Trump's Mexican wall will not be brick and mortar

It won't be concertina wire stream form the Gulf of Mexico to San Diego. It won't be a big trench, although that could possibly serve as dumping grounds for toxic waste and oil spills. (Now don't go lecturing me about the Rio Grande and the millions of people who depend upon its waters). It won't be electrified chicken wire fences.

No, Mr. Trump, whom I distrust greatly, has already accomplished more before taking office, than spineless Obama in years. He is fulfilling one of his campaign promises, perhaps his most important one: bring jobs back to the United States.

The Wall he is building is economic. We know about the Carrier Corporation partial job rescue, loaded with tax relief. That was an out-and-out scam. We expected no less than that from Donald. (But we certainly would have gotten less from Killary).

But now, before even taking office amid whining by bogus president Obama (no hope, no change, no truth), Trump has used perhaps his best weapon, Twitter, to undo planned actions of job deportation by Ford and Toyota

As surely as Trump will fight TPP (even though cowardly Obama signed the agreement), he will renegotiate (or perhaps cancel) NAFTA.

The Mexican peso has tumbled twice, once each in response to both automaker decisions to not manufacture inside Mexico. This may have negative consequences of course, as does any upset of future extensions of the Status Quo (which logically makes no sense because the status quo means no change--but that's Washington double-speak).

So will the mass migration from Mexico to the U.S.A. increase because of less job opportunities in Mexico? Maybe yes. If that starts happening, then a real physical border, as well as an economic one will be erected.

Rumors are that milder but similar actions will be taken against Canada, at least regarding trade. Maybe Justin Trudeau is too much a one-worlder to suit Trump.

Trump is an interesting fellow. The establishment players had the opinion that Herr Drumpf would be as pliable as they wished. In this manner, the establishment fell into the same trap that Franz von Papen fell into when dealing with Hitler:

On 9 January 1933, Papen met with Hindenburg to tell him that he believed that Hitler was now willing to support a presidential government headed by himself


I am not comparing Trump to Hitler, despite many rantings from the so-called Left that he is such. That case has not yet been proven--nor disproven. The point is that self-promoting Papen in conjunction with the German elites with whom he was a member, thought he (they) could control Hitler.

Although Trump's proposed cabinet, laden with Goldman-Sachs veterans and other rich types, does not look good for the social fabric of our country, Trump is a maverick, so far proving to be his own man. Single-handedly he has pulled many Republicans from pro-TTP to anti-TPP. Look for more changes by a true change maker, many surely not to be unexpected but don't be surprised by policies your never thought were coming. Mr. Trump is a strong-willed man who listens to opinions of people he respects (rightly or wrongly) but, contrary to hysterical expectations, makes his own often unpredictable decisions.

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MsGrin's picture

What I believe he will be best at is helping the downtrodden to figure out how to come together to resist him.

In the mean time, if he does anything beneficial (so far, he made a big mark in reversing the ethics annihilation in Congress), I'll consider giving him credit (I think he and hundreds of thousands of phone calls made the difference). I do wonder if Goodlatte would have pulled that move had Clinton been about to be coronated - he's been all about all kinds of violations with her... we can only ponder how that would have been different. What I do feel certain is that she would have preferred that happen thoughout government it had he pulled that under her watch.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

The only thing I will give the guy credit for is knowing how to bully people to get what he wants. No bluffs in this guy.

I totally agree that he's done more before taking office than Obama did in 8 years. Obama will be erased and become a name on a list. His legacy will be "first black president". That's it.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Mexicans have the right idea I think, I'm in California and I vote for revolution! ¡Viva la Revolución! Imagine California workers and truckers joining in, that would rock the power structure pretty pretty good I'd say. Strikes spread in Mexico, thousands of police deployed to capital

Police made up to 600 arrests throughout Mexico yesterday as protests continued against President Enrique Pena Nieto’s cut to gas subsidies, known colloquially as the gasolinazo. One police officer was killed during confrontations in an impoverished neighborhood of Mexico City, and the mayor deployed 9,000 police to guard commercial centers throughout the city.

Yesterday also saw indications that localized protests by workers may be developing into a broader strike movement. Fourteen thousand bus, truck and taxi drivers in the oil-producing state of Veracruz announced a statewide strike of indefinite length, with many leaving their trucks, cabs, and buses parked on the street.

Workers in Veracruz, located on the Atlantic coast, joined transportation workers in the city of Guadalajara, less than 100 miles from the Pacific, who also struck yesterday, though initial reports show the strike as only partial. Truck drivers and demonstrators continued to block several key highways and tollbooths linking major inland Mexican cities.

Peace & Solidarity

The protests in Mexico have been blacked out by the corporate media in the US, despite the fact that millions of Mexican citizens currently reside north of the border. As of Thursday afternoon, the online front pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, ABC, Fox, and CBS all failed to mention the demonstrations. This is not an oversight. The American ruling class fears that the development of a movement of the working class in Mexico will ignite a parallel struggle by workers of all nationalities in the United States.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Brexit, Germany, Standing Rock, Mexico. The list may continue to grow this year.

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The people are angry.
Wish I were wrong.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

Citizen Of Earth's picture

this week. It really delves into his Psyche. Highly recommended. Hint: He's got some Huge Daddy Issues. Hahaha.

He has a huge ego and desire to be seen as a winner, a success, a champion, the top dawg. In that regard. there is a small outside chance he will do some good things just to win adornment of the masses. But he is also a greedy MoFo. So lots of things he does will have the objective of making him rich. He already said he wants a piece of the action when this wall gets built.

His selection of Karl Icahn as a regulatory advisor was the most telling of all the sociopaths he picked for cabinet positions. He drained the swamp to fill it with toxic sludge.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.