This sword of Damocles now swings in two arcs: HRC and BHO

We all know Hillary is in deep doo-doo, and apparently wading deeper into the fecal stream she created for herself. So many essays, blogs, diaries, rants have been written about this, that citations to the numerous posts will not be given here. But if you like streaming news, check out the Young Turks for lots of information on Hillary's woes.

After reading several online essays about specifically which federal statutes HRC violated, which named precisely which code section violations occurred, it became obvious to me about one thing shockingly absent in the MSM (no shock there really) but also from the blogosphere. HRC and BHO must have corresponded by email at least once--you think? Being a college grad and good lawyer, surely Mr. Obama must be able to read the headers of emails. And as the person who has ultimate authority to classify, reclassify, or declassify any and all documents sent via governments channels, whether snail mail or email, he should have been--in fact must have been cognizant that HRC was violating federal law by communicating via non .gov accounts. So, as chief executive, he had the ultimate authority over everyone subordinate to him in the executive branch--including HRC.

Yet Obama had the audacity to say Hillary's email situation was perhaps "poor judgement" but acceptable.

With the FBI in full-court press (to use a basketball analogy) and the "interviews" with Clinton staffers imminent, it may not be long until this matter is litigated, providing AG Lynch has the integrity to pursue an indictment. IF the indictment leads to conviction of gross negligence (as a minimum likely outcome) or as severely as treasonous, then the issue becomes: IF Clinton knew and illegally used non-government email servers for any reason AND is convicted of same, then what happens with Obama's role in this? Does he seem to be an unaware sucker lulled into a false sense of secure communications by not observing that ALL communications, regardless of import, came to him via an unsecured and adjudicated illegal server?
Or does Obama not become a co-conspirator, attempting to evade full accountability in the same manner as Hillary?

These are interesting times. The Sword of Damocles, suspended on a wire, now swings above the heads of both HRC AND BHO.
The wire is slowly stretching.

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Steven D's picture

BHO threw her a lifeline.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

on Bush and Cheney? Oh wait, that was the last federal prosecutor we depended on to do his job.

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GreyWolf's picture

It seemed like Obama basically threw down the gauntlet on Fox today,
he was saying, 'if ya' gonna bring it ya' better bring it big - 'cause ya' got me to deal with too.'

Loretta Lynch is in a no-win situation and is getting pressure from both sides,
and she should appoint an independent prosecutor if/when the FBI files papers just to cover-her-own-ass.

Edit: I ran over and read jamess post, now am thinking Obama might be talking about just his dozen or so emails! There's classified, and then theirs classified.

That's his story and he's sticking to it. Maybe he's setting up his exit from the whole mess.
He understandably didn't pay attention to her email address a few times in eight years, and everything he said was innocuous, so after his few emails, she's on her own. There's classified, and then there's classified.

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There are a few emails that were not published because they are considered presidential papers.

But you know, even so, who would think that she used private email exclusively?

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Dhyerwolf's picture

Obama probably didn't have the time to really peruse over emails in depth. I wouldn't be surprised if someone checked his emails and brought him the information that they thought he needed to know.

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sensetolisten's picture

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman