What an Uncorporate Media Interview Looks Like
Submitted by jamess on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 9:57pm
If you haven't seen it yet -- invest a few minutes.
If only the Corporate Media would ask serious issue questions,
and then give the Candidate the time to actually answer, like Cenk Uygur does here.
Instead of trying to paint the Candidate with their own preconceived framing in the briefly allotted time, as Cenk aptly demonstrates as well.
Bernie Sanders -- The Young Turks Interview
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggFitmOTSok width:560 height:315]
The Young Turks -- Published on Mar 23, 2016
Cenk Uygur interviews Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Help make this video go viral.
We need to see MORE Uncorporate Media Interviews, like the one above,
like Yesterday!

for Listening.
Great to see you here!
Thanks TomP
Hope I can figure out the new editor
-- and after all the dk5 editor learning pains.
I'll get there eventually.
Thanks for this!
It rocks having you here jamess! I have always enjoyed your work.
Cenk does some great work that doesn't get the play it deserves. Awesome interviewer. Never really understood why he was basically persona non grata at TOP ... until the last few months when the sheep's clothing was removed.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
TOP: team before policy
Cenk pissed off all the Obama Can Do No Wrong people at DK.
It's the same mindset that many of the Hillary supporters there have today -- criticism = attack, whether fact-based or not.
Doesn't matter...
The KosKops drove him and David Sirota off the site years ago. Same strategy, swarm and flag, mock and bait, as they use today.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Daily Kos is already outdated . . . assigned shortly to the trash heap of history as Cenk and others pioneer real journalism via the internet.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Thanks Tommymac
it's good to be here, thanks for the moral support.
wasn't that a great interview?
Welcome jamess
Nice to have your knowledge and perspective here, not to mention your gracious nature.
Thanks janis b
appreciate that.
I suspect it's a MUCH friendly crowd around here.
Another warm welcome
I did watch it. It was good. Cent is getting up a petition to host a Democratic debate. I could imagine Hillary in a 3 bedroom home in a Toledo suburb before I could imagine her on his show. Maybe if he paid her 250k.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That would be so kool
a Debate hosted by Cenk and company!
Hope it happens. It could wake a lot of the "why try" folks up.
Just Watched the Interview
What a nice change from the usual corporate media hit job. It felt downright odd to watch Bernie being able to expand on his responses in a relaxed manner, for once, without being cut off almost immediately. I was also glad to see that the interview's gotten over 300,000 views thus far. Hope that climbs.
I know
Imagine is all the media treated these Candidate Interviews,
with a similar dignity and respect.
Instead of just going to the trough to get their Bi-annual SuperPAC Money.
The Media is supposed to be a conveyor of Free Speech,
NOT a constrainer of it.
Great Interview!
Hello all, this is my first comment in this forum, I understand it's a free-speech zone?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I assume so
give it a whirl,
you never know how it might turn out.
It is a free speech zone.
The only thing we ask of everyone is not to fly off the handle with each other when and if things get contentious. Even when we don't agree with them, everyone deserves respect and a smile when we say so.
If you haven't checked out "New Member Information", I would encourage it. It will give info and background that will help you to "tune in" with the vibe of the place. FAQ is also a good tutorial on the tool of the site.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hey dkmich!
Sorry I hadn't 'found' you here yet! I'm still finding my way around. You were the one that first told me about this place -- thanks!
Hope all is well with you!
The more the day goes on the more this TYT interview grows as...
a major moment in time.
I've been thinking about it all day, after watching the whole thing. Sort of lingered on all day as something monumental in terms of decimating the old stale paradigm.
Sanders has been masterful in so many ways, but in one way that doesn't get as much traction as it deserves, is his criticism of how media works. And a good portion of the interview with Cenk they had a clear-eyes exchanges about this factor. Quite simply, people are not getting informed when they tune into the "news," and that is the linchpin for everything from apathy to lower voter turnout to the absolutely worst terrible candidates actually having the lead.
The interview was such a stark contrast with the MSM paradigm, and shown a bright light on just how out-of-touch and outdated the big glitzy set and dumbed-down content of the corporate media truly is. No carefully-crafted, statements erected by publicity consultants for answers, no corny gotcha questions and lurid, lowest common denominator probes into manufactured sensationalism by the interviewer.
Seems like some sort of reckoning for the way media interacts with politics and how to bring out the best in politicians by staying above the fray.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks MarkfromQueens -- great comment.
Cenk's take-down of the normal Media hit jobs, and Fact Filtering was Epic.
CNN can only "speculate" about the "Electable One" -- because they're too damn unethical,
to cite their own Poll on the Topic (which shows Sanders ahead by miles).
Of course Bernie had the keen insights into the "vested interest" nature of the Media business, as well.
More please.
Kinda reminded me of the old Bill Moyer's show...nt
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Welcome Jamess,
great to see you here. I've enjoyed reading you (lol). Is Bernie cool or what, in less than 2 minutes and thirty seconds into the video and he's already bringing up climate change. Great interview and it's up to 360,000 + as of 12:12am my time (CST)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Good to see ya RantingRooster
I can't believe you got canned on that last post of yours, which I saw as very neutral.
Someone had it out for you, as you were keeping the momentum going.
You must have used one of the those kos-verboten words, lol: like Oligarchy, or War-hawk ... or Iraq Vote.
It was a raw deal in any event. That place is not even a shell of its former self.
Now that the mods and company, have become the sock-puppets of DWS.
Cenk asks bernie at the end if he will tell his supporters to
Support hillery. He said basically saiid not so much. He would leverage it to negotiate for some of the things he wants to get done. And no hillary would not be the first person he would put on his cabinet.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
All of those are good things.
The days of candidates allocating their supporters to another candidate should be over. The most they can do is suggest.
HRC would not fit well in a Sanders' cabinet.
No doubt Bernie is well-informed.
I am sure he is aware of how many of his supporters will never vote for the former SoS.
What Bernie does next
He says he will fight hard for his issues at convention time. That's fine, but Hillary isn't going to change if she becomes President.
I hope he also tells his supporters to vote their conscience and leaves it at that. I would also hope he'd continue to campaign for congressional candidates, as well as key state-level races. If Hillary wins, the entire top tier is lost, given what she and Bill will come up with for appointments. Finally, I want some sort of structure/organization for us to continue what he's started.
I noticed that too.
Good for him for not being their "Rubber Stamp".
wow, Cenk is a great interviewer and let Bernie speak.
So many bright lines drawn towards a Path Forward. I see more of his vision. Impressed.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That Interview
SOOO informative.
Why aren't more interviews like that?
Mustn't upset the sponsors, as Bernie put it.
It was
so informative.
Why aren't more interviews like that?
Mustn't upset the sponsors, as Bernie put it.
An interview of the class of Eric Servareid
Maybe there is hope for journalism after all, with the likes of Cenk Uyghur.
Maybe there is hope for our political system after all, with the likes of Sen. Bernie Sanders.
There may be hope.
Thank you this!
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
The Fact
that Cenk was so succinctly critical of the Media's "standard formulas" these days,
set this Interview apart, as well ahead of the standard fare, that passes as only so much 'filler'.
aka. The News.
Love your work jamess, ty!
thanks for the feedback, dakrle.
Hey jamess!
Good to see you over here -- always love to read your work! Excellent, always.
Hey gbb
hope the "muse" doesn't abandon me.
seems to be on vacation a lot lately.
Haha! I hear ya!