Negligence Is Gross
When we neglect a 'reasonable limit' on how much we imbibe ... well the result can be ... in a word "Gross" ...
When we neglect a 'reasonable practice' of daily dental care ... well it can result in the exact opposite of this ...
And when we neglect the 'implied intent' of actions taken to hide all correspondences from routine public scrutiny ... well the result can be ... Divisive to say the least ...
[...] if you watched Jim Comey’s press conference, you will see quite a disconnect between the 10 minutes of discussion of fact and the recommendation. What Jim Comey set up was a violation of federal law that prohibits the misuse or mishandling of classified information through gross negligence, and he himself said…
JUDY WOODRUFF, PBS News Hour: You’re saying he made that case of gross negligence?
SHANNEN COFFIN: He made that case, and he himself said that this was extreme negligence, extreme recklessness in handling this information. That is exactly what federal law prohibits and criminalizes as a felony.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, to you now, Stephen Vladeck. If that’s what the federal law prohibits, if it’s just — or if the standard is extreme negligence, why wasn’t that enough?
STEPHEN VLADECK, University of Texas School of Law: Well, I think the problem is that Shannen is leaving out the rest of that same statute, which doesn’t just say it’s a crime for an official like Secretary Clinton to exercise gross negligence in the handling of classified information.
It’s actually much more specific. That gross negligence must somehow lead to the loss of classified information, basically the same thing as if a courier left a briefcase full of classified documents in a public place. That’s not what happened here.
And so we may very well think that what Hillary did should be illegal. The problem is, is that the law we’re talking about, Judy, is 99 years old and was not written to address this situation.
JUDY WOODRUFF: But your point is that what happened here didn’t result in the loss of classified information?
STEPHEN VLADECK: Well, at the very least, we didn’t hear anything to that effect from Director Comey. [...]
So just cancel out the intended "obfuscating" gross result, because the "worst case result" did not apparently happen ... as far as we know {about who hacked whom}?
No problem. Case over. DO not pass Go, DO collect 200 million dollars.
Reboot {of the public's short-term memory banks} ... now in progress.
Nothing to see here people, now move along ... And don't forget to "get in the f'n line" ... {that starts with a 'D'.}
Did Hillary Clinton intend to jeopardize national security? No. Did she mean to hurt anyone? No. But did her actions in disregarding federal rules constitute gross negligence? Yes. She knew that she broke the rules, and released e-mails proved that she knew her actions were considered dangerous by government IT officials. By not reverting to the government e-mail system after receiving warnings from IT, Hillary Clinton engaged in gross negligence. She either considered the warnings irrelevant and inconsequential, or she did not want to risk getting in trouble by alerting others that she had been using a private e-mail system up to that point. So, she kept doing what she was doing!That, ladies and gentlemen, is criminal negligence.
While I doubt there is need for a trial, I believe that Hillary Clinton's criminal negligence should result in at least a misdemeanor charge. There needs to be a precedent set. She should receive a criminal charge, for which she will immediately plead out to a fine, and be encouraged to withdraw her bid for president. This is the minimum acceptable result.
AND when we neglect to demand the 'minimum acceptable result' when our celebrated officials blatantly disregard the 'clear intent' of the Law ... well the result can be, in one disturbing image ...
"Fore-ordained" by the Powers That Be.
That, my friends, should be the very definition gross civil negligence ... and "the standard" for self-recusal, by any truly 'public-minded' civil servants.
But Nope, the Clinton-Coronation-Reboot continues ... right on schedule -- with a grand assist from some News-stomping, very gross, real-world events.
Memory-banks, near wiped-cleaned now {give it another week} ... No grimy cloth required.
Tips for demanding more
from our self-appointed,
"public" officials.
Apropos of nothing, in my inbox is Daily Kos Recommended
OMG, why would I want to click on the following SPONSORED post?
Sign the petition: We have to stand together with the DLCC and fight back against right-wing voter suppression laws. sponsored
And here's the one they put in the subject line, presumably as click-bait:
"Bernie Sanders, what the hell have you done for us lately?"
Thankfully, it does actually appear to be a list of things Bernie has done for We The People.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Daily What?
you mean that other place,
where the minions willingly "reboots their brains"
on the harsh demands of their neo-catering
leadersthought monitors?
Daily DLCC, or so they seem to represent
I wonder if Brock has made a formal bid for the site... maybe they just hope he will.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Why should Brock bid for the site?
Why should Brock bid for the site? He's already got all the benefits of ownership with none of the costs or responsibilities! Why buy the cow when you can already get the milk for free?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yep... Minions with Rebooted Brains...
An "Alternate Universe" where logic is nowhere to be found...
It's like having a Stepford Wife...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you
filling up your inbox with emails for recced diaries from DKos when you can visit the site and see for yourself.
Daily Who?
Daily Who™?
What™, When™ and Why™?
I just got polled!!! Cue musical notes
University of Pennsylvania. Blah, blah questions about my awareness of Zika virus (I spent time in virology). Therefore aware and unafraid, but I bought mosquito spray I have yet to use.
Then on to the election: Bernie was not mentioned. DOA, for U PA. I got to say for Stein (edge closer to 15%!!!) and for the very first time state that I am independent. I smiled when I said that. I am trying to help us, friends.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good for you for giving a callout to Jill.
I'd love to see 4-way presidential debates: Stein, Clinton, Trump, and Johnson.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
What happens if Trump or Hillary don't get 15% in the polls?
Would be cool to see only Stein and Johnson in the debates.
Beware the bullshit factories.
There is so much wrong...
Without reciting everything that's been recited a 1,000x, I don't know what to say. If she becomes the President, it will destroy all pretense of a democracy in this country. She belongs in jail for 1000 reasons, not in the WH.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No, much worse
No what happened was the Secretary of State left a whole lot more than just a briefcase full of classified documents in essentially a public place for the competent hackers of the World.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Kinda ensures that anyone
Kinda ensures that anyone finding it will be specifically looking for State Dept./Hillary-related information and be less likely to leave a briefcase full of 'worthless papers' lying where left. Or turn it in to the Lost and Found.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It's more like putting on every screen in the world
a pop-up button saying "Click here."
And once you click, dozens of briefcases of secret documents get made available to you.
No password. No VPN?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
For those who have seen Food Network
another prime example of what we are now taught
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It doesn't help nt
Beware the bullshit factories.
"That gross negligence must somehow lead to the loss of classified information, basically the same thing as if a courier left a briefcase full of classified documents in a public place. That’s not what happened here".
Even imbibing too much this logic alone does not fly. Must be fly shit.
Leave top secret documents unattended, gross negligence. Leave the football alone for a second and see what happens to that fool.
These could be copied, but that is Spy School 101. As soon as she used an unsecured server she lost them. She could not say who or how many received that information.
So, if it was demonstrated that Clinton's negligent . . .
behavior resulted in the loss of classified information, then the FBI would re-open the case and prosecute?
I don't think the lawyer's distinction in the PBS segment really matters. If a federal employee was caught leaving classified information "around" -- even without evidence that some unauthorized third party looked at the material -- my sense is that it would result, at a minimum, in a lose of access to classified material and their job.
The Nishimura case -- the Naval Reservist who was caught with classified material on personal devices without authorization -- is almost identical in the particulars to the Clinton case. However, unlike the Clinton case, it involved a much smaller batch of communications. The Sandy Berger case had some similarities too, although, once again, nothing on the scale of the Clinton case.
Hi Jamess. Do you mind if I duplicate this comment here.
You may be able to take this ball and run with it. I"m concerned that we've become so "fixated on the email target" that we are missing the bigger picture of the implications of HRC lying to the American people and Democratic voters to win the primaries on a fraudulent basis.
If Cllinton lied to Democratic voters she must be replaced
In Atlantic City Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump for taking "destructive risks with other people's money" and for denying American voters an "informed choice." what a poignenty unfortunate themes she chooses to highlight the day after FBI Director Comey's report that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she first said, "I never received, nor sent any classified information" from her private account. We already knew from the scathing IG report that she lied when she assured Democratic voters and delegates that her illicit basement server was authorized by the State Department.
Her Democratic primary victories were based on deliberately fraudulent representations which have besmirched her character, and damaged her already low "trustibility," even more than the poor judgment she displayed when she decided to take such reckless risks with our national security for selfish reason in the first place.
A besmirchment reminiscent of John Edwards' willingness to gamble the Democratic Party's election chances and the well being of the United States in order to pursue his obsession with becoming president despite the disqualifying affair he was hiding while his wife was dying of cancer. Democrats were outraged, most especially, those of us who were his supporters. Both were willing to take "destructive risks" with the Democratic Party's election chances in order to selfishly pursue their own obsessions with becoming president based on equally delusional presumptions that they would not get caught. Clintons' destructive gamble was worse as she also has jeapordized our national security. John Edwards immediately withdrew in shame once his deception was discovered, Hillary Clinton, however, appears intent on trying to bulldoze her way to a Democratic Party "lock-in" and has shown little sign of remorse.
Is this implausible denial of reality not a continuation of the same judgement order she continues to fall victim to? The Democratic Party convention delegates must not endorse these shameful and reckless choices. Unlike the Republicans who appear to be stuck with Donald Trump, the Democratic Party rules apparently contain an exception that allows even pledged delegates to change their vote in the event of a major issue of conscience. This is such an issue.
If she does not withdraw within the few weeks she will put the Super Delegates and even her own pledged delegates, in the awkward position of having to replace her or knowingly endorse this deception which will be a disaster for their own reputations, the Democratic Party, and our Nation.
What kind of a person would do this? Knowingly lying to her own supporters, voters, and delegates telling us we have nothing to worry about, when she has known all along what she has done. We see two independent disqualifying issues - her character, and her judgement. The Democratic leadership needs to start a call for her to withdraw before the convention or be replaced.
If she withdraws now, she still may be able to do so retaining some few shreds of grace and legacy. If, on the other hand, she chooses to try to bulldoze through with the apparent strategy of getting "locked-in" at the Democratic convention, we know the Republican drumbeat for her prosecution or impeachment will escalate and expand to include influence peddling and public corruption at the Clinton Foundation. She will eventually go down like Richard Nixon, in complete disgrace and breaking the hearts of young women and girls everywhere for whom she is a hero.