tabulation systems to count e-voting machine votes far in excess of the margin of error, much as we saw in the Democratic Primary campaign where Bernie Sanders consistently received less votes than exit polling predicted in every state where where such e-voting machines GEMS tabulation software is employed.
So don't be surprised if Hillary outperforms the pre-election polls and defeats The Donald handily on Tuesday. It likely already happened to ensure that Hillary Clinton defeated Bernie Sanders in the primaries. What makes anyone think it wouldn't be used to ensure a Clinton victory against Trump by a large enough margin to make a full audit of the vote in critical states necessary for a Clinton electoral victory highly unlikely what happened in Ohio in 2004?

I am a true believer that
votes will be flipped and she will win.
This is a nightmare.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Earlier today
I posted a comment similar to that of on the cusp above. http://caucus99percent.com/comment/203811#comment-203811
I have lost all faith in the integrity of our elections. There is no doubt that Hillary will win the election regardless of whether or not she gets the most votes. Our government is totally captured and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. My only hope is that she is indicted or if not, that Congress impeaches her.
Hillary Clinton is a very dangerous psychopath who should not be anywhere near the levers of power. I truly believe she wants a hot war with Russia..
Steven D, you have done an excellent job of explaining how this fractional system works. Thank you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, Steve,
although for what I can't say. This Ain't good news.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
that is wild!
I've handled thousands of surveys with weighted numbers but I never considered that actual voting would or could be treated this way.
What a great argument for paper ballots that can be recounted.
When do we demand this?
That's the only way we'll get that, you know. That has to be demanded. Taken, even.
People will have to, literally, die trying. The powers in charge have no intent in going back.
JFK called it, all those years ago. They're making "peaceful revolution" impossible.
The worst part is that the Republican Party
knows this and they do nothing.
They will just wait their turn to use it. Their dream is President Kaine.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Don’t you mean Pence? Not that Kaine (D) is any better . . . n/t
I meant Kaine.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Kaine is good for GOP? Or, they’re biding their time till 2020?
Just wanting to understand what you meant.
Kaine is everything establishment Repubs want in a Pres.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
They are preparing for impeachment
that will put Kaine in.
They are happy to do it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I see. Playing the long game, with POTUS Kaine as the prize?
Kaine: “I’m not Hillary, so let’s, the whole country, just forget all that recent unpleasantness. Look forward, not back. Now about ‘strengthening’ Social Security . . .”
So, what are you going to do after the election?
Take up mahjong, whittling, punkin chuckin?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I will be watching my
Social Security benefits disappear into a Wall Street banker's deep pocket.
Unless a nuke renders me blind or dead.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Oh good lord! I voted in Ft Bend County, Thursday
I've lived here, off and on, since the late 80s. I've never even heard of the story you linked to, yet it effing happened here. What. The. F@ck?
One good thing about 2016 - it has proven to be a year of secrets revealed. I knew it was pointless to freaking vote here because of the machines. My vote in the primary AND on Thursday never counted!
I want paper ballots, and a system like Bolivia's, where the votes are counted on location, in freaking public!
It happens everywhere
Republicans have used it in 2004 to beat Kerry. Lots of less prominent elections, as well. The CT Kos refused to discuss or allow discussion of back when it benefited the GOP - now we know why.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Let's tweak their process a little
To make sure everyone involved takes it seriously. Still not sure if I was joking.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Perfect, terriertribe, sans killing the poll workers lol n/t
Bless Bolivia! -- Counting
Bless Bolivia! -- Counting the paper ballots in public. That's how it should be!
~ Dirk Droll: Exploiting others is not self reliance.
Is Frank Kaplan related to DNC Jordan Kaplan?
The link re: Ft Bend County, in essay, names Frank Kaplan as having his hands all up in this. The name was familiar from wikileaks. Yes, Jordan Kaplan is (was?) DNC Finance Director.
Are these two guys related? I think I recall that I read exchanges with Jordan and his mother, but it seems like I poked around and found a brother too. I'll look on my phone bookmarks, but it's been quite a while.
Thanks for developing this story
I didn't get very far on it last week: http://caucus99percent.com/content/evidence-how-election-hacking-can-happen
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
But the GOP has held the controls in the past
I guess the primaries prove that the Dems can also adjust election results, but this article provides interesting counterarguments:
Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Election
Among the points,
1) The reported collapse of Clinton's bogus lead makes it more difficult to fake the results in her favor. The polls were bogus, but designed to make the adjustment of results more plausible.
2) The massive exposure of corruption will just continue and the leaked documents come under wider scrutiny for years to come if Clinton is placed in office, which could draw attention to and even damage the oligarchs who would place her there, making her to damaged to be worth installing.
They prefer her and gridlock
to Trump, who is a wildcard. I wil be shocked if Trump wins, much less makes it close
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thank you for spelling out
how you can have whatever election results you want.
At the low, low, cost of losing the future of life on this planet.
Very clever. Before had to juggle numbers in head.
Back in the day, I worked elections in a city controlled by a democrat party machine. The most important election was the primary as the general election was a given win. This is where all the cheating went on--democrat against democrat.
At the end of the day, the election "commissioner" would open up the back of the mechanical machines and read out the tallies and several people recorded the number to ensure accurate transcription.) If nobody was watching he could flip the results so long as the total matched the total number of votes. So if 500 votes for A, and 300 voted B, just flip the numbers, and on the surface the results look okay as both yielded 800 votes.
I think when some commissioner botched the addition/subtraction you would get insane results like more votes for a candidate than people who voted. But using the fractions (weighted count) is a subtle clever way to shift votes while a surface look reveals no problems.
"Indeed, you won the elections, but I won the count." — Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza (1896-1956), Guardian (London), 17 June 1977.
I googled HAVA, knowing nothing about it.
There seems to be requirement for a paper trail. Does "fractionalized voting"defeat this safeguard?
HAVA requires all voting systems be auditable and produce a permanent paper record with a manual audit capacity available as an official record for any recount conducted.[8]
Of course you have to get that paper produced, which would likely require court action.
I think such a fraud will be hard to stop if there is a plan to cheat and they are ready to go.
As you suggest, they may have pulled it already in elections. They would be even better at it now.
ow, but thanks.
Now's the time.
stein - baraka
Much would depend on how the
Much would depend on how the paper trail is composed since fractional voting makes possible the skewing towards a desired outcome in real time if I understand the concept correctly. If the paper trail is just a tape which logs the fraudulent count, there'll be nothing to see. If it were a record of one person one vote, then we might be able to prove machine miscounts, except -- as we saw in the primaries -- such audits were actually only faked rather than diligently done (with simply editing the mis-matching hand counts to match the fiction from the machines, just like the exit pollsters adjusted their counts to match the fiction from the reported tallies). The problem is, with such pervasive corruption as we have, any single measure will simply be neutralized in another segment of the total process. We really need public hand-counting of paper ballots. No more machines, machines which are obscure as to what happens inside them and which cannot be held legally accountable for wrongdoing. There's a reason why our peer nations have abandoned attempts to use machines. Germany has even declared them unconstitutional because machines hide the counting from the citizenry. By the same logic, we should declare them unconstitutional, too.
~ Dirk Droll: Exploiting others is not self reliance.
what is required by HAVA is not clear to me . Tt could be useful or nothing, as you say.
It may be impossible to produce game- proof recount mechanism. If there were such, I don't think Germans would have gone paper. ( Did not know that, thx.)
Why can't we fix this problem? Are we that backward? Do we need German help to get the answer?
I think the government could make election fraud nearly impossible, but instead they have made it easy to do.
Go figure!
now's the time.
stein - baraka
Why can't we fix this problem?
The answer to that is simple. Because TPTB don't want to fix the problem. They want to fix elections! Fixing this problem would be a fairly simple task. One giatnt leap forward would be to simply remove the ability for the software that runs these elections from being proprietary. Make it open source so people can review it and verify it does what it says it's supposed to do.
But in reality, as long as their is a computer involved, programmed, operated and controlled by people, it's virtually impossible to make it tamper proof. The only way to make elections truly fair is paper ballots, filled out by hand, publicly counted by at least 2 independent counters. And even then, as long as people are involved, the counts can be skewed.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Re: thanks.
Whar reflectionsv37 said (about TPTB and the technical aspects of voting and vote counts) is 100% correct.
As for us (the American people) being "backward", I'd say that the terms gullible, overly trusting, apathetic, and too lazy to inform themselves and think probably capture more accurately the state a majority of us are (still) in. The last of these is the one I consider the most difficult to overcome. We will probably always have to work with a minority of mindful and awake people. Luckily, history shows, that this is usually enough. A few millions can move mountains, even if many more millions act like sheep.
So, let's get to work.
~ Dirk Droll: Exploiting others is not self reliance.
Yeah, screw the paper TRAIL.
Just keep the damned paper BALLOT.
Help America Vote Act
If we lived in a democracy
The software code would be open and written in a completely auditable way. It's ridiculous that our voting system is proprietary property of Microsoft.
Beware the bullshit factories.
So don't be surprised if
Just like she "outperformed" Sanders in the primaries in at least half of the states, totally blowing past the error margin of the exit polls.
The only thing which might change the outcome would be the Republicans cheating harder than the Democrats despite their dislike for Trump. I guess that's why he recently adopted a very standard GOP platform.
~ Dirk Droll: Exploiting others is not self reliance.
That could just as well be "Why Trump will win easily".
Sure, they're connected to her, but who will they select?
Vote on paper, count by hand. Using a black box oughtta be a hanging offense. How can people be so stupid as to trust hidden programming, anyway?
As an old time software developer and programmer for 35 years...
I don't believe fractional magic is how a person determined to manipulate elections would go about altering the results.
First, fractional magic isn't magic, it's inherent in the way a computer calculates and different formats a computer can use to store numbers. Most people would assume that the value 100.00 would be stored in the computer using just 5 digits of space and if you specifically store the number in an integer format, it could. The problem with this is that you can never store a value of anything greater than 999.99. If you try to store 1000.00 in the are, you end up with zero because the 1 has no place to be stored. I'm not going to go into detail, but you can read Wikipedia for a discussion of Floating Point Numbers for the details on how numbers are stored in Floating Point format. The benefit to Floating Point is that a huge range of numbers can be stored in the same amount of space. Anything from zero to numbers in the trillions can be stored in the same space.
The issue with floating point is that the number stored is not "exactly" the integer representation of the number. It is a representation of the number carried our to an extreme number of decimal places so that in practical use, it's value is the same as an the integer for example, the integer 1 might actually be represented in floating point as .9999999999999999999999999726. It's close, but not exactly equal to 1. My first encounter of this was in my very early years when I was writing a simple report that did internal calculations with decimal values of 4 digits and then printed the results in 2 digits. I first noticed this on a report that showed a value of zero with a minus sign. I'd never heard of a negative zero vs. a positive zero, but understanding how a computer stores a value in floating point format. Zero is not really zero and could be represented by being slightly larger than zero, or slightly less than zero.
If you're still with me, I'll explain why using this fractional method to alter the vote totals is a very poor choice and why there is a much cleaner method that is just as easy to change the value as the fractional method.
The reason the fractional method is a bad choice is that any paper backup would expose the discrepancy. Lets take a look at a machine rigged to make Hillary win. A vote for Hillary could be valued at 1.01 votes and vote for Trump valued at point 99 votes. For every 100 votes for Hillary the total will show 101 and every 100 votes for Trump the total would show 99. Assuming this particular voting machine received exactly 100 votes for each candidate, Hillary wins by 2 votes. But the paper audit trail would not show the same results. If they go back through the 200 ballots recorded on the paper trail, they'll find each received 100 votes and chaos would ensue!
So how would reflections, the old time programmer approach this problem? I would allow the factor to be just as easily applied as the fractional method, but my program would simply help the voter make a "mistake". Let's say I set my factor to a 2% win for Hillary. The machine is tallying votes and is behaving normally as long is Hillary is ahead by 2%. But once her lead drops below 2%, my program starts helping the voters make a mistake. This easy to do and can be far more difficult to detect. There are 2 components to a touch screen device. One is the screen where the selection boxes and names are displayed and there is an electronic screen the records where you touched on the screen. They can and are programmed independently. So, I can make the box to touch on the screen one size and program the area that you touch on the screen a different size. In normal mode they would both be the same size but as soon as Hillary's % drops below 2%, my program makes some changes. It makes the touch area on the screen that records a vote for Trump, much smaller. The voter now has to press in the exact middle of the Trump selection box or the vote records for Hillary. If the voter doesn't notice they continue on and I just helped them vote for the wrong person. If they do notice, I'll let them try again assuming that they will be more cautious this time and make sure they press the Trump box, but unless they press in the correct location, it will again register a vote for Hillary. Now to make sure no one knows the program is doing this, I'll only do this twice as it's now apparent the voter knows the machine is flipping the vote and by this time he has probably called of an election official so they can watch the machine record their vote for the wrong person. I'll put the program back in normal mode for this voter and when they try the third time with poll watcher standing by their side. They press the button for Trump and it records for Trump. The poll watcher walks away mumbling something under their breath about stupid Trump voters. As soon as this voter is done, I go on to the next voter and the machine continues to try and help that voter make a mistake until Hillary is leading by 2%. With this method, the paper trail will always math the votes totaled in the machine and the voters who voted for the wrong person will never even notice.
I think this explains many of the things people report with machines flipping votes and it also explains why our election contests are always trying to keep the numbers close. You can't believably alter an election when the % difference between candidates is large, but it's real easy if you only have to move them a percent or two!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Why use floating point at all?
Why not use GMP, https://gmplib.org/ or some other big numbers library to write the software? E.g. the Ruby scripting language ships with support for big numbers out of the box, meaning you can count exactly with numbers as large as trillions and larger - that's the point of such a library. Using floating point in this context makes no sense, unless your goal was to be able to cheat.
You must have missed the part where I mentioned...
"old time" programmer. In the past, and I still believe today all mathematical calculations are done internally on a computer using floating point processing. You've probably heard of Floating Point co-processers. I'm not a computer hardware engineer, but using floating point is much faster than using integer based values and uses considerably less memory and storage space for very large or very small numbers. Back in the old days, memory and disk storage were extremely limited. Disk space was measured in megabytes not terabytes!
Most of the underlying operating systems utilize floating point numbers and it's been a standard format for storing numbers for as long as I remember on every machine I ever programmed. I would go so far as to say it is the default format of storing numbers unless another method is specified although different development software today might use a different format by default. I really can't say as I'm now a dinosaur. I programmed mostly in COBOL and since it was generally being used in business and accounting software, most everything I ever did used integer representation of data. Anyone doing scientific applications would likely laugh at the thought of using any other than floating point.
However, I fully agree with you. There is absolutely no need nor any benefit in using floating point in an software application to count the votes of an election. There really is no reason to store any value in the whole process that even has a decimal. There is no reason to even store the percentage of votes recorded for each candidate as they would be calculated each time as votes were totaled. And it's not like one voting machine is going to record the ballot for 1 trillion voters. There's only 330 million people in the US. It does not make logical sense to intentionally use floating point, but it may have been out of default or some other convenience.
I also don't find it necessarily hard evidence that because vote totals came up with a small decimal discrepancies. Add up 10,000 of the number 1 that aren't actually represented by the number 1 in floating point and you will not come up with an integer. It may round off to the correct number, but it will not be the actual total of 10,000.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Interesting analysis!
I think there is one flaw in it though; we know from the primary that the most suspicious states seem to be ones without any sort of paper trails. The four likely relevant states that have this problem to some degree are Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia (plus about another 10 non swing states).
I don't think the method of altering the vote makes
any difference whether there is a paper trail or not. If I understand this correctly, the GEMS software is used in various places and some have paper backups and others don't. If this it true, then why would develop a system that could be proved fraudulent by it's own paper trail.
Both the Fractional Magic and the method I proposed due the same thing, they manipulate the vote. My proposed version would be just as likely to have the desired results as playing games with the actual numbers whether a paper trail is used or not. Votes were changed and true exit polls would show the discrepancy if our country cared about exit polls and it appears we do not.
I'd guess that the states with no paper trail are simply less concerned about tampering, maybe even trying to make it easier for manipulation to occur. In fact, I'd say that anyone who knew anything about the way touch screen voting systems work and pursued a system with no paper trail, probably intended for it to be used for manipulation.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush