Who's behind the 'Bernie Victory Fund,' DNC or Bernie 2016?
It takes a moment to set the stage for the question posed in the title — read on...
Most folks here who’ve been paying attention to the curious series of irregularities in the Democratic nominating process this season are aware of the recent Counterpunch article which detailed a collaboration apparently initiated by the DNC, which includes Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and 32+ state Democratic parties though an instrument called Hillary Victory Fund.
Hillary Victory Fund got a lot of press this past weekend because money raised at the George Clooney-hosted benefit was directed to this fund:
Clooney and his wife Amal hosted a fundraiser for Clinton at their Studio City home on Saturday. The money raised went to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint committee for the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and state parties.
For those in the Machiavellian wing of the Democratic Party, there’s nothing to see here - it is is simply business as usual in the interest of maintaining the White House.
More than a few of us, however, have eyebrows raised and breath held about whether big and little ‘D’ politics will continue to have similar definitions for 2016 and beyond given the push for corporate and mega-donor dollars and the implications of what they expect in ROI for their investment in our government.
McCutcheon v. FEC
Nary a Democrat will fail to make a fist and raise it skyward to call the demise of Citizens United Supreme Court decision, although the fund-seeking behavior of the party this season is more consistent with that decision than averse to it. I only learned of a sibling decision, McCutcheon V. FEC in the above-linked Counterpunch article. McCutcheon, it turns out, needs to be shouted in the same breath decrying Citizen’s United for its unfettering of donations through political parties:
The case was argued before the Supreme Court on October 8, 2013, being brought on appeal after the United States District Court for the District of Columbia dismissed the challenge. It was decided on April 2, 2014, by a 5–4 vote, reversing the decision below and remanding. Justices Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, and Alito invalidated "aggregate contribution limits" (amounts one can contribute over the two-year period) as violating the First Amendment. Justice Thomas provided the necessary fifth vote, but concurred separately in the judgment while arguing that all contribution limits are unconstitutional. href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCutcheon_v._FEC">Wikipedia
McCutcheon v. FEC gives birth to Hillary Victory Fund
NPR describes Hillary Victory Fund this way:
The Hillary Victory Fund is a joint fundraising committee for Hillary for America, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic committees of 32 states and Puerto Rico.
More from NPR about the campaign donations world post-McCutcheon:
Presidential candidates have always looked for legal ways to get more campaign cash. In 2008, for instance, the Obama operation asked big donors to give around $30,000, just hitting the legal limits for giving to the campaign, DNC and related committees combined.
Donors who are rich — and willing — can give $5,400 to the Clinton campaign, $33,400 to the Democratic National Committee and $10,000 to each of the state parties, about $360,000 in all. A joint fundraising committee lets the donor do it all with a single check.
On Jan. 1, the contribution limits reset for the party committees, and the Hillary Victory Fund can go back to its donors for another $350,000 in party funds.
All told, a single donor can give more than $700,000 for the election.
...and a couple can double that amount if the annual amount is donated once in the name of each spouse. Note how that $350,000 number looks very similar to what is listed in articles about the Clooney fundraiser.
Who gives that kind of money?
The HVF is taking advantage of the stable of billionaire donors built up over the past 40 years by the Clinton fundraising organization. The same handful of Forbes World Billionaires repeatedly show up as top donors to the Clintons’ political and philanthropic organizations. People like Alice Walton, Haim and Cheryl Saban, J.B. Pritzker and George Soros have all contributed close to the maximum yearly limit for the HVF, in addition to pouring millions into outside spending groups on Clinton’s behalf. link
See the NPR table for more detail in How Hillary Clinton Could Ask A Single Donor For Over $700,000
How Campaign Donors Can Give 135 Times The Candidate Limit
The language about the joint fundraising arrangements with the state Democratic parties indicates that monies are shared with the state parties. However, an article following-up on the Counterpunch piece indicates that the state parties receive money and immediately forward it to the DNC, and
...Nancy Keenan, executive director of the Montana Democratic Party, said...
“We do not get any money,” she said...“Any innuendo that we were paid is inaccurate,” Keenan said. “We don’t get one red cent out of this.” linkWisconsin Citizens Media Collective explains further:
Last December the Alaska Dispatch News reported that the state Democratic Party received $43,500 on behalf of the state party from the HVF, which turned around gave it back to the DNC on the same day…
Since the Counterpunch piece was published we’ve seen media buzz about the previously unnoticed Hillary Victory Fund and the rather enormous increase in donation limit individuals can now contribute to the national parties (now that donations can be made via the various state parties) compared to limits pre-McCutcheon.
The pushback line is a purported false equivalency that Bernie does it too so nothing to see here. Here’s a version from NPR:
Not only does Clinton have one, but so does her rival Bernie Sanders. His campaign and the DNC set up the Bernie Victory Fund last month. It doesn't appear nearly as active as the Hillary Victory Fund.
And here’s Rachel Maddow discussing Hillary Victory Fund with Andrea Mitchell — briefly, the exchange states the Sanders campaign signed an agreement with the DNC and then never exercised it, that the campaign never used the vehicle they had created with the DNC. This topic begins at about 3:30:
Do your own investigating and see if this explanation that ‘everyone does it,’ ‘Sanders is doing it too!’ makes sense to your own sniffer. Click on the link for each to see FEC information:
His fund has had $1,000 deposited in it compared to $60,028,729 in hers. Pretty comparable, huh? He’s doing xactly what she’s doing, amirite?
Now for the question in the title — you’ll notice from the FEC page for the Bernie Victory Fund that the treasurer for the organization is Bradley Marshall — click the link and look for yourself. The address for Mr. Marshall is listed as 430 South Capitol Street SE, which is an extremely similar address to what’s given on the Contact Us page of the DNC website. And it turns out Mr. Marshall has apparently been Chief Financial Officer of the DNC since 1992. Given how closely the Sanders campaign has been working with the DNC, it seems improbable that they would choose to have an officer in the DNC head an organization which belonged to the campaign.
Consider that the treasurer of the Hillary Victory Fund is plays a dual role as Chief Operating Officer for Hillary’s campaign:
When and how money is transferred from the (Hillary Victory) fund to the DNC and the states is at the “sole discretion” of the fund’s treasurer, Elizabeth Jones, who is also the Clinton campaign’s COO. link
Until anyone shows more convincing proof, the treasure of Bernie Victory Fund being a person directly connected to the DNC makes it a pretty safe assumption that Bernie 2016 is NOT actually affiliated with Bernie Victory Fund, which means any effort to make the case that Bernie’s doing the same thing is likely disingenuous.
As a dyed in the wool Democrat, I’d sure like to see my party to use the values I was raised to believe in.

Great essay
I rec'd it over at the other place too!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sounds like the work of Karl Rove
or that other piece of snakeshit that got famous for dirty tricks, (sorry, bad w/ names.)
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Thanks for the research and
Thanks for the research and info. Hope you were able to post this in orange land also...where facts and information are sadly needed these days. Whoops just noticed the "cross-posted" and recc'd you over there too.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
well done
The TYT had a good piece on the counterpunch article too.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you...
these waters are murky and you brought much clarity.
I cannot say why because I have never given her a dime, but I have been getting Hillary's campaign's emails -- and the high dudgeon about the accusation of money laundering is shrill indeed.
Today is a very important day -- I hope Bernie wins New York by a wide margin. There is so much that has GOT to be fixed and he is the only one to do it. Getting money out of politics is high on the list.
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This dovetails with a Clinton
This dovetails with a Clinton attacking point I've seen a lot: Sanders is self-centered because unlike that lifelong Democrat Clinton he's not raising money for the down ticket races. Looks like the rubber hitch they serve at those fundraisers stays down better than the money for the state parties.
Money is power---not speech as some injustices of the supreme Court claim---a fact which was not lost on the Clintons with their "charitable" foundation.
practically verbatim
"Sanders is self-centered because unlike that lifelong Democrat Clinton he's not raising money for the down ticket races."
my partner said pretty much the same thing last night. he's been home sick for the last week and he's had Maddow on every evening. i haven't been paying attention because i stopped watching her show. it could explain why he suddenly went off on Bernie last night. he's been fed the MSM stuff all week long.
i've known he was supporting Hillary but now his tone has changed toward Sanders and i can only account for what he has been watching, hearing and reading in recent weeks and NY is getting amped up. he's from NY. i guess word it getting out that many Sanders supporters are not going to vote for Hillary if she is in the general election. he was annoyed by that, too. i didn't have the nerve to tell him i'm one of those people. i don't think he realizes that most of those people are not Democrats, they're independent of either party, as am i.
i dropped out of the Democratic party quite some time ago waiting for someone like Sanders to come along. it is my feeling that the centrist wing of the Democratic party needs to be put into the history bin and the party get back to its progressive roots. when they do, i'll be back as a Democrat but, until then, incrementalism needs to die.
The answer to that is
this is a grassroots movement so the same people who are donating to Sanders are donating to the down-ticket people who share the same vision. Raising money for more establishment candidates would be rather self-defeating for a revolution.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Excellent point, WindDancer13.
I have given to down ticket candidates, separately. Your words are truth.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Sigh. And I'm having flashbacks to my 1st college years...
I know it's a cover, but it's the one that speaks to me the most...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not a good reception OT
Bernie is not the "Good Soldier" that Hillary had hoodwinked them into believing about her.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I will just drop this off here
It discusses some of the finance issues and a whole lot more (tone is a bit biased, but it otherwise presents some interesting material):
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Why are lobbyists Superdelegates?
I thought they were all office-holders.
I guess I'm an idiot.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
money money money money ... mon ey!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Exactly my question!
Except for those who have been, or are currently, elected politicians, I have no idea who some of the people are who are MN superdelegates. Completely baffling mystery. Who the hell invited lobbyists to be part of the elites who so desperately want to keep the hoi polloi from selecting their own candidate? I mean, seriously... Lobbyists?!?!?
This will go very nicely with TPP.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
For the record:
I am of the opinion that superdelegates need to be abolished (even the Rethugs don't have them). There's no reason for the elites to over-ride the will of We the People (in this day and age of instant communication). THAT is what perpetuates the idiocy of leaving "the lesser of two evils" for us to vote "for," and Dems do just that because the other side's candidates are worse than the corporate, warmongering DINOs we have been forced to elect for about a quarter of a century now.
What's that quote?
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
This deserves its own diary
I would hope you post it up. More will see it and more need to see this.
got to the link, recced for you MsGrin, now for a shower.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
What's telling to me is that when Hillary started raising
funds for her campaign run -- well before she announced of course (just like Jeb!) -- who did she turn to? Were there email blasts pleading for individual small donors?
Nah, just fundraisers from fatcats, x-thousands of dollars per plate dinners with various and sundry well-heeled Wall Street types, for the super pacs that were going to be the backbone (I'd say "heart and soul" but these folks show no signs of having either hearts or souls) of her campaign.
If that's who you turn to when you're just getting started, that is the message of your campaign.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon