One should not speak

when one can nod or when one can wink.

AOC the Boyfriend...

Maybe one should learn the job in their first month of employment and muffle one's staff?

Oh what the hell.

A PAC Run By AOC’s Chief Of Staff Hired Her Boyfriend As A Marketing Consultant

There was a pitched battle on Twitter last week after a conservative political researcher named Luke Thompson posted a screenshot showing that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ boyfriend, Riley Roberts, had been given his own House email address and was listed as “Staff.” Under House rules, spouses of congresspeople can be given House email addresses if they volunteer in their spouses office, but as far as anyone knows Riley Roberts is not AOC’s spouse, just her boyfriend. Thompson was also rebuked by AOC:

Why would Chakrabarti (AOC Chief of Staff), a founding engineer at Stripe and a wealthy veteran of Silicon Valley, be hiring a no-name “UX Experience” guy with little discernible marketing experience to serve as Brand New Congress PAC’s sole marketing consultant?

Well, there's a ?.

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Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, put on a show. A musical show, to be specific. It was a certain thing called The Boyfriend.


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Wink's picture

sounds like the scandal of the century. {smh}

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