Open Sesame 09/19/15

From a 1986 exchange between Bob Dylan and a Mister Jones:

Mister Jones: I was looking through your lyrics. There aren't very many political songs in there.

Bob Dylan: I don't know which of my songs was ever political.

MJ: "Masters Of War" is.

BD: I don't know if even "Masters of War" is a political song. Politics of what? If there is such a thing as politics, what is it politics of? Is it spiritual politics? Automotive politics? Governmental politics? What kind of politics? Where does this word come from, politics? Is this a Greek word, or what? What does it actually mean? Everybody uses it all the time. I don't know what the fuck it means. Left, right, rebel. Some people are rebels. Let's see. Afghanistan are rebels, but they're OK. Nicaragua's got rebels and they're OK. Their rebels are all right. But in El Salvador the rebels are the bad guys. If you listen to that stuff you go crazy. You don't even know who you are any more.

MJ: We all have our favorite rebels I guess.

BD: Yeah! That must be it!

MJ: Who do you admire?

BD: Who is there to admire now? Some world leader? Who? I could probably think of many people actually that I admire. There's a guy who works in a gas station in LA—old guy. I truly admire that guy.

MJ: What's he done?

BD: What's he done? He helped me fix my carburetor once.


So some 72 hours or so ago I don't think I had ever even heard of "microbeads." Now I have to know that eight trillion of the things are flowing into US waterways every day; they are tiny, they are plastic, they are immortal, and, once turned loose, they can't be stopped.

[A] team of researchers says the best way to protect water quality and wildlife is an outright ban on the common use of plastic microbeads.

The tiny pellets are used in everyday cosmetic and cleaning products and end up being flushed down drains. Since they’re not captured by wastewater treatment plants, they end up in the environment, either directly in the water or in the sludge from sewage treatment facilities that’s then spread on land.


"We're facing a plastics crisis and don’t even know it," said Stephanie Green, co-author of the report.

"Part of this problem can now start with brushing your teeth in the morning," she said. "Contaminants like these microbeads are not something our wastewater treatment plants were built to handle, and the overall amount of contamination is huge. The microbeads are very durable."

Why is there plastic? Doesn't it come from petroleum, or from natural gas, which is sort of the farts of petroleum? Wasn't the planet supposed to be out of that malarkey by now? Humans having happily moved on to Sane and Sensible alternatives? But no. They just keep sucking it up out of the ground. Here; there; everywhere. There seems no end to it. Coming up and out, to transform everybody, all over the earth, into a Beverly Hillbilly.


When I was a very young journalist I traveled one bitterly cold night out to some farmer's field where Science Men intended to create an earthquake.

There had recently rumbled through the area a pretty impressive earth-shaker, and according to the Science Men, there was No Reason for this. They had detected no fault lines, or any other such earthquake-indicator. So they decided to make their own earthquake, so they could Study it, and then maybe they would Know.

I knew why there had been the earthquake. Because the humans had just finished backing up a shit-ton of water against a new dam. The earth just wasn't used to such a weight, there. So, it groaned. But the Science Men didn't want to listen to this (though, many years later, this was indeed accepted as The Reason). Oh no. They preferred to go bomb a field.

So they drilled a big cylindrical hole hundreds of feet deep in the farmer's field, and then heaved some sort of explosives down there. Then they fitted a cap of some kind over the hole. The cap was supposed to contain the explosion within the drilled tube; thereby, the Big Boom would create an earthquake. The Science Men had Measuring Machines which, when the earthquake arrived, would Tell them Something.

Like a good young journalist, I arrived an hour before the bombs were due to go off. Only to become an ice mummy, as mysterious things kept going Wrong. It was like those old-time Apollo countdowns that started, and stopped, and started, and stopped, endlessly, in an eternal loop, until finally somebody important got impatient, said "fuck it," and pushed the button, and then the rocket blew up on the pad.

Just like then, the bombing in the farmer's field, it was delayed and delayed. Everyone became grumpy—it was the middle of the night, too cold to be anywhere near outside—everyone, that is, but the farmer. He was in the highest of spirits. For he had been Paid for allowing a hole to be drilled in his farm, and he was Proud to be doing something for Science. Also, he had what seemed to be a bottomless supply of whiskey. With which he dosed himself liberally, and often. He offered to share, and eventually pretty much everyone—even some of the Science Men—partook of his libations. It helped numb the cold. But did nothing to ease the eerie feeling that a form of unhealthy unsanity had been unloosed, what with these people standing around a field, in the wee hours of an icicle night, waiting for some lab-heads to set off an earthquake.

Finally the subterranean bombs were at last detonated. And the experiment proved—immediately—a massive failure. The cap was blown right off, and with such force that it disappeared deep into the night; no one had any idea where it had landed, or even if it had succeeded in going into orbit. The farmer was left with a deep gaping hole in his land, and the Machines of the Science Men did not have Measurements.

Dejected, the Science Men announced they were going home, and would send somebody out in a few days to plug up the hole. The farmer, formerly so sunny, now went mad with rage. He demanded the hole be sealed at once. Otherwise, he raved, his cows would stumble into the hole, in the fall they would break their legs, he wouldn't be able to get them out, they would all die, he would then go bankrupt, and he would be forced to go live on the docks of some city as a wharf rat.

He was making me nervous, with his roaring, and I wanted to light a cigarette, but I was afraid it would ignite the booze-cloud enveloping the farmer, and in the explosion we would all be Wounded.

At some point around this time, somebody—maybe the farmer, maybe me—suggested it had all been a Plot. That the Science Men had never been about making and measuring an earthquake at all. Instead, they were about drilling the big hole deliberately so the farmer's cows would fall into it. The dead cows would then be covered and compressed. Until, in the fullness of time, they devolved into petroleum. Or petroleum's farts, natural gas. Just as the dinosaurs and algae had. This particular team of Science Men, it was but one of hundreds of such teams, even then fanning out across the nation, with their balderdash and lies about earthquake-creation, when really they intended to suck mass quantities of farmer-cows into their numberless holes, there to become petroleum, so that Americans could continue to drive their cars, and the American government could continue to crank its tanks.

The thing was a complete fiasco, but it was fun to write about. A lot of people thought I made most of it up, but mostly I didn't.

A lot of people also think LAist makes up the stuff in "Overheard In LA." But I don't think so. It is too perfect. It is too exactly what people in Los Angeles say. So, even if it's invented, it's True.

"Overheard In LA" appears every now and again and records what Angelinos claim to have overheard other Angelinos saying. For your morning amusement, here are some recent overheard southland emissions.

"Meatballs really freak me out. I don't like sculpted meat."

"I'm on a Disney show, but I'm really more of a dramatic, classical actress."

"Where did you find your dog psychic?"
"Oh, he was recommended by my other dog's acupuncturist."

"You know the really skinny one who's had a lot of work done? She calls her dog 'Pimp Daddy'? Well her dog goes to the dog academy I'm trying to get my dog into."

"You know my yoga teacher who looks like Johnny Depp? He also does fire dancing."

"My friend is super-spiritual. She's had four UFO sightings."

"I was going to try LSD, but I had Bible study the next day."

"I want to do the rest of this year right. Fuck bitches, get money, and secure my faith in God."

"I've already got Uber for kids: it's called my ex-husband."

"He's a narcissist. And here's how I know—he's a musician."

"I don't think the pyramids are so great. If they were how come they're not replicated in today's architecture."

"The world is not more messed up than it was 20 years ago. Florida is just more visible."

"Jesus, how hard is it to rent a midget in L.A."

The "ist" people also offer sites dedicated to similarly doomed metropoli: Shanghai, New York, London, Chicago, Toronto, San Francisco, Washington DC. There used to be one covering Austin, but it is no longer available. Presumably because that city no longer exists.


I saw a headline this week that read "Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Planned For Weeks To Abandon Post."

And what's supposed to be wrong with that? That simply indicates that he grew a brain.

G.I Gurdjieff, when asked during WWI what soldiers might do if they were to become "awake," replied: "They would throw down their guns and go home to their familes."

That is what Bergdahl endeavored to do. He should be honored. Not tried. And all soldiers, the world over, should follow his example. Follow him into the light.

In 1973, while the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci was interviewing Mohammed Riza Pahlavi, shah of Iran, the following exchange took place:

Oriana Fallaci: If I were an Iranian instead of an Italian, and lived here and thought as I do and wrote as I do, I mean if I were to criticize you, would you throw me in jail?

Mohammed Riza Pahlavi: Probably. If what you thought and wrote went counter to our laws, you'd be put on trial.

OF: Really? And sentenced too?

MRF: I think so. Naturally.

Today we have Atena Farghadani, who responded to a proposed law that would restrict access to birth control, with a drawing depicting members of the Iranian government as monkeys and goats. For this she was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison. She, and her attorney, now face further charges, of "indecent conduct" and "illegitimate sexual relationship short of adultery." This is based on the fact that the two were observed shaking hands.

The humans seem to have invented a new sport. I have no idea what it's about, but here's what it looks like.

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Whatever it is, it certainly looks safer than handegg*, and so I am in favor of it replacing that mayhem, and at once.

(*Handegg is a term—I believe created by the French through the English—that more properly refers to the sport that in the United States is known as "football." Elsewhere in the world, "football" is what people in the US know as "soccer." That sport overseen internationally by Seep Bladder, whom everyone in a tube was totally exercised over some months back, but who now has been pretty much totally forgotten. Anyway, the creators of the "handegg" moniker observed, quite rightly, that the "ball," in American "football," is not shaped like a "ball" at all, but more resembles an egg. Furthermore, while the foot is indeed employed in American "football," for "kickoffs," "punts," "field goals," and "extra points," these events occur relatively rarely; most often, the egg is passed from hand to hand, either directly, or through the air. I have been won over by the Logic and Wisdom of these people, and therefore, throughout the remainder of this piece, US "football" shall be referred to exclusively as handegg.)

Handegg totally has to go now that 87 out of 91 former US handegg players tested positive for chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which renders a person even more absent-minded, depressed, and demented than the hybrid farm animal Rick Perry. Handegg has long required its participants to repeatedly bruise and break various vital portions of their bodies; now it is incontrovertible that it additionally asks them to sacrifice their very brains.

Chris Borland, a handegg player for the San Francisco 49ers, earlier this year retired from the gladiator ring after but one year. "I just honestly want to do what's best for my health," he said. "From what I've researched and what I've experienced, I don't think it's worth the risk. For me, it's wanting to be proactive. I'm concerned that if you wait 'til you have symptoms, it's too late. I just thought to myself, 'What am I doing? Is this how I'm going to live my adult life, banging my head?'"

May all the other handegg players follow him. Into the light.

Like handegg, writing songs is hard on the head. Just in a different way.

Last fall Annie Lennox confessed that she really only wrote when she was unhappy—"a lot of musicians are sensitive souls and not always terribly happy and I do tend to swing a little bit like that; misery is a great catalyst for some very strong music but you don't really want to live there 24/7"—and more recently she has said songwriting for her is "in the past tense"; "the song," for her, as the Who once said, "is over."

Meanwhile, Gillian Welch—who has groused that "people would flat-out ask me, 'Don't you have any happy love songs?' Well, as a matter of fact, I don't. I've got songs about orphans and morphine addicts"—recently accepted a Nashville lifetime achievement award, for a life where "I don't start writing until I’m totally miserable."


Chrissie Hynde is officially a senior citizen now—she gets shit in the mail from AARP, unsolicited—and she is, sadly, exhibiting the senior moment of publicly grumping about the young'uns who today do what she once did. Yes, she is out there pruding, about young women making music who, to her, are the functional equivalent of "sex workers," in "selling their music by bumping and grinding and wearing their underwear in videos."

Maybe she has forgotten, but I haven't, that, back in her day, Hynde was condemned by no less a Moses than Bob Dylan, who, while deeply enmucked in a swamp of born-againness, bemoaned Hynde's on-stage lack of "modesty."

And Dylan, of course, and particularly back in his Blonde on Blonde androgynous amphetamine period, was denounced as some sort of weirdsmobile sex-unknown freak—spooking the horses, and shocking the children—by the likes of Rudy Vallee . . . who, in his time, was regarded as a shameless Sex Machine—"his screaming female fans went home happy if they had caught sight of his lips through the opening of the emblematic megaphone he often sang through"—who should be Dumped in a Dungeon.

And so it has always gone—beating on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past—all the way back into the mists of prehistory, wherein Confucius furiously thundered against the "licentious" music of Zheng . . . though he himself, once upon a youth, fronted a thrash-metal band in Zou, that nightly lubed up all the boys and girls, boys and girls who did, yearningly, lubriciously, bow down before him.


They say they dug up the last mine in Mozambique this week. I hope it's true.

When Portugal went out of the colonial business in 1975, death-eaters from all over the globe streamed into Mozambique to feed there on a civil war. As the people of Mozambique arrayed themselves into Thanatos alphabet outfits like RENAMO and FRELIMO, nations including Belgium, China, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, East Germany, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Rhodesia, Singapore, South Africa, the UK, the US, the USSR, and Yugoslavia, all fed on the carnage. As an example: not a single mine was produced in Mozambique itself. But all those countries listed above sold, or gave, hundreds of thousands of mines, to that country. A particular favorite was the M-72, from China, devoid of metal except for the firing pin, and thus very difficult to detect. It was estimated that it cost $1500, to clear each one of these $3 mines.

Evolved humans do not want to have mines. For mines are even more cowardly and craven and chickenshit than snipers or drones.

"You don't like mines."

"They're so . . . I can't even find the word for it."


"Yeah, that's the word. Or mind-fucking. A landmine is just as happy disabling you as killing you. Happier. When you see your pal blow up and come down screaming without a leg, you don't check for tripwires. You rush in and trip more mines and disable more men. You can't outrun it either."

But there are not evolved humans in the governments of China (Eastasia), Russia (Eurasia), and the United States (Oceania). Which is why all three nations refuse to sign the Ottawa Treaty, which would ban the use, stockpiling, production, and transfer (i.e., sales: big money here!) of mines.

Most of the mines in Mozambique were, in the end, cleared by civilian Mozambiquan women. You can read about them here.

I remember when Bob Dylan's Desire album (we had albums then) was released, and many "critics" barked and howled that Dylan had become some sort of deep-dish dullard dilettante, because, according to them, his song "Mozambique" referenced not at all the wars there. Which only proved that these Mister Joneses were as clueless as the winger Mr. Joneses who would later embrace to their bosoms Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA." They didn't get the song. And unlike the original Mister Jones, who was sad and pathetic enough, they no longer even knew something was happening. Here. There. Everywhere.


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gulfgal98's picture

I am sitting here on my own creaky bones (literally), trying to work up the courage to face another day of laying wood flooring, At our ages, both Mr. Handyman and I had a little trouble getting out of bed this morning after spending most of yesterday doing the same thing. It's weird that I can easily walk three or more miles at a very brisk pace and not think a thing about it. But this floor laying business has done a number on my back, hips, and quads. It reminds me just how old I have become. So I got a chance to read Open Sesame and have a chuckle or two about the absurdity of us humans before I face the absurdity of home improvements. As a Floridiot, I loved this one because it is so true. Your Californians have nothing on the Floridiots.

The world is not more messed up than it was 20 years ago. Florida is just more visible.

My respite from floor laying and getting ready for company this week will be starting back with the Peace vigil once again today. Since our numbers are now down to only three of us, we must have all of us physically able to do the vigil. Unfortunately, while I was out of town in July, one of the guys (who is 80) collapsed and had to go to the hospital due to the heat. So we decided not to hold the Peace vigils if the temperatures are above 80 degrees.

Meanwhile, I am still trying to work up a slight bit of enthusiasm for laying the floor. Thanks for the Open Sesame, hecate.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

very young sprouts would feel the flooring. They'd just pay no attention to it.

I really puzzled over that Florida remark. Does that person actually see Florida, from LA? Those would be quite some eyes. ; 0

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gulfgal98's picture

from outer space. Blum 3

No one showed at today's Peace vigil. Sad I need to email Don and find out what's up. I hope we start back soon.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Mozambique - shared it to my grandson's FB page. He spent a week there with UCL researchers. They were studying water and electricity usuage.

We have a rainy day. The plants appreciate it. Mr. and I are planning lunch and a trip to the pot store to sign a petition to get legal pot on the ballot in Michigan. Our legislators and Governors are truly right wing idiots. Can't fill our pot holes or fund our schools, but they have the time and money to investigate Planned Parenthood. Thanks Obama.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

with the rainy day. We had one of those recently. Washed the skies of the smoke. Hope you have a fine high time at the pot store. ; )

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On the bright side, you don't get snow and ice. Never been to a pot store before.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

are no big fires near here; just the smoke. Each year snow and ice do arrive, but just a taste. Not a full-time gig, like there in Michigan.

I look forward to the pot-store report.

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mimi's picture

quite awesome OT, not even a big burden on my brain this time around. In my imagination I wondered who you could be in real life and some comedians came to my mind that were just bubbling up thoughts and jokes and truths in overdrive mode. But then those comedians I was thinking of are already dead. Now I am lost. Any case. Your OTs are quite an asset to have here for our reading pleasure.

Now my daily rant:

Ok, I am too stupid to find out how I can upgrade my billing info for my microsoft hotmail account. They say they send me a code, but I never got one. I hate it. I have tons of emails in my account I can't lose. I would stop using hotmail in a minute, if I could just use another service and be sure I get a service where I just can talk to the person to explain to my why the fuck I can't do what they ask me to do and then they don't do what they promised they would do. Suckers.

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hecate's picture

you connect with Microsoft, you are in contact with demons entombed in Hell. I know this, because I am a dead comedian. Fortunately for me, I occupy the Apple wing. ; )

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mimi's picture

from the Apple tombs, we will need real Occupy Movements to cut those dragon's heads off...

I unleash now my ruthlessness on my hedge. Even those branches fight back at me.

Have to admit I love your head working so well... Smile

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Abu Omar al-Shishani, the red-bearded face of ISIS terror lately described in such headlines as ‘Star pupil’: Pied piper of ISIS recruits was trained by U.S. for the fact that he received American military training as part of an elite Georgian army unit in 2006 and after, did not stop playing for “team America” once he left his home country in the Caucuses. He actually enjoyed US backing and American taxpayer largesse as late as 2013, soon after entering Syria with his band of Chechen jihadists.
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gulfgal98's picture

of US policy. We must train these "vetted moderates" so that we can continue the stream of "terrorists" against who we must launch more and more wars.

Meanwhile, we must cut SNAP, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and any other social safety net programs because we do not have the money. Dash 1

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

do it. Your writing is fascinating. It must take a lot of your time to produce such excellent work.

Thank you!

BTW, I may have an update on the Nelle (Harper) Lee saga before the winter is out. Her 'counsel' has taken steps to stop the little Alabama town from holding its annual Spring "Mockingbird" plays, by buying the rights to them (which I take it the town had for about 23 years). I truly don't believe that any of this would be happening, if Alice Lee were still alive. Truly a tragedy.


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

hecate's picture

look forward to anything you have to share on the Nelle front.

Most of the composition takes place before I sit down at the computer. (Though once there, it's interesting to see what else arrives.) One of the reasons I gave up office work, many years ago, was because most bosses, and many coworkers, could not grasp that when I was staring out the window, lying on the couch, taking a smoke break, driving around in the car, eating lunch, walking around aimlessly, recycling in the john, I was actually working. In my head.

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enhydra lutris's picture

FWIW, I did something on microbeads at the GOS a while back. It was sort of an information item + action item type of thing. At that time, iirc, CA was against doing anything. Now they've kind of done a deferred something, if it gets signed. I was thinking of doing another article there keyed off a recent Christiann Science Monitor article.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

is the first I had heard of microbeads. They do not seem like a good idea.

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The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.

The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead withthe trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition.

That didn’t only include the “non-lethal assistance” boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of “arms on a massive scale”. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a “rat line” of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime.

Clearly, the absurdity of sending someone to prison for doing what ministers and their security officials were up to themselves became too much. But it’s only the latest of a string of such cases.

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enhydra lutris's picture

Turkey, Egypt and the Saudis, who have we not armed, supplied and assisted? All I can think is the legitimate governments we have worked to destabilize and the regimes we have tried to chnge.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

MarilynW's picture

What would we do without it? My granddaughter is studying plastic engineering for medicine. So here I am saying "leave it in the ground" - it meaning petroleum, the source of the product she is working on.

But I believe we have enough petroleum already extracted that could be used as a source for "good" plastics for a long time. We just have to stop spewing petroleum in the air and on the ground and in the ocean. We also need to control our plastic waste. I don't know how successful plastic recycling is but it seems like a step towards control.

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To thine own self be true.


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JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon says it’s OK that chief executives get paid way more than their average employees — and that cutting down on executive compensation wouldn’t help eliminate income inequality.

“It is true that income inequality has kind of gotten worse,” Dimon said, but “you can take the compensation of every CEO in America and make it zero and it wouldn’t put a dent into it. What really matters is growth.”

As for the middle class, Dimon reportedly said Thursday: “It’s not right to say we’re worse off … If you go back 20 years ago, cars were worse, the air was worse. People didn’t have iPhones.”

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hecate's picture

that "people didn't have iPhones," that is the real measure of progress. Like, before Angry Birds, the earth was a wasteland, where humans led wholly hollow lives, just sitting around picking fleas off one another.

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I wanna know the details

Incredibly, the Defense Department has a response if zombies attacked and the armed forces had to eradicate flesh-eating walkers in order to "preserve the sanctity of human life" among all the "non-zombie humans."

Buried on the military’s secret computer network is an unclassified document, obtained by Foreign Policy, called "CONOP 8888." It’s a zombie survival plan, a how-to guide for military planners trying to isolate the threat from a menu of the undead — from chicken zombies to vegetarian zombies and even "evil magic zombies" — and destroy them.

"This plan fulfills fictional contingency planning guidance tasking for U.S. Strategic Command to develop a comprehensive [plan] to undertake military operations to preserve ‘non-zombie’ humans from the threats posed by a zombie horde," CONOP 8888’s plan summary reads. "Because zombies pose a threat to all non-zombie human life, [Strategic Command] will be prepared to preserve the sanctity of human life and conduct operations in support of any human population — including traditional adversaries."

CONOP 8888, otherwise known as "Counter-Zombie Dominance" and dated April 30, 2011, is no laughing matter, and yet of course it is. As its authors note in the document’s "disclaimer section," "this plan was not actually designed as a joke."

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hecate's picture

there are also detailed Pentagon plans for Protecting the People from vampires, werewolves, mummys, and munchkins.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am shaking my head thinking this is what my tax dollars are going for?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

there must be Plans to protect the Americans from giant radioactive ants. No expense shall be spared.


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